Funny that you mention the Varigate 4+ as I just got one to play with my Quad EG. Crazy sequencer and lots of cool features. Not the most precise sequencer but lots of fun. Here is a demo of some things I threw together recently:
Funny that you mention the Varigate 4+ as I just got one to play with my Quad EG. Crazy sequencer and lots of cool features. Not the most precise sequencer but lots of fun. Here is a demo of some things I threw together recently:
Y'know, I'm not jazzed on the Quadrax, either. I thought that Intellijel had the formula right with the Quadra, which you could use on its own just as four two-stage EGs, or you could couple the Expander with it. That arrangement gave you CV over either rise OR fall, not a single CV input for both, plus you had a few other tricks there that don't seem to have made it to the Quadrax. Yeah, it's a simpler module, but not everyone wants (or needs!) simpler.
Gonna fix this compressor thing right now, too. Don't put it IN the cab. Instead, what you want is THIS: That's right...not one, not two, but THREE excellent pro-grade choices in a tiny, inobtrusive 1/3-rackspace box. While the RNC might be the one that jumps out at you, the REAL solution is the RNLA, which works less like a VCA compressor and more like an opto limiter, like the LA-2A and, more recently, the ART ProVLA (which I should note that I have TWO of, because they kick ass!). It 'smooths' out the peaks, but allows you to go up to your threshold while banging away furiously, then it adds a nice bit of color once you cross it. This should work MUCH better than most affordable Eurorack compressor modules while still not being a huge thing that takes up space.
Nice, I'll take a "not bad at all" from you @Lugia πππ I had actually been wanting to get your opinion on this rack. What do you think of it? I'm not sold on the Quadrax yet, might swap it with a DUSG, but I need a compressor too... so many problems to solve!
my tunes:
Very much not AIIICEED. However, it's not bad at all for minimal techno...sort of in the Surgeon/Oliver Ho vein...
Some more patches using different settings for Malekko Varigate 4+ and Malekko Quad Envelope:
Thanks, well the main issue is ease of use and good workflow and mitigate issue around hum from the Doepfer power supply location.
Thinking of having VCOs and filters on top row and bottom left and sequencer/controller/mixer of bottom right part. Ideally a 3-4 row case that folds out so bottom layer with controllers and sequencers at fingertips. Saving up for case #3 the massive 400-600HP travel case! But no rush.
On a positive note, today I made solid progress after work in learning how to use my Malekko Varigate 4+ sequencer and Malekko Quad Envelope modules. It is quite tricky sequencer but fun once you get hang of it. Changing scales and patterns quickly and save presets is pretty slick for a small module. Same with the Malekko Quad Envelope- can use various EG patterns including forward, reverse and random. It is definitely an EG on steroids! That said, long term I need a powerhouse sequencer that can do xox tracker style sequencing and ratcheting like the Vector, Nerdseq, and Winter Eloquencer sequencers. I am used to the Elektron sequencer workflow and find most modular sequencers a pain to deal with for complex song chaining and patterns. They are ok for quick and dirty stuff but not composing entire modular tracks.
Definitely, if it's going to be your only system, DON'T get a Palette. Get a larger case (the Mantis is great... or Eowave has a new 7u case that is reasonable) and give yourself room to grow.
I love my Palette for when I want to focus on a handful of modules... but as a full system, it would get dull fairly quickly, no matter what modules you put in it. It's a nifty case, but it plays a very particular role.
This is lovely @Quantum_Eraser I can't seem to get anything melodic out of my Ensemble Oscillator and instead end up making creepy drones with it (edited to add that this is fine too lol), but you've inspired me to give it another shot.
my tunes:
Don't think I succeeded exactly, and as opposed to my drone stuff where I'm not so picky, the bar is quite high here! Acid needs to be special, and maybe this isn't exactly acid anyway. Practice makes perfect though!
