Garfield: if you can locate one at a dealer that has the latest firmware revision, that's the one to check out. Plenty of neat surprises in there...
Garfield: if you can locate one at a dealer that has the latest firmware revision, that's the one to check out. Plenty of neat surprises in there...
@mowse, that's just about all the endorsement I need, I like Make Noise's presentation and just their modules in general, really nice stuff.
@Lugia, I hear you, but for one reason or another (probably stemming from my love of the Serge ResEq) I just wanted an RES-4... sometimes we're not rational lol
@GarfieldModular, glad you enjoyed it, and thank for your listening as always, you'll have to tell me where you're going on these hyperspace journeys one day, sounds like quite the trip! Glad to hear you appreciated the interruptions too, they were actually accidents and kind of annoying at the time, but maybe I'll have to do that more often 🤔🤣
my tunes:
Hi Sacguy71,
Yes, the Eloquencer, Hermod, Metropolis, Metron or the Five12 Vector are all indeed very interesting candidates. Not sure if this is important to you, however you might want to consider checking if running mode (as in running beside forwards, also backwards, ping-pong, random, etcetera) can be changed? If yes, some might disappoint (Metron does that to me a bit) because they only can run forwards (like those Elektrons).
Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Lugia,
Thank you very much for the detailed review on the Argon8, its pros. That gives me to think... I might give it a second test to see and check what you mean, giving it a second chance. I only need to get an opportunity to get to my local dealer, now with the virus stuff going on, I need to see if that's for this year still doable.
Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Steve,
Wow-hooooo-ho-ho-hooooo! That's a nice lengthy stretching track :-) Beautifully done and very enjoyable to listen at plus this hyper-spaced me even further from home than you usually do ;-)
And then, when I thought, that's it, it's not that's it, you are daring to interrupt very shortly and then continue with this nice drone sound, hoh! Yes! Nice!
Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Gabor,
Oh wow! That's a nice track, I love your "industrial" sounds in it, makes it something special to me. Bit of a Kreidler touch of sound too :-)
Yes, nicely done, I wouldn't mind to hear more of something similar like this. Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Yeah, I agree. But you're NOT the Internet Police. If there's a dispute with a user here over a transaction from the forum, take that to the MODERATORS. That's why they're here.
Yep...that statement has everything to do with the pricing on the Cwejman stuff. If I'm going to drop $800-ish on a Eurorack filter, it needs to do EVERYTHING...up to and potentially including making coffee and kissing me in the morning. These are prices that I would associate with the expensive end of the West Coast, like Buchla, original Serge, etc. Not Eurorack.
Sure, there ARE some Eurorack modules that cost piles 'n' piles, but they're usually things like the Sinfonion, which are super-complex and pretty unique. But the RES-4 is so akin to the Jurgen Haible resonator...which tends to go for a lot less when you find it...that I think that dropping that much is a mistake. It's sort of like buying a Rolls-Royce: sure, it's expensive...but just like any other car, its value drops by 1/3rd when those tires hit the street for the first time.
Still a smart addition. Even without a sequencer to pair the switch with, there's loads of possible uses for a 4 x 1 steppable switch in this. Bouncing between Kermit outputs, f'rinstance...
The Argon8? Lots of things...
1) Form factor. This thing's only about the general size of a Roland SH-101, but it's way more potent. Makes it a live MUST.
2) The rev.2 firmware. There's a few interesting surprises in there that really let you dive into the wavetable architecture, and more besides. Still exploring that...
3) Not as gimmicky. One screen for the UI, which is ultimately less distracting. Of course, this means that you lose the ribbon and the poly aftertouch, but I already have a fine old CS-80 for satisfying that itch. Or there's also the CME Xkey25 here, which is part of my multitrack DAW rig. And it's worth noting that the Hydrasynth's poly aftertouch feel was rather different from the CS-80, which I consider the "gold standard" for that, and that was offputting.
