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My Eurorack MDLR 126HP - 14U
(Bottom Row not in case but in 4MS Pods: Xaoc Praga + Hrad, Acid Rain Navigtor (2x) Mordax Data, 2HP Verb, TG4 Modulator
Future Sound Systems, Joranaloque RX2)
Idea of this rack:
Nerdseq as main controle sequencer for musical approach to EDM & Techno.
Rhythm controle: Frap Tools Sapel, 4ms clock multiplier, mult, 2x Shakmat Knight Gallop 1x White Gallop.
WMD Crater & NE BIA for Kick, Tiptop One and Erica Pico2 for snare/clap.
Patching Panda Hats, Sapel & WMD Chimera for HiHats & percussion.
+ a lot of mixing, attenuating & modulating: NE Mimetic Digitalis, Malekko VB
Controle Synth: Nerdseq & WMD Arpitecht
Synth Voices + Filter/LPG:
- Frap Tools Brenso + Intellijel LPG's
- Industrial Music Tech Piston Honda MkIII + Joranalogue Filter8
- Acid Rain Chainsaw + North Coast Synth MSK 009
- SSF ZPO + Verbos Four Pole Filter (LPF)
Drums into 4 channels of WMD Sequential Switch: muting & routing (under CV controle) to:
- Erica Pico VCF1
- Behringer HPF
- Eripa Pico DSP
- Clean out
Synth into 4 channels of WMD Sequential Switch: muting & routing (under CV controle) to:
- NE Desmodus Versio (Rev)
- Alright Devices Chronoblob 2 (Del)
- Verbos Four Pole (HPF)
- Multable Instruments Ripples (LPF)
Into 4x Intellijel Quadratt submixers, into Xoac Praga+Hrad, into aux Overdrive & Rev
MiRack is nice, but have you looked at Drambo? Definitely worth checking out. Its interface is less skeuomorphic and more optimized for taking advantage of (touch-)screens, I'd say. Also, it's more voice oriented, rather than just giving you a huge empty wall. Which to me makes sense in a virtual environment where you have different constraints than in a hardware modular system. Or maybe it just fits my approach better... :)
Indeed it is a great module and came with my Doepfer A100 Basic System 1 to get me started on modular. That and Quadrax are solid contenders to Maths. Since I already have a Make Noise 0-coast that has Slope/Contour which is like a mini-Maths, I wanted some variety. Befaco Rampage and Frap Tools Falistri also look like interesting variations on the Serge/Buchla complex function generator as well. Eurorack has infinite choices compared to the limits of other systems. But it all points back to the big three of modular: Moog, Serge, and Buchla. If I was filthy rich, I would just get a Moog System 15, Buchla Skylab or the classic modules, and Serge setups. But I'd need 50-100k for Serge/Buchla/Moog systems compared to 20k of Eurorack.
A-171-2 ain't no joke, y'all...given that it's a copy (with blessings) of Ken Stone's variant on the original Serge VCS circuit, you could also look at it as being 1/2 of a Maths, minus a few behind-the-panel features.
Any chance the SERGE format could be relabelled as '4U' given that Serge is a brand not a format and there are a lot of other brands in that section?
-- loudestwarning
I think I can guess the answer here...there's two different 4U formats: Buchla and Serge. And they're FORMATS because the Buchla method is to separate the audio and control paths, while the Serge is 100% banana and has NO path separation. Each are definitely 4U in height, but they're not at all the same where the patching methods are concerned and not exactly 100% compatible.
The Koma ones are 100% recommended...the Strom+ has plenty of juice, plus I like the 4-pin Molex linking method. The only reason I didn't go with them is that their availability can be a bit erratic; it's probably best to try and get their stuff either direct or from someone in the EU like Schneider's.
Great jam! If you and other members continue like this I will be soon a Techno fan ;-)
Plaits is a nice module, I am very happy with it and it can do from semi-normal sounds to the more less common but interesting sounds, up to the user "where the sound should go". Do you have already a Marbles (Mutable Instruments) module? Perhaps that would be a nice addition to your setup? For me Marbles is on my wish list.
Kind regards, Garfield.