Made with:
my tunes:
Thank you @JimHowell1970 and @Lugia for clarifying mults and attenuators in setups. I will keep the buffered mult and use that with other modules for my second rack as well as the passive mult. I do have attenuators in my Intellijel Quad VCA and can get one for the second new rack. Since I have 2hp free in my first rack, would you recommend the 2hp trim attenuator or another module and if so, what one?
Hi Igor,
Oh man, oh man! You are giving us here a very good treat and it's a nice idea of the 10 years compilation album. I love the "Human Or Not" track, very nicely done!
If you don't mind, I continue listening at your album, this is just what I needed to have a good start into the weekend. Thanks a lot for sharing this, and while I am going to have a fantastic weekend listening at your album, I wish you are going to have a nice weekend like me too :-D
Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Quantum Eraser,
Yes, that's a nice jam session :-) It's a good demo of the Ensemble Oscillator, you make me start to think about this module! :-)
Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
no probs
there's a lot to be said for literally just getting - a sound source, a sound modifier, a modulation source, a way to listen and a way to play and slowly organically growing from there
for a way to listen get a quad cascading vca - it'll be mono, but it'll do the job perfectly well - veils or intellijel work best imo - and you will always benefit from it
if you need to use headphones then get a tile
yes all the tiles are either intellijel or shakmat (who do both - check when ordering i guess)
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
Hi Mikeyip,
That's indeed some nice experimental music but for me indeed quite ambient like too. Everything is nice subtle, I like that. When are you picking me up from outer-space where you hyper-spaced me to? ;-)
Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield Modular.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
there are lots of theories on how to organise modules
clumps of functionality, clumped voices, voices left to right etc etc - you have to work it out for yourself - try a few different strategies and find the one that works best for you
but generally hands on control at the front tends to work best - joysticks, touchpads etc, sequencers - it really depends on the sequencer - and where the jack sockets are!
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
@JimHowell1970, right, that is my approach. Just getting ideas how to place modules in new case. Sound sources top row and left bottom and non-sound bottom right like sequencers and envelopes.
Thanks for your advice, this has given me some things to think about!
Maybe at first I should just focus on creating a small playable system. I would then get a 6 or 7u case and integrate modules that can do external audio processing later. Also thanks for the always necessary reminder about utilities. I started with more but of course they slowly got chipped away as I switched out modules.
I haven't bought my rails yet, but I had read about the difference in sizing so I was planning on buying lipless rails. These here are all intellijel format though according to what I've read. The Line In 1u tile will also work independently according to what I could find here:
Thanks for all the other information about the Two59 and the DC coupled interface! I will definitely look a bit more into that and the possibilities with ChucK.
I think I'd just wait and see - keep patching and when you find yourself reaching for something that isn't there... or think of a patch and you are missing something - a sequential switch for example - then look for that - or just spend some time on modulargrid looking through different functions - maybe set the manufacturer to doepfer and read the descriptions and imagine how you would use this module - if you can see it fitting in with the modules you already have then - if something interests you look for similar modules by other manufacturers - watch videos - work out if the potentially more expensive one is that much better than the doepfer - maybe with doepfer you need 2 modules to do what the other module does, but that makes it much more versatile
I'd also spend some time working through manufacturers (this is what I did) - order the modules by price and read the description if anything looks good... then hit you tube
Nowadays I generally just know what I need - vaguely look at new modules as they are released and go - meh...
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
I bought ALM Pamela's New Workout from @onito974 and Doepfer A-116 from @symbiosis - both modules were shipped the next day and are in absolutely perfect condition, communication also worked very well.
Both highly recommended sellers, thank you!
they were all the rage when they first came out - until people realised that they are a pain in the ass to use because they are too small and fiddly - I have 2 trims (and a couple of others TM and tune, that I don't really use any more - maybe in the future for a small portable rack - or as additional sequencing) - one each side of clouds and they are great for that - set and forget - but playability wise big knobs rule!! which means bigger modules (the same can also be said about the erica pico modules - they are kind of worse though as they are an odd size, which is annoying)
-- JimHowell1970
I don't really have any issues with them, but I do use 1hp spacers when I have multiple 2hp modules next to each other. However, they're mostly spread out between larger modules, so reaching the knobs isn't an issue for me. For example, I keep the Averts next to my Batumi and Ochd modules, the Trim is next to my banana/eurorack converter, etc. I also don't tend to knob-turn a lot once I have a patch going. When I do knob-twiddle, it's usually via Northcoast Modular Collective faders or an Acid Rain Navigator. I guess I prefer sliders?