4) Modal apparently doesn't have total a-holes working as their regional reps. Also, requests for information from Modal don't result in "thank you for interesting in our suplime product of musical"-type form emails which convey less than zero info, which then necessitate further inquiries that wind up triggering one of the aforementioned a-holes.
5) I actually feel like the Modal does a better job at being closer to a pure wavetable machine than the Hydrasynth, and some of that is clearly due to a smarter UI. It's simple...just like the good ol' PPG Wave 2.3 I had was, and makes a nice complement to the Sledge 2.0, which is also VERY PPGish but...different.
And the clincher...6) It can take a dive to the floor from about 3 1/2 feet up and not only still work, but look as if nothing happened to it at all. Had a bit of an accident while reconfiguring the Jaspers vs Ultimate frankenstand, didn't faze the Argon8 one bit! To say the least, I'm impressed.
The Argon8 does require a good bit of getting used to, true. But so does the Hydrasynth. I'd just prefer to vote with my money as to what I'm willing to put up with out of a manufacturer, and Modal gets that.
Do WE need to hear this? This appears to be an issue between you and someone you dealt with, and nothing beyond that. Leave the rest of us OUT of this!
Vector or Eloquencer maybe Hermod or Metropolis for melodic stuff and WMD Metron for percussion/bass is what I would do at this point in time. I am waiting for the stores to get Metron back in stock as well as Doepfer monster base cases. Maybe for XMAS it will happen for me. For now, both my 6u racks are full of gear to use and learn.
Ah, ok. If price point is the thing then I totally get that.
Let me tell you, I -love- QPAS. I know some don't dig how Make Noise does presentation layer. I do dig it. This filter is just so much fun to ping, play, and patch. I like how the filter handles resonance. Knobs and layout are very comfortable. Downside? It's big. I don't mind. To me, it just plays and sounds so good.
So my second rack of 6U is almost complete and I took advantage of Halloween sales to add a clock, sequential switch, delay/reverb FX module with Mimeophon, and two fun sound modules. Here is what I have planned:
As you can see it is not perfect and I use external sequencers and plan for a larger third case in the future to add a larger sequencer, matrix mixer and more logic and support modules. But I think that with Kinks/Links, Hex VCA with attenuators/inverters and the Doepfer Sequential switch and Pamela New Workout for clocking, I have most things covered for a smaller setup.
Hi JimHowell1970,
Thanks a lot for your notes and your first impression and experience with the Fader Step. Of course with such a difference (Euro 600 versus Euro 120) one can't expect same functionality. I will keep this in mind.
May we hope for a nice track these days/weeks with your Fader Step to hear/see it? :-)
Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Lugia,
Of course, I go to test it (B 2600) at my local dealer first as well before buying it (if buying it).
You are totally right about testing it at your local dealer first. When I heard about ASM Hydrasynth I was wildly enthusiastic but when I finally tested it at my dealer, it wasn't that fantastic as I hoped for, hence I didn't bought it.
I must say, I had similar experience with the Argon 8, after testing it, I wasn't really impressed to be honest, even less impressed than I was about the ASM... I felt both disappointed me quite a bit. Let me see if I can find my test notes about Argon 8...
Yeah, I checked, generally not impressed by the building quality and user interface quality. The knobs I felt were too loose and the keyboard quality didn't impressed me either. Overall for that money I didn't feel it was worth it. I found one positive regarding the Argon8 though and that was the usage of the joystick, I liked to use the joystick of the Argon8. However for the overall value I decided it's not worth it for me to buy it.
But looks like you were pretty happy with it? What where the qualities that convinced you about the Argon8 that I perhaps overlooked?
Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
I agree with Ftpyd, I think it should be at least like eBay, only buyer can put negative. Because this way the sellers will try to be good and respect the marketplace, not scamming here. if they do it quickly becomes obvious. Retaliatory feedback is no good, also if you avoid leaving negative because don't want a retaliation it doesn't work all the time. It is 98% of time the buyer that gets screwed so they should have the right for negative or no feedback, plus a short feedback description is good idea too.
