@troux -- this is really nice.

Thread: latest patch

Hi Mog00,

I totally agree here with Troux, this is a great and nice track. I was listening at it, reading some stuff and suddenly...

Suddenly there was nothing and I was disturbed by the silence... your track had sadly come to an end :-( There is only one solution for that, replay your track again ;-)

Yes, very enjoyable, so thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Oh yes! My Moog versus Modular hero did it again! ;-)

Nice one Mowse, it's always a pleasure to listen at your tracks, this one is no exception to that rule!

Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

@GarfieldModular, that is easily the best comment I've ever read in any comments section of any forum ever. Thank you.

I gave the Iridium a look-over. It's nice...gives you the Quantum engine, etc in a desktop package, and it's cheaper. If you've got a good controller already, or just want to drive it from a DAW, it's not a bad choice. The other desktop Waldorf did recently, though...the Kyra...is REALLY interesting, but my concerns with it are that while it may have 1,000+ oscillators, there's no factory editor that allows you to get under the Kyra's hood, so to speak. And from what I can tell, there's only one third-party trying like hell to sort that out...and even THEY don't have a full-on functional version. Damn shame, really, but it's not the first time Waldorf's created an "orphan" synth.

If there WAS a fully-featured Kyra editor, though, I'd say to get THAT synth. FPGA arrays are super-potent...but they NEED a good UI front end that's way more capable than just the OEM front panel itself.

Hi Lugia,

Ha, ha, and I thought you didn't like Behringer but it seems you don't like Korg even less than Behringer ;-) Take a very deep breath... :-D

Just teasing you of course ;-)

Thank you regarding the firmware check, will do that when I am going to my local dealer, planning that about early-mid November (if virus situation allows it). Good hint indeed to read the manual first before going there and testing it again.

By the way, wanted to ask you that already for a while... what's your opinion on the Waldorf - Iridium, is it as attractive as the "marketing sheets, videos & stuff" do let us believe or...is it that bats**t too? ;-) It ain't cheap, I realise that but at least it's almost half of the price of the Quantum, so not too bad either. I can't wait to have this thing (Iridium) tested at my local dealer, to check if it's really as cool as Waldorf might want us let believe :-)

Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

No, I don't have experience with WMD - Metron as such, however I did download the manual and read it about 2 till 3 times completely through and it's either my bad reading skills or this Metron only can run forwards... :-(

As you know I am also looking for "that perfect sequencer" (that doesn't seem to exist, not really surprisingly I guess), Metron was quite high on the sequencer-wish-list however when I discovered that it most likely only can run forwards then I decided to put it at the bottom of my top list of sequencers. I have already an Elektron that only can run forwards, so that's enough sequencer for me that can run forwards only ;-) I remember you got some Elektron stuff too, so you might want to check that out on the Metron at your local dealer once the situation allows you. Please test the Metron if it can run backwards and do random, if yes, I would be very much interested in the Metron; though it might come too late for me since I think I made my mind up on this matter.

I also had a look at my local dealer and the availability date of the Endorphin.es - Ground Control has once delayed again... now till mid of November. I think I am going to give up on the Ground Control and decide to go for another approach (regarding sequencers):

I will "split" my requirements into two sequencers. One for drum/percussion (I think that's going to become the Erica Synths - Drum Sequencer) and one for the voices, that one I am not 100% sure yet, but that might become the Five12 - Vector.

Busy with the last checks and kind of "final decision" but I think that's going to be it. Pity of the almost 1.5 year waiting time spent on the Ground Control...

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Little update here on the Nobsound passive 4-1 mixers...I got some email back from Nobsound, and while I didn't get any feedback on whether or not these can pass DC, the designer says that these LOVE higher voltages...you can safely pump 10VRMS thru 'em and they'll be happy as a clam! So at the very least, they'll function admirably as drop-ins for audio paths.

Harvestman stuff is...just not right! I love it...if you want "normal", it can do that, but where these shine is on utterly bats**t racket generation. Modules like the Zorlon Cannon, Tyme Sefari, etc are optimized for sonic wreckage. But it's also worth noting that Harvestman was on the Polivoks tip before most everyone else, plus they had one of the first Euro MS-20 interfaces out there.

Only thing I don't like is that new, nondescript name. C'mon...we ALL know this stuff as The Harvestman, and it got its deserved sonic notoriety under that name. Change it back...the old name sounded odd, was memorable, and had a few hints of eldritch bad craziness ala "The Secret of Harvest Home", "The Wicker Man" (albeit NOT Nick Cage's hilarious version!), etc to it.