Inscrumental music for prickly pears.
Cool think I am going to stock up on these tools as soon as black friday sales take place. PNW, Disting EX, and Shades. Maybe get the cool Euclidian Rhythm sequencer as it is small and does cool rythm tricks. Has anyone done patches to sequence a sequencer with other sequencers and what patch tricks worked well for you?
Hi all!
I'm happy to invite you to listen a new release of my band, which is devoted to our 10th anniversary.
A lot of Eurorack modular and Nord modular for pads and drones + electric guitars for solos and riffs.
Ambient / drone doom / + three drum'n'bass remixes.
For utility modules, I'm really happy with my Shades which is a mixer, attenuverter, offsetter and my Kinks which combines an inverter/rectifier, a min/max and a noise/S&H.
If you take a look at most prebuilt systems by modular brands, they usually have those function included.
-- Martebar
shades and kinks are excellent modules (I have a kinks and 3 shades in my racks)
2hp VCA, Avert, and Trim. I never see 2hp mentioned much beyond their Pluck module, but for space saving I really like their utilities.
-- baltergeist
they were all the rage when they first came out - until people realised that they are a pain in the ass to use because they are too small and fiddly - I have 2 trims (and a couple of others TM and tune, that I don't really use any more - maybe in the future for a small portable rack - or as additional sequencing) - one each side of clouds and they are great for that - set and forget - but playability wise big knobs rule!! which means bigger modules (the same can also be said about the erica pico modules - they are kind of worse though as they are an odd size, which is annoying)
My top utilities - Kinks, matrix mixer, stages, maths, shades, doepfer sequential switch
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
I have to test it today after work. What patch ideas do you recommend to balance out the features of the Varigate 4+ to still let me use the 2/2 configuration for pitch and scale control that would also wrap in the Malekko Quad Envelope and Batumi LFO to modulate the VCOS in my setup? Documentation from Malekko leaves much to be desired as does lack of support! In contrast, the Intellijel documentation is superb.
Hi Jim,
I did order a MI Kinks and MI Links support modules as well for utilities processing ya know :-)
Besides these what do you recommend for support modules and why? I have plenty of free space to add these. Thank you for clarify the purpose of VCAs. Being new to modular, I am still wrapping my head around how a lot of these things work.
Hi all,
Think about downsizing from my Mordax DATA. The Dave Jones O'Tool is very nice, but based on what I'm seeing on Reverb, it would basically be a trade-out and I'm looking to generate some cash as well.
I only use the DATA as an oscilloscope, which means it's a big module with a ton of functionality that I'm not using. The vpme Zeroscope looks much more appropriate for my needs. Anyone here using it? What do you think?
Inscrumental music for prickly pears.
Pam's New Workout, plus 2hp VCA, Avert, and Trim. I never see 2hp mentioned much beyond their Pluck module, but for space saving I really like their utilities.
Inscrumental music for prickly pears.
so what were you trying to do and did it work as you expected?