Exactly I got the same doubt if the user rating really works got the same
Bought a broken module and the person who sold me give me dump down to me HahahahI don’t think it’s good system maybe better a written feedback like discogs it’s better
I traded a module with him and it went OK, however he left a bad rating without ever telling me why which makes me doubt how great the new user rating is. I asked him why he rated like that earlier today, no response. I checked my old tracking, he must have gotten the module fine, weeks ago.
User men_chine is a crook!
This is a warning to alert fellow wigglers about this person.
I paid for a module last month (PP f/f) and then he/she/it disappeared. men_chine is still active on Modulargrid, updates rack layouts etc and the ad is still up for that same module.-- vytis
-- doomglue
-- Ftpyd
Thanks @mog00, lots of good tunes on the board lately.
my tunes:
The problem is and has always been the amount of the refund : we agreed on 400 because of the pack, Paypal fee being your business, it has been clearly stated.
Talking about being correct, i do not think making false statements about the Optomix during PP dispute is correct.
just ordered theAI Synthesis matrix mixer today
Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me
BTW, how do you like the QPAS @mowse? I've been eying one for awhile and hearing great things.
my tunes:
and this is where you really shoot yourself in the foot
he did accept the return, but just not for 230€, WHY?
because you didn't pay 230€ for the Maths!!!!
you paid 400€ (and he received 397€) for a Maths and an Optomix and postage and packing and paypal fees
take off the postage and packaging, 12€ - he gets 385€, take off the Optomix at 180€, he gets 205€ for the Maths - seems reasonable - I would offer you the same deal - you only paid 205€ for the Maths, not 230€
go try this at a shop: buy a two for one offer on something and then try to get a refund on one of the items - I'm sure they will gladly take it back off you - but I would be really surprised if they give you any money
same with shops where they offer 2nd item 1/2 price - the price is the most expensive plus half the price of the cheapest - not the cheapest plus half the price of the more expensive item - but if you then take the more expensive item back they will want you to pay full price for the cheaper item
It really does not look like pibou is at fault here at all
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
Thanks @mowse! And agreed, Clouds + Mimeophon is a nice combo. As to the "reference only" point I took it to mean "these (meaning Cwejman modules in general) are way too expensive unless you have a specific need," but the RES-4 is a really unique module, so I figured it was worth it.
my tunes:
Outstanding! Really great results.
I do the same with Clouds, often placing it before Mimeophon and stripping out some of the "goo." Often, I modulate Clouds 'texture' to create spikes sent over the Mimeophon. Sometimes, I place QPAS between them to further strip out unwanted elements. I don't own rings, but the RES-4 has intrigued me for a while. I'd like to better understand @Lugia's thoughts on reference only since that's something I understand only at a surface level.
Well, it's certainly an unfortunate situation. Wishing you both the best.
Inscrumental music for prickly pears.
I have no dog in this fight, but this right here would seem to cook your goose:
Hi the package has arrived. Everything works. Thank you!
PS: Did you sell the Make Noise Erbe-Verb?"
@kaskonauta left a positive feedback on my account.
Inscrumental music for prickly pears.
@farkas it's kind of weird but I think I enjoy Clouds most before or after another delay, to help remove the "This is a delay!" sound that I can't help but notice a lot of the time when there's just one of them. Clouds' smeariness on its own doesn't do it for me, but in layers it can turn into some pretty interesting results.
my tunes:
Yeah, I have never really connected with Clouds. I've heard other people do cool things with it, but I can't seem to get a satisfying result. I do love Rings though.
Given the prominence of those two I'll take that as a compliment lol. Rings really is a great module, Clouds I kind of go up and down on, sometimes I love it but it's a persnickety little guy. The A-118-2 helps a lot in getting interesting results in particular, but I'd like to throw a Wogglebug at Clouds too.