I'd have to say that you've already managed to paint yourself into a corner. Even if you piled utility module after utility module into that tile row, you'd STILL be screwed. Don't rely on that space to hold ALL of the various utility modules that this build is demanding already...because it can't. Honestly, go back to the 3 row version...you can cram more function into a 3U row than a 1U one. Tiles are really more like "convenience" devices...they're nice, but they're also not a real replacement for fullsized modules, except for basic functions.

Also, modulation sources...well, there's a Maths and a Stages. That's a good START, but if you look at how much modulation the rest of the build really needs to make it do what it can do, you're not even close. Either add more modulation, or back down on the "Sexy" modules.

And one other point: basing the practical operation of your build on a certain aesthetic is, invariably, a huge mistake. The Instruo modules sure do look great, I'll admit...but once you've got the music made with them cut and mixed, no one's going to give a rat's about what your rig looks like. This is leading you down the wrong track, both functionally and fiscally. Instead of going with these expensive-as-hell choices in ALL cases, consider alternatives. You will probably find that you can shave a lot of the costs on this WAY down, and you're also apt to find modules that work as well or BETTER than these spendy things. Put some more time into this, preferably by clearing the decks on this build and starting from the very basics above. Trust me, you'll wind up in a better space than where this is headed right now.

Populus postulo aliquis modus stabilimenta. Feh. JUST GET A CAN OF DEOXIT AND CLEAN THE EFFING POTS!!!! LIKE ANYONE ELSE HERE WOULD DO!!!!

Thread: NiftyAddOns

+1 on farkas's comments above, plus consider: if it's difficult enough to do a single build function in a 1-row build, you shouldn't even THINK of trying to jam a second function in there.

Stop now. Back up a bit and do TWO different 1-row builds...one is the monophonic voice itself and the other is the electric bass FX chain. This time, also, consider your space carefully and, if you can jam in modules that have multiple functions (ie: instead of one ADSR EG in 8 hp, jam TWO in via a Doepfer A-140-2. Or have two AD EGs with their own VCAs with an A-142-2...that sort of idea), do so. Make ABSOLUTELY SURE that you're optimizing space vs functions like that when working small!

Then once you have them all sorted and optimal...mash 'em together. Obviously, this'll require a bigger case, for starters...but moreso, you can start to identify redundancies, eliminate those, and add MORE NEW functions that both signal paths can share.

One caveat about the audio input: definitely get something with an envelope follower. Bass is pretty expressive, and with an envelope follower, you can output voltages based on incoming amplitude and, if you want a real "peeeeoww"-type hit when you pop strings hard, that'll be the thing that gets it out of the VCF for you. Doepfer's A-119 is something of a workhorse module for this exact reason.

And, of course, VCV Rack is super-recommended as a way to wrap your head around the whats and hows of modular before dropping big buxx on hardware: https://vcvrack.com

Garfield...whatever you're on, let me know where to get it and how much it is! ;-D

Yeah, the MS-20 reREissue with the goofy colors for twice-plus the cost of the electronically-identical Mini is another one of those "Korg's lost their damn minds" indicators I think I mentioned. WHY DO THIS!? My two Minis sound and behave exactly like the MS-20's original version did out of the box back in 1980. True, some people do bitch and moan about how the Mini doesn't sound like an original-build MS-20...but that original one's had 35-40 years of age on it, and electronic components DO age. But if you had a chance to pull one out of the box and styrofoam back in the day and compare what THAT was like to the Mini...no diff, really.

I'd have to say that their peak achievements were the Volca Modular, and the 'Logues before the revisions. After that, Korg started heading off into "bats**t insane" territory. They WERE really kickin' for a while, but at this point a lot of what they're up to is strange and seemingly pointless. I won't touch another new Korg product at this point until

1) the synth community gets either an explanation or an apology from Korg for the KARP 2600 FS fiasco, AND

2) whoever is coming up with these marketing strategies there gets handed their walking papers, AND

3) put that effin' 2600 out so EVERYONE can have one. Or at this point, everyone who doesn't bop out and get Uli's version. For cheaper. A lot cheaper. As in "actually competing with Behringer cheaper", because if they don't answer that call NOW, they stand poised to lose both sales and cred. I mean...c'mon, we don't NEED that stamped out of pasteboard "road case", Korg, just GIVE US WHAT YOU TEASED FOR YEARS!

Yay! Good to know there is another fan here - they really are superb hey!

It took me a little while to fully understand them, but now I absolutely rate the Hertz Donut mkII as one of the best complex oscillators out there!

My tips to get the most from it as a new user:

Turn all attenuverters to their centre position, Discontinuity, Tracking (off) and Modulation to zero, choose Sine waveforms for both oscillators and just patch the main Sine out to the mixer.