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Great stuff and thanks a lot for this demo, I wasn't so much aware of the Doepfer - A-171-2 module. You make me a good appetite for that module with your video :-)
Thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
I was contemplating the one on reverb but have a hard time paying $290 for something that was $250 new... it's gone now anyway. I am considering just grabbing a Troika, It's more economical (and realistic) than trying to find 3 Tona's but damn the wavefold on the Tona is the stuff of my dreams.
I am definitely interested in getting one of the complex Instruo oscillators as well as their new pin matrix mixer! They look amazing and sound different almost a futuristic gothic piece of artwork. I think that from a purely aesthetic point of view, the Instruo, Frap Tools and Verbos stuff has the best look in a case. Would be fun to build a full setup for each if budget allows.
Av3ry. Not really modular, just some 'next-door neighbour'... :)
What do you think of this? As a musician, and particularly as a modular musician, what is your opinion or feeling?
'Av3ry is an AI program and a virtual persona, who is composing music, communicating with people and learning from interactions. The main component is the on-demand conversation and art generation of the bot. (...)' - Audiobulb Records.
Came up with fun techno jam this evening after burning out on drone patches.
I really love the Noise Engineering BIA module and want 2-3 more similar type percussion and bass modules. Perhaps Plonk, Fracture, Chimera, Plaits and Erica Synths Bassline? That would let me do full on techno/ambience sets without needing to rely on my two Elektron boxes.
Had fun experimenting with modulation and Doepfer A171-2 VCS today
Dang it, if I were rich, I would just get a Serge and Buchla setup and call it a day. Maybe one day if I ever get lucky and strike it rich. I priced a Serge basic setup including touchpad and was 20k!
Thanks Garfield, it really is fun and good therapy for me after a long stressful day. The beauty of modular and semi modular is like building blocks you can use separate or combine and mix together. The 0-ctrl is a fun touch sensitive sequencer controller sort of like if Serge and Buchla had a love child and Make Noise adopted it and tweaked it from Pressure Point DNA.
I am still waiting on stores to get the larger MDLR travel cases in stock as I want the 14U Performer Series Pro case that has a 1u row for Intellijel tile modules as well. That would be the equivalent to 3x the space of my two 6U cases so I would be able to buy larger modules like WMD Metron, WMD Performance Mixer, Sapel, Brenso and other large sized modules plus lots of utilities and not run out as fast. If the stores don't get any MDLR cases then I may get a Doepfer Monster Base plus Doepfer Monster 12U case and be done with it since the base is portable and can hold sequencers that I can use with my smaller 6U setups.
“Nope...try to avoid messing with the integrity of those Moog skiffs. They're pretty beasty, and drilling into them would sort of waste that.“
Ehm...Moog skiff? That’s not I have actually build it with plywood, it is deeper than the usual skiffs you can buy around, as I originally thought to fit in some doepfer modules. It could be easy to cut it and cover the hole with something to avoid dust getting in
But I get your advice, I should definitely go for a 4ms or maybe a Koma Strom PSU, they have passive expansion. Probably the ideal solution to power just another 60hp row.
Ok, you definitely have a good point. I got a question on this topic: would it be a good idea to drill a hole in the case to allow air to circulate better?
-- Startics
Nope...try to avoid messing with the integrity of those Moog skiffs. They're pretty beasty, and drilling into them would sort of waste that.
But what I WOULD suggest as a solution, since the Row 25s have so much "uninvolved" panel space, might be to add a little heat sink of some sort to the front panels of each one. That way, heat that could build up on the front panel (many little P/Ss do this...the uZeus, in fact, has a little warning about the excess heat on the front panel) would instead be dissipated. And since metal transmits heat better than air, that ought to draw the heat off admirably. Just make sure to use a little bit of the same sort of heat transfer paste you see used to seat heat sinks in computers before epoxying the heat sinks down...heat paste in the middle, epoxy bits at the ends, and that should be golden.
Hey @Kel_. Have you tried building a Befaco Burst yet? I was thinking about ordering a prebuilt one, but would rather give you the business if you can build one at a fair price. Let me know what you think.
Ha, ha, yes, looks like you had a lot of fun and enjoyed it :-) Nice stuff hey, that modular synth stuff? :-) Sounded to me that near the end you opened all the "registers" (Dutch saying, meaning opening all full) and went full for it, sounded like even more fun!
So how is your (large) case choice decision going, already made a choice or are you still considering and checking all the options?
Enjoy modular, thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Ok, you definitely have a good point. I got a question on this topic: would it be a good idea to drill a hole in the case to allow air to circulate better?
Given the power required by my small case I believe I could be ok with 2000 mA, which should allow me to power 120hp with no problems. Am I right?
Interesting. Learning modular, I find that small cv/audio mixers, mults, and logic modules as well as sequential switches and trigger gate sequencers to be of great use to me for making the most of 1-3 sound sources to create live sets for performance variation. I am looking for a good variety of these.
Thanks yeah it ran longer than 2 minutes! Loving Quadrax it can run like a function generator, envelope generator, LFOs or like a trigger sequencer even. Quite powerful on par with Maths. You can even route CV across the four envelope cycles. In many ways, it reminds me of a combination of Malekko Varigate 4+ and Malekko Quad Envelope modules in one module since I have these modules as well for comparison. The Quadrax expander is a game changer that lets you add an additional 4 channels for modulation based on the end of rise and end of cycle values in the configuration. Infinite pattern patches! It is very Buchla-esque similar to the Buchla 281 function generator. It is fun- I love Serge and Buchla west coast stuff but cannot afford 20k for a full Serge setup or 50k for Buchla full setup so this gets me in the ballpark for way less cash. the other end of that spew of alphanumerics (which MG's forum didn't like very much), there's this little $25-ish mixer. 4-in, 1-out...stereo 3.5mm I/O...and PASSIVE, meaning that it needs zero power...which ALSO means that you can treat these like those inline mults that you can stick inline anywhere in a patch.
I'm still trying to get info on these, but I'm trying to do this via AliExpress which...well, it's AliExpress. Those who've been there will know what I'm talking about. The big unanswered questions are:
1) maximum voltage input allowable (presuming very low voltage loss by the circuit, I'll presume for now that there's more or less a 1:1 relationship between inputs and the output)
2) can it pass DC
3) how does it react to 3.5mm TS plugs, instead of the stereo TRS ones?
These appear to be available from several dealers on there, but by and large Nobsound seems to be the OEM source for them. Has anyone got some experience with these? If they're "modular-able", these could solve a veritable buttload of problems. Not only would they be a mixer equivalent to things like stackcables and inline mult/hubs, they also overspec the Boredbrain Splix by two extra inputs. And for those who've made the mistake of creating a build with no mixers (punishment time! get the wet noodles!), this lets you put the mixers in without...well, putting mixers in.
IF THESE WORK...let me stress that. Normally, I'd wait until I've heard back from the manufacturer, but I think it's conceivable that someone here on MG might've tinkered with these at some point. If so...well, let's hear about 'em!
He, he, either you got a clocking issue or you "stretched" your jam from 2 into 3 minutes ;-)
Just teasing you, great jam, it's always nice to see you at work, particularly for me because you have quite a few modules of which I only can dream of :-)
Nice and thanks a lot for sharing this, kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Oh that's great news this miRack idea. I always was considering a iPadPro... sitting on the sofa playing around with your virtual rack comes now through
Thanks a lot for pointing this out and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
I am curious about your experiences with the Tesseract Modular Fader Step once you received it.
Ha, ha, yes, I have the same feeling/experience with Metropolis, I tested it at my local dealer, liked it but indeed so far haven't bought it. It's the steep price I guess and not sure for that price if one gets enough (i.e. doubting the price/performance).
Please keep us updated once you receive the Fader Step. Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hm! The stuff that turns up on the Internet can be pretty amazing sometimes.
Most everyone knows VCV Rack, right? The Eurorack simulator...loads of modules, and probably one of the best explainers on how to work with modular synthesis for FREE. (just in case, here's the URL:
So, today when poking my nose into KVR Audio, I came across THIS: Now, what miRack is is pretty much the same thing (with many of the same modules) as VCV with some improvements...but in miRack's case, the app has been optimized for MacOS (and in Mac DAWs as an AUv3 or their "legacy AU" for DAWs that aren't v3 savvy) and...wait for it...iOS! Since iOS porting is still something VCV's not up for as of the present time, here's everyone's chance to get a proper Eurorack simulator for their iPhone or iPad work environments.
But there's a bit more to this story that might make MacOS users want to check miRack out...for one thing, those who have touchscreens CAN use this to manipulate miRack controls (VCV Rack doesn't have this yet) and, most importantly, it's FAR faster (by half or better!) in process execution. It would appear that miRack's developer has been paying attention to the more annoying shortcomings of VCV (like its need to suck down ALL of your cores to run...and sometimes even that's not enough), and that's a good thing, IMHO. I can't test it here (no Macs anymore), so if any VCV Mac users could snag this from the Apple Store and see what results they get in an A-B test, it'd probably be very welcome!
OK, yes, this would be something that required some work if implemented, but I think it's worthwhile.
There's a bunch of modules that, in addition to other functions, also work as offset sources. But while some of the modules in a certain class (such as attenuators, a common place where this function turns up) are capable of this, others aren't. Sometimes you see this also indicated by "CV modulation", but that's not really accurate, since all an offset gen does is to output A voltage, and not the actual modulation function itself.
So I think we might need to add a tag such as "Offset source" or maybe just "DC Offset" to indicate when/where these sources are present. There are cases where people might want to look for that additional function...and others where the possibility of having a DC offset outputted would be undesired. And it IS a significant function, offsetting pulse waves from an LFO to function as a +5 clock that falls to zero is one example, and I'm sure there's piles of others.
Yuppers...ALWAYS watch your amperage loads! I usually tell new builders that they need to install a power supply that can provide at least 25% more (and preferably 1/3rd more) current than the modules connected to it require. The reason is due to "current inrush"; when you first power on ANY circuit, there's a tiny interval where the components can draw more than the module's "operating" current. If that exceeds the P/S rating by TOO much, P/S go "pop!" And P/S go "pop!" isn't good, because different supplies can do various destructive things when they fail. If you're lucky, nothing happens. If not, you get some horrific spike across a DC bus that wreaks havoc on the whole damned build!
The other reason for overspeccing the power is heat. Heat gets generated by power circuits in direct proportion to current draw if the voltage is fixed. And heat in a synthesizer is NOT a good thing! Not only will it contribute to tuning instability and potentially increase noise factors, heat over long periods gradually causes component breakdown. And this is worst in the P/S module itself, which is also under the heaviest burden due to what it's doing. By going with a P/S that has considerably more current potential than is needed, the P/S can loaf along under a much easier load, and this prolongs its life and, by extension, the entire build itself.
couldn't agree more - I have 4 cases of which 2 are DIY (both 9u/104hp) - rails, threaded inserts, screws and wood - about 110€ each - power is where the cost is - the Doepfer PSUs are good - but often stretch at 9u/84hp due to modern digital modules - I'd pay attention to power draw if I were you!!
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
Yes, I concur with your approach to disting. I believe also troux suggested that module to try new functions and decide what will need in the future. So that’s a big yes
Re the cases, that’s purely the pleasure of diy (I took that from dad :-) I could have done it 84hp to start with but ok, I can build an 3-tiers rack 84hp per row with less than 100 pounds probably and stick inside a doepfer power supply and save so much..even though the main thing here is the satisfaction of doing it.
I've got a sinfonion too - absolutely love it - currently feeding it with a combination of sequencers - Marbles, BSP and a Pico SEQ (for changing song part - clocked from gate1)
I have just ordered a Tesseract Modular Fader Step - similar to Metropolis/RYK in lots of ways - but comes as DIY kit with smd pre-soldered for €120 - it has repeats like Metropolis from what I have heard - if I don't like it as a melodic sequencer (I can always use it for sequenced modulation) - no quantization afaik - but it's going into sinfonion anyway
I will report back once I have it and it is built (also on the tex mix, which I ordered at the same time)
I've only played with a Metropolis once for a few minutes in a shop, liked it, but always a lower priority than other things
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
just to add to what Lugia said - you could probably get away with a single rack wart (power module) to power both rows - although much easier with a single case
sometimes when trying to do things cheaply you need to spend more upfront to actually make the savings in the long run - it's like buying from a warehouse store (like costco) as opposed to a deli - work out cost per hp for the DIY powered case - and then work out how much a Mantis costs (I checked Mantis at sweetwater the other day at $335/204hp = $1.60/hp ish) and it's a respected case with good power etc etc and it's still portable, unless you are a small child
the easiest way to make a small eurorack system is, like how to make a small fortune, start with a big one!!!
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!