One funny note on this rack if you look, there aren't actually any VCAs, I came today to upset all the conventions of modular!!
my tunes:
@kaskonauta wanted to buy a Maths 2013 from me (230 euros w/o shipping and PP fee)
He later offered to buy along the Maths an Optomix V2 (180 euros w/o shipping and PP fee)
I proposed a price for the package : 400 euros including shipping (12 euros) but w/o PP fee. Turned out 397 at last (minus shipping). The parcel is sent. @kaskonauta also manifests an interest in my Erbe-Verb.
"Hi the package has arrived. Everything works. Thank you!
PS: Did you sell the Make Noise Erbe-Verb?"
@kaskonauta left a positive feedback on my account.
2 weeks later, "There is a problem with the mixer's center knob number 3 ... Why didn't you inform me?"
"I've never had this problem and would have told you (in fact, I would not have sell it at all) ...
You can try and have it cleaned up and i ll refund you . If you want to have it sent back to me, we can discuss about it, no problem ...
I think you will understand I will not make 25 euros off the Optomix alone (180) including shipping (12).
I received 397, so will refund you up to 205 once the module is back."
@kaskonauta does not agree on the price.
Paypal dispute (my first one) : @kaskonauta pretends the Optomix is also faulty.
@kaskonauta loses his dispute.
He now keeps flooding me with paypal payment requests or comments on my youtube channel.
The knob on Maths can be cracky (never witnessed that though), that's why i offered paying a cleanup or refunding.
@kaskonauta wanted to keep the discount price and refused both solutions.
As said previously, he lied during the Paypal dispute in order to obtain a full refund which was a bit too much for me and probably helped him lose the case. He later justified that : "I don't know if also the Make Noise Optomix is in fully working condition, because I don't trust you anymore."
Nice. That's probably the best use of Rings/Clouds I've heard. I have both and have never gotten anything remotely close to this. Haha.
patch details in the video description
I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.
@mowse I really like the DV. It is definitely going to stay in my Rack although i have many other Reverbs.
I think the DV is perfect for long Reverb Trails. And I really like how it sounds.
@klodifokan Oohhhh what should I say? Thank you so much!! That's incredible!
@troux Thank you!! There's more to come :-)
Maybe, when all things come together like i have planned I will release my First Digital EP at the Ende of the Year.
I planned 5 Tracks for the EP. Expect an EP full of Bittersweet, Sad Tracks :-)
I tend to always end in this kind of Soundscapes :-) But I think that's part of my Musical and Personal
Thank you @farkas! I'm leaning into Rings into Clouds here a bit which is rare for me, but after putting it through the RES-4 it has a kind of distinct feel. It's likely I'll try more experiments in this direction.
my tunes:
Hi GarfieldModular
Everything is working - haven't checked all the cv inputs yet - just clock and outputs - but I expect all of those to work too
as a simple performance style sequencer it is great - I'm not going into details - you can read the manual (which includes the build docs - which could do with a little bit of an update, for clarity)
points to note - the repeat does not trigger extra gates - gate is only triggered when entering the step - so it's more of a hold function - but this is easy to patch round - mult the clock to an EG for example
is it a metropolis? no - it's much much simpler - no quantization (but sinfonion works well), no memory - but do you really need that, in a performance sequencer? and it must be remembered that a metropolis is over 600€ (new) and as a full kit this cost 120€ and took about 2 hours to build
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
Should work assuming you are using a layout with clock output on Yarn (Gate/trig 3 -> Clock In) and clock PPQN are the same on clock source and pam.
The problem ( If Im correct ) with the Pams expanders is they do not provide midi in, only out. It assumes that Pams is the master, I need it to be the slave.
Hi all,
does anyone have a solid way of clocking PNW to midi ? I want to sync modular to my DAW (Logic x) with Logic as the master and modular as the slave.
I had a yarns diy running into the Pams clock but it was little eratic.
Ive also tried using my Behringer crave as an intermediary but its not at all smooth or consistent.
Looking for a new solution, all opinions welcomed
Wow. Beautiful as always @troux. I think this might be my favorite track that you've done.