Really important: Tune the oscillators to each other < seriously, take your time here, they are super sensitive, but your experience will be transformed if you get it right!

Then turn on the through-zero FM and slowly bring up the Modulation knob to discover lovely FM bell tones!

Once you have found this you have found the most pure of Hertz Donut sounds, from there just adding a tiny bit of any of the 3 flavours of Discontinuity wave folding will give you endless timbres, after that, well, just experiment... remember less is more, but sure... why not go all out and turn it all into a snarling cacophony of sound!!

Pro Tip: use Argos Bleak to generate the ratios ad intervals for your oscillators in FM mode - prepare to be amazed!


Hi gals and guys!!
My name is Jorge and I'm a professional bass player, about to take the plunge into Eurorack. You are all culpable also!! :D

I'm planning my first case and started with the idea of getting the Make Noise CV Bus Case, and actually the Shared System as an inspiration, but I want to base it off, as much as I can, Instruo's modules.
But after talking with a friend and listening to his advice, I think I'm more leaning to have a case with 2U rows and the central 1U row to setup like a "HUB" for typical useful stuff, as a Mult, Mixer, Output, etc. for example, instead of the actually MN one.
What would you consider in that central strip, if you were thinking about such solution? I'm searching for inspiration!!
This is my "in progress" case: ModularGrid Rack

Thanks for all your input!!


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Indeed and so many wonderful delay modules today in eurorack. I ordered the Make Noise Mimeophon as I am a fan of what I saw and need a good delay unit.

Much too long, but give a couple of minutes to get going. Sorry for standing in front of the camera so much :(

New things :
+ Beatstep Pro : this is really good. It is going expand the musical possibilities quite a lot.
- Doepfer suitcase : I like its solidity but it's a bit too big for my space. I may have to trade it for something smaller and skiffier.

Patch notes : the main line is produced by BIA with a bunch of modulation from the Beatstep Pro, with an envelope going to pitch to make the kick sound. There are three copies of this one goes straight into the desk, another goes into a compressor to bring out the the thwokk of the kick, and the third goes to the Font bandpass. The cutoff of Font is sequenced by the Beatstep too. The "cymbals" are Hats909 in raw mode, straight into the desk. This is all pretty static. All the other percussive noises, starting with the little hihats and descending into general madness later, are from the DFAM.

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Yup that is what I have tried to do in my setups for easier workflow- voices/filters/vca top row and tools/lfos bottom row.

I am so glad that I paid attention to the sage of experienced modular folks here like Lugia and Jim and bought support modules like Kinks/Links so powerful in complex patches. I have a Doepfer sequential switch and clock on the way to improve my setups. Then a matrix mixer and more tools like more attenuators and sequencer in rack future once budget allows. I found that I can use the support modules to make one voice sound so amazing and rich.

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Yes, yes, and yes! Superb complex deep modules with amazing tones for days. My friend has a bunch in his setup and that is one reason why I got into Eurorack in the first place trying out his systems. Now for me, I have the Kermit MK3 and Bionic Lester MK3 that are fantastic and looking at Piston Honda MK2, Hertz Donut MK2 and Stillson Hammer MK2 as they are less expensive now that the newer versions (except for Stillson Hammer) are out now and Harvestman rock. Orange knobs rule. Kermit and Piston Honda are my favorites because I love wave shaper/wave table synthesis and they do so much besides just that. They have a very hard industrial sound unique to synths and I use that for industrial soundscapes.

Thread: latest patch

Nice and cinematic @mog00, keep em coming.

Lets hope so..!

Utterly bizarre and irrational!!

Latin is spoken everywhere even where English is spoken today.

I believe this marks the end of the long, strange trip this has been.

Thread: NiftyAddOns

Hi and welcome @szaretsky. As much as I like the idea of more people joining the modular community, I struggle to recommend these tiny builds. Another user recently had a similar plan for a Nifty case build, and it seems to me like a bad investment unless you are willing to go much further with it. Aside from the delay module you have chosen, there's not much here that you can't do more efficiently (and cheaply) with a Behringer Crave or Moog Mother 32 semi-modular, or within your DAW. I would recommend looking into those and then branching out to modular to fill the gaps that you can't get from those sources. That's just me, and you may get some different recommendations from the other folks here, but these tiny builds are generally seen as unwise in this forum. I would recommend that you think a little more broadly about what you really want your modular to do that can't be done by other means.
Have fun and good luck!

And I understand it perfectly, and it reads like a threat of violence.

It has been reported as such.