I see 2 outputs from the quad envelope to the quad vca that seem superfluous - the red and orange cables going into in 3 and 4 of the vca - there's no point listening to envelopes
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
I don't think Lugia is necessarily suggesting to buy a bigger case!! although I would strongly suggest that 104hp is a much more sensible starter case - and is still very portable, unless you are a small child!!
the idea is to create a much bigger rack on modulargrid so that you can add all the support modules that you actually need for the shiny black expensive modules that you have thrown in you rack and work out each voice so that you can work out how to have fewer voices in the same size rack you have here, but with the support modules that are needed to effectively play it and to be able to patch and repatch in multiple configurations - there is no point buying a modular that can only really be patched effectively 1 way
in doing this you will get a better understanding of what you need in the rack and not just what you want because it looks cool
make copious notes - how you would patch the synth etc etc taking into account things like how you will mix, why are there stereo outputs on the erica dsp, but nothing else is stereo (except the fx aid - I'd go for the XL - more modulation inputs - and probably 2 of these over the erica dsp) - how do you take a mono voice and send it to stereo (panning mixer?) the erica dsp takes the same mono input and copies it both left and right and then processes it - you have no control over this!
I hate odd sized modules - says he thinking very hard about getting an erica seq (it's the cheapest smallest sequencer with memory - i wish it was 4hp and not 3 though!!!)
it will lead to hard decisions - almost definitely remove voices or get a bigger case - or use a smaller sequencer - the nerdseq is overkill in this size case
once you have made the hard decision and implemented it in a modulargrid rack - come back here for a second round of is this actually a workable synth
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
I tried this patch after reading the manual and watching on video that explains you need to use the 2/2 mode switch on the Varigate 4+ to enable the note, glide and scale features of the Varigate sequencer:
small cases are notoriously difficult to set up - especially for novices
they are almost always compromises - functionality/playability
you may be better off with a doepfer system - the small one in a 6u/84hp case perhaps or just get a mantis (by far the best value/powered case) - yeah the go is cheaper - but it is a blindly built clone of the Mantis power supply in a bigger case - so underpowered for real world applications!!! the small case that you had printed will come in useful as an over spill case or portable case (btw I don't think the line input module will work - you need the case inputs to link it to - which you probably haven't got) I'd also double check that the 1u row is intellijel and not pulp logic design (do the rails have lips? if so it's intellijel) before you buy any 1u tiles
LxD is smaller than either optimix or modemix - dplpg is even smaller!
Maths is maths - it is way more than the sum of it's parts - see illustrated manual (google)
as almost always I would want more utility modules - in this case more mixers (for sub mixing audio and for mixing modulation), and more modulation before another vco (which won't fit in this case - as you haven't enough room for support modules)
a second VCO is a good idea - but only in a bigger case - in this size case 1 vco makes more sense - you already have a second voice in rings
if you like the look of the Two59 be aware it is primarily designed to work as part of a pair with a wavefolder between them to form a complex oscillator - it will work standalone (afaik) - but to get it to be like a buchla 259 you need to add the extra modules
for live coding integration I would be tempted to go with a dc coupled audio interface (RME/Expert Sleepers) and not mess around with converting to midi then sending it to the modular and converting the midi back to cv - this will take more time than -> sending cv as audio and having it immediately available as cv
another alternative would be a cv.ocd which is an external midi ->cv converter (but quite small and inexpensive)
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
Not workable. There's too many utilities missing here, which is ironic since many of these expensive modules need those unsexy, cheap ones to do what they do.
Tear this down, and start over in a larger cab. MUCH larger. Build what you think SHOULD work...then start paring that down while continuing to make sure you've got the basic functionalities you need.
One other point: this actually DOES NOT have enough VCAs.
Hey thanks for the feedback. I am currently not looking to make the case any larger. Really intrigued with the idea of having something that is very portable as I don't have a place I can really "set up" permanently. I have revised the system and included more utilities(VCA, Manglers, mixers). Let me know what you think.
Thanks, guys! The thing is I don't even have my AE modular fully built yet. In the end it will be about half the size of Lugia's "Gargantua."
For utility modules, I'm really happy with my Shades which is a mixer, attenuverter, offsetter and my Kinks which combines an inverter/rectifier, a min/max and a noise/S&H.
If you take a look at most prebuilt systems by modular brands, they usually have those function included.
So, I've decided to take the plunge and submit the first draft of my system for feedback. I'm looking forward to hearing people's thoughts.