You can't go around threatening people. Seriously not okay!

If you do not understand how to conduct yourself in a public forum read about it, study it, there is something offensive about your whole existence!

Ok, you are reported for inciting and or threatening violence you psycho.

Just because you wrote it in Latin doesn't make it any less of a criminal offence.

I specifically chose The Harvestman because I wanted to talk about The Harvestman modules not the new Industrial Music Electronics modules.

I love mine, they are hard work at times, but the rewards are there with patience and deeper understanding and appreciation for the finer qualities of these modules.

They are capable of producing the most lovely bell tones or the nastiest noise you will ever hear and everything in between.

They are also unobtanium - there's hardly anything available anywhere!

Any love for The Harvestman here? What is your favourite and why?

You now have 3 downvotes...

Looks like your trading days here are over!

Byeeeeeeeeeeee :)

You also have the cheek to trade on here and you don't support the platform?

You are totally out of order... at the very least you should be paying the €20 a year before you consider buying or selling anything here - to not do this is highly disrespectful!

Oh dear!

You are just making yourself look bad!

Youclearly didn't read my post, you are just whining and whining and whining...

and NO... won't shut up!

You shut up!

ModularGrid Rack

@farkas where I ended up more or less. Overall a much more compact setup.

And for a smaller rack I didn't want to go for such space eating oscillator (nevermind that the RS Serge NTO and the Generate 3 equal the size and cost of a Brenso. The NS Serge modules may make their way into an all Serge skiff at some point – I was intrigued by the rather old-school spacious panel layouts and do like the Serge sound).

Still weighing a Contour 1 vs a Falistri and whether I'll really use the FH-2 that much, or the Sapel for that matter. I definitely agree about the UI of Frap Tools panels (though I've also read they do, eventually, make sense)

Why are there no posts here!

Wonderful module...

Have you ever got tired of the monotonous repetitions that your standard delay pedal/module produced? Have you ever wished for a more complex rhythmic structure than just decaying repetition? If yes, you have come to the right place: the Tapographic Delay is an advanced effect that lets you handle repetition in a completely novel way. It is to a traditional delay what a full rhythmic sequencer (with pattern recall, velocity control, tactile input) is to a simple clock. With the TD, you interactively define the rhythm that the repetitions will follow: a velocity-sensitive sensor allows you to record, edit, modify, and sequence your own arrangements of delays. In a sense, the TD is the converse of the classic Frippertronics sound-on-sound setup popularized by Robert Fripp in the 70's: you don't play the guitar, you play the tape loop!

Multi-tap audio delay line with advanced features
Velocity-sensitive force sensor to tap the delay configurations (tapographies)
Up to 32 taps, each with its own delay time, amplitude/filter and panning
Low-pass filter or resonant (pingable) band-pass filter on each tap
Morphing between delay configurations, with adjustable morph time
Two different feedback paths: a Repeat toggle and a Feedback knob
Save and recall up to 24 delay configurations (4 banks of 6 slots each)
Tapography sequencer with forward, random walk or random directions
Synchronization to an external clock, with clock divider/multiplier
Gate output that plays the current rhythm of delays
Maximum delay time of 174 seconds (almost 3 minutes)
16 bits/48kHz with 32 bits floating-point internal processing, 1.3ms software latency
Mono-in, stereo-out operation

Wow... people can afford modules? You lucky lucky lucky lucky bastards!!

Grow up, it's a few euros and a scratchy knob that sounds like it needs some switch cleaner or at the very worst a £40 repair job!

People are dying from a virus, people are out of work, children are starving, I am on my fucking ass because I lost my work and haven't had any income since march, families are losing their loved ones, it's chaos...

And you are complaining like a spoiled brat about a little problem like this?

Please... get some perspective and start behaving like adults!

Thread: latest patch

Dark Ambient? Maybe consider Desmodus Versio instead of a clouds clone. Lots of potential there.
-- mowse

didnt knowabout that module deffo interesting thanks,put it on my to check list


Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

@GarfieldModular I think you might have a future in science fiction along with modular, quite complimentary fields if you ask me! Maybe one day I too can go to Ylaolona K9E, if I do, I'll report back on the sights and sounds lol

Dark Ambient? Maybe consider Desmodus Versio instead of a clouds clone. Lots of potential there.

this user has left ModularGrid

Nice to hear about how good the Modal Argon8 is as it would be fun to jam on one. I lost interest in Korg after they dropped the ball on the MS20 re-issue with overpriced special editions and so forth. WTF would I pay 1400 for the MS-20 FS re-issue when the mini does the job for a fraction of the price? Don't get me wrong- I love my SQ-1 and for under $100 does wonders for a simple immediate external battery powered modular step sequencer. Also love my old Korg Volcas those are superb and having external speaker built in with battery option is genius for jam machines. Not crazy on latest antics.