I would like to build a system which I can use and enjoy on its own, but which I also can use as an element in live performances. Up until now I've been using ChucK (sort of like supercollider) to manipulate field recordings and samples I've collected myself over the years along with my 5 string violin+effects+looper. I also like to integrate clips from interviews I've done over the years.
This set-up gives me a lot of options and flexibility, but I have also been thinking for a long time that I would enjoy integrating a modular system in some way to expand my sonic palette (since tbh I don't really like coding synth sounds in ChucK) and because I really enjoyed using modular systems I had access to in college.
Despite some past experience with modular, I still feel very much like a beginner, especially with Eurorack. During my B.A. we were all required to start learning about electronic music and signal flow on a lovely Moog System 35 and two Buchla Series 100 cabinets. I really loved having these systems available, and since graduating I've missed having this option and the feeling of spending hours exploring the possibilities of a modular system. I get some of that feeling coding in ChucK, but it is not really the same, and definitely less tactile.
Additionally, since my only experience is using systems from the 60's and 70's, modern Eurorack modules are somewhat overwhelming in comparison. There's lots I've forgotten and lots of new things, so I've done my best to try and put a system together which:
- I could play and enjoy as it's own system.
- I could feed my violin or recordings into to see if that is a direction I want to explore with modular techniques. (Hence the Rings, Ears, and Mimeophon)
Thanks for reading until the end, and thanks in advance for your input. I've been lurking for awhile, so I'm really interested to hear what people have to say.
You are opening the VCA with gates. The standard way to go would be to send the gates to the quad envelopes, adjusting the envelopes shapes as needed, and open the VCA with it. If the Varigate is set to 2/2 mode, you can send 2 gates to malekko QE and 2 CV to yours VCO v/oct.
Recording of my First Jam Session with my new 4ms Ensemble Oscillator
Starting at around 3:25 I really found a nice Sweet Spot.
The ENSOC is modulated by MI Tides (also my First Patch with Tides)
At the Beginning you can just hear the Raw Sound from the ENSOC. Then I add Reverb from ZDSP, Magneto and later on the Mimeophon. 2hp RND is triggering the Flip Mode of Mimeophon. Ochd is Modulating the Shift/Level of Tides and the Color of the Mimeophon.
Magneto is in Shift Mode. The Infinite Mode gets Triggered Randomly from Pams.
Qu-Bit Bloom is Playing a slowly mutating 7 Step Sequence. Occasionally I play some Notes on the Pressure Points (CV out to Bloom Root CV In)
2hp RND is triggering the Flip Mode of Mimeophon.
I hope you enjoy it :-)
Many thanks Lugia! Appreciate the help as my new case arrives this week and I want to build it right. Put the two VCOs and filters up top row and bottom row the mixer, quad VCA and quad envelope (Intellijel Quadrax) and leave space in left for more sound sources.
one or 2 maybe - remember they need supporting modules too!!
Do VCAs count as sound sources or control sources?
-- sacguy71
VCAs are neither sound sources or control sources they are sound and control processors/modifiers
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
good you got the sequencer working
if you are having issues patching it - possibly go to the Patches section and create a patch identical to what you are doing and paste it here with an explanation of exactly what you are trying to do!
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
@funbun Reich is getting a deservedly hard time on twitter at the moment, and I'm not sure his reputation will (or should) recover, but I can hear the influence of his work here and setting aside the man, it's quite lovely. Well done!
my tunes:
Hi all,
I just want to share a performance did last year.
It's a 3-part music that involves video accompaniment, tonal/atonal texture, and different instruments (modular, voice, violin, keyboard, percussions, effects). I'm not sure about the actual genre, maybe ambient and experimental.
Hope you all like it!
I was able to get the sequencer Varigate 4+ to work without envelopes but getting both to work with LFOs is tricky.
Here is what I have
Many thanks Lugia! Appreciate the help as my new case arrives this week and I want to build it right. Put the two VCOs and filters up top row and bottom row the mixer, quad VCA and quad envelope (Intellijel Quadrax) and leave space in left for more sound sources. Do VCAs count as sound sources or control sources?
I have recently updated the Milky Way to the latest V4 firmware, then the dry signal becomes mono. I send stereo signal from a stereo mixer (Doepfer A138s) to its left/right input, wherever I pan, the signals are centered. Panning left and right will slightly soften the volume. The fx (e.g. ping-pong delay) is still stereo.
I sent inquiry to Endorphin, and they said itβs a small bug where the module starts up with a stereo spread parameter in not a default place, a soft reset (press both type & tap for 5 sec) will solve the problem, but it does not.
Then I try downgrade the firmware back to V3 and V2, the stereo dry signals are back, but all the effect sounds are gone... The volume of the eurorack signals significantly get louder, but with huge background hum. I have already attempted so many times by updating with different firmware, adjusting firmware playback vol level, inserting into input 1 & 2 for update, soft reset, but still donβt solve the problem.
Anyone encounter the same issue?
AE Modular, baybee! Gotta love what Robert's sleepy-looking machine has to offer...
I also don't see the purpose of using a Palette here, either. They're useful little sidecars...say you'd like to run a couple of Maths alongside a different modular. Well, that's what the Palettes are for. I'd never consider them to be the right solution for a full system.
Pricing, also, should come into consideration. A 62 hp Palette = $299 street. Tiptop Mantis = $335. Both are powered. Both are portable (you can even get a gigbag for the Mantis...see HERE: But while the Palette has 62 hp, the Mantis offers 208 and can easily be the core of a larger system in addition to being a stick-it-in-the-bag-and-go gigging instrument. To sum that up, 1 hp in a Palette costs you $4.82, while the Mantis comes in at $1.61. So even though it's slightly more, in the end it'll be cheaper since you won't have to get something else to expand beyond 62 hp. And in the end, this also more or less negates the need for that tile row.
+1 on the multiples issue here. In a small build they're really cripplers, since they take up valuable panel space that NEEDS to be filled with functionality. And the only reason you'd ever need a buffered mult is if you're trying to split the same signal to many sources, usually four or more. It's not an 'everyday' module, but one with a very specific use.
I never recommend using multiple modules in smaller-sized builds. It makes much more sense to have several passive mult "widgets" on hand instead, as those can go anywhere in a patch without causing weird routing issues and more cable tangles.
Aim for this: sound up, control down. Try and get your entire audio chain into ONE tier, preferably the top one due to the P/S issue. By putting your modulation, control, etc in the LOWER row, you avoid the P/S noise issue, since induced noise on those modules doesn't really have any consequences to speak of. Also, try and keep your flow left to right up top, and co-locate the modulation sources in the bottom row. For example, if you know you'll be using a certain EG with your VCF quite a bit of the time, then have the EG in close proximity below the filter.
Yeah, it's an effin' puzzle, I know. But it IS the right way to make things work. Go look at an ARP 2600 and you'll see what I mean.
A couple of things...
1) Clouds = N'existez pas. Long gone. Unless you have one on hand or know a solid source for one, take it out and replace it with a 3rd party build...which will also conceivably save you space OR allow you to put in an expanded version, such as a Monsoon.
2) A Behringer P/S? No. If there's one specific part you should NEVER, EVER skimp on in a modular synth, it's the POWER. There are too many screwy things that a cheap, inadequate P/S can do to/with a modular synth, especially a switching supply. This is why the hardcore types...along with some companies, such as LINEAR supplies, sometimes external. They're clunky and heavy...but output NO ripple, no RF hash, none of that. And I would NEVER trust anything Uli was responsible for enough to make it a mission-critical device.
Last thing...unless you have a very, very specific reason for jamming everything into one UNpowered 104 hp skiff, don't. Instead, get some more SPACE here, maybe consider moving up to a Mantis or something similar that's already powered properly. You're gonna feel awfully cramped trying to much of anything in just 104 hp, especially if the aim is to build something versatile.
I can get the envelopes to trigger but no sequencer to work. Any ideas?