Just droning on 3 oscillators.

Is there a quick or easy way to check on the Argon8 itself to check the firmware version?
Kind regards, Garfield.
-- GarfieldModular

Yep...get into the Settings menu, then go to Settings-General, and you'll find the firmware indication.

And yes, DO read the V.2 manual first! https://www.modalelectronics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/argon8_MANUAL_v2.pdf (there should be underscores before and after MANUAL, fyi...but the forum had other ideas). This has a lot of updates from the V.1 firmware, and there's some interesting things there. The synth LOOKS really basic...but the fact is, there's some major horsepower under the hood on this thing, and it's pretty easy to access. And one of the biggest 2.0 changes was the addition of MPE capability...so if you have an MPE controller on hand, this effectively kicks one of the Hydrasynth's bigger draws to the curb. No ribbon still...but hey, that'll just take a little more ingenuity to work around...for now.

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What an amazing setup! I am waiting for IME Stillson Hammer MK3 to come out and see what Scott adds to it. I like Metropolis but it only has one gate output a deal breaker for me. Eloquencer has 8 gate outs and many features as does the 512 Vector. In the short term, I may get a Beatstep Pro and pair that with a Keystep external sequencer for drums to avoid having to buy another large case right now.


So do you have experience with WMD Metron? Does it not have various operation sequencer modes like reverse and ping pong?
I am waiting for covid to end so I can visit a synth shop and try out various modular sequencers as I hate returning gear.

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Thanks, yeah it was hard to make decision as I don't find most smaller sequencers that useful and with my mixed results from Varigate 4+ in my Doepfer base rack, decided a powerful clock modulator paired with a sequential switch would be more useful in the long run. If I need to create focused dance techno, I can pull that off using my external Korg SQ-1 which is very immediate for powerful results. I could also feed the sound sources into the clock and switch and then to the sequencers for interesting patterns. I plan to try once the new modules arrive. I wanted a Doepfer Monster base and WMD Metron sequencer but they were both out of stock this week at stores so this works so I can order later on.

Hi Lugia,

Oh great, thanks, will keep that in mind. Is there a quick or easy way to check on the Argon8 itself to check the firmware version? Or should I just RTFM? :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thread: NiftyAddOns

Trying to build a Eurorack synth to serve two purposes - 1) as a new voice for my DAW and 2) to use to create effects for my bass. First time trying this -- how far off am I? Will it work for both? Any specific module you'd switch out for something else? Thanks in advance.

Hi Troux,

You are not going to believe me anyway, but okay. So on 13rd of August Mowse managed to hyper-spaced me to planet Xydrtop 4A9, for our earthly understandings a pretty weird planet, but hey, we are not alone here, are we? ;-) Then you managed to hyper-spaced me to planet Ylaolona K9E, yet another jewel of a planet. Thanks to Zopple (commonly used "google" tool in hyper-space only not known here on earth) I can provide you with those names since they are translated from whatever they speak there.

You know, that's the amazing thing once you hyper-spaced away from earth, connect with your Zopple device and it doesn't matter what language you speak or with "whom" you talk, Zopple makes sure "everything" and everyone understands each other, really genius.

By all your previous music and from other members, I have been so much around that I forgot most other planet names but since you are asking, today it was Ylaolona K9E :-) Oh by the way in hyper-space (as we know it), light years as well as parsec are literally unknown beyond earth. In hyper space distance doesn't count so much since most of things are done by mind. So you can't compare it really but what you can imagine with your mind that's in hyper space a so called "doable distance" (aka reasonable distance). Imagine you want to go from planet Xydrtop 4A9 to Ylaolona K9E, right? Then you Zopple that and once you confirmed, my goodness you are already at Ylaolona K9E, it's really that simple!

The problem really is to get away from Earth into hyper space once arrived in hyper space, you actually can do really everything. Price? There is no really such thing as a "price" in hyper space, rather "service". You make use of Zopple, in return you provide a service and that can be anything, things/materials from Earth for example (but they are rather useless in hyper space i.e. low "service" value) or information exchange (rather high "service value").

What you need is music like yours to get away here from Earth and then things become rather easy. It's advisable to take a towel with you on hyper space travels though (please refer to The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy from Douglas Adams).

I hope that helps your interest in hyper space, get away from earth, use Zopple, and you should be fine :-)

Kind regards, hyper-spaced Garfield.

Edit: Removed typo.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads