Thank you JimHowell1970,


For the quick reply. Question: how would I then patch VCOs and LFOs to the envelopes and sequencer to playback patterns if I patch the gates from the Varigate 4+ and envelopes to the 4 CV on my Intellijel Quad VCA? Would I route each VCO and LFO to the 4 inputs of the Intellijel Quad VCA and route the audio outs from the quad vca to a mixer or studio monitors?

-- sacguy71

VCO outputs to audio inputs on VCA

the intellijel quad vca is cascading - so has a mixer built in - send that where ever you want or patch each channel to a mixer -> monitors

use the LFOs to modulate the VCOs

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Hi Agarthha!

you really need to spend some more time researching - and think bigger (case), but start smaller (fewer modules)

you probably don't need ears (at least for inputting from digitone) - both morphagene and clouds are stereo anyway - both also work at both line and modular levels - you might want the envelope following or contact mic functionality though

whilst ochd is a great module - I would expect something like a maths to be more suitable - it is more hands on and more versatile - you'll probably want more modulation that is controllable - there is very little control over ochd and it only offers triangle waves shapes ) that's not to say don't get ochd - but I would get maths before ochd - see the illustrated manual (google) and marvel at it's analog patch-programmable computerness!!

you may be better off with chaos rather than random - triple sloths for example instead of wogglebug - random is random - chaos is a bit more centered

I would also add a kinks and a matrix mixer to help create more interesting modulation and some filters and other effects - fx aid xl, for instance

you will almost definitely want vcas for both modulation and audio - get a quad cascading one - veils or intellijel - they can also double as inputs if you need them to - as both of those VCAs are actually amplifiers! veils also has decent saturation - idk about intellijel

you'll also want some basic envelopes for those gates - to feed the vcas - if you want more keyboard like pressing get ADSRs, other wise ADs or even Ds are generally fine for most things

I would advise strongly against starting with such a small case - 104hp/6u is a more sensible starting point ) this will leave you space to expand - you will need it - Mantis is an excellent inexpensive choice with good power - and it is still tabletop/portable

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Hi Damon,

Wow, a complete album, yet again! I am still listening at your album, so far really impressed. I love your track "Deep Calls To Deep", you really take the listener here to far outer-space and looking around here I see tons of stars, I must be far, seriously far away from our solar system because I haven't seen this before yet :-) As you can see, your music really helps the imagination!

Yes, nicely done and if you don't mind, I continue listening at the tracks of your album. Kind regards, Garfield.

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in a case this size I would really only want to try to get a single voice in, more than that and you can easily end up with significant issues that once that case is full are only solvable by either buying another case and adding more modules or removing modules and replacing them

it's significantly easier to start with a bigger case - work out what you need to support what you want and then if you want a small portable case - either additionally or as a "beauty" case for travel - you have an idea of what you will be able to fit in it and still have a working synth that you enjoy playing with

I would look at a mantis - great case for the money and still portable - unless you are a small child

if you are worried about spending too much too quickly on modules get some blind panels to cover most of the rack - they are not expensive - 40€ covers over half a mantis - and set yourself a budget - stick cash in a jar or something similar!

with the palette cases you are paying a lot for some buffered mults, 1/2 a midi interface and 1/2 an output module (maybe 1/2 an input module too) and the 1u row (which in terms of hardware costs the same as the 3u row)

personally I do not have any 1u and do not intend to - I would rather build or buy regular 3u rows - for example a mantis cost about 1/2 the price of a 7u/104 case - by the time it's full and there is need for what would be the 1u row - you could buy a second mantis (with the savings from buying one in the first place) and buy equivalent 3u modules instead of 1u tiles - and probably only take up 20hp or so - leaving 180hp free for other modules

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Hi Quantum Eraser,

He, he, of course you don't want to be a 2nd Hans, stay as you are. It was as a matter of speaking, naturally :-)

I will stay being Garfield as long as you stay as you are and come up with more good stuff ;-) Kind regards, Garfield.

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Thank you JimHowell1970,

For the quick reply. Question: how would I then patch VCOs and LFOs to the envelopes and sequencer to playback patterns if I patch the gates from the Varigate 4+ and envelopes to the 4 CV on my Intellijel Quad VCA? Would I route each VCO and LFO to the 4 inputs of the Intellijel Quad VCA and route the audio outs from the quad vca to a mixer or studio monitors?

Hi Exposure,

Wow that's a nice track! To me this sounds so professional, it reminds me far away a little bit of Pyrolator and a bit of Kreidler perhaps? :-)

Very nicely done and I continue to listen a few times more to this track, yeah, nice evening for me ;-) Kind regards, Garfield.

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@JimHowell1970, true passive mults are what you want 99% of the time for those 1v/oct cases.
No - but I think it's just a mistake :-) passive mults are what you want 99% of the time for those NONE 1v/oct cases

I have a few Noise Engineering modules on the way and since these are sensitive to modulation, would passive mults be enough to tame these for modulation purposes say if I feed an LFO into them? I did take your advice from earlier and order a Kinks and Links as well as larger hex VCA for the second case. Now I need the sequential switch, clock, and logic modules. I figure with the four VCOs and 12 VCAs that should cover that area for now in both cases. I will get these additional tools on Black Friday sale.
-- sacguy71

mults will not tame anything!!!
they make copies - that's all

attenuators are what you are looking for for taming modulation - passive ones work fine - I use 2hp trim modules

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Top class feedback for @specificobjects who shipped rapidly and was super helpful with my noob questions.

set varigate to 4 gates
patch out of each channel of varigate to an envelope
patch each of the envelopes to cv in on one of the channels of a quad vca
send 4 channels of audio to a quad vca
adjust to taste

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

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Hi all,

I just got my new Malekko Varigate 4+ sequencer and Malekko Quad Envelope! Crazy modules and I plugged them into my case and tested and all good. But very tricky to use since I am new to modular and trying to figure out some good patch examples to get started on using both modules. Any ideas?

Hi Pricto,

Sounds to me that the module might have an issue. Let's see what Erica Synths says. You might need to send the module to them for repair or check; but up to Erica Synths of course to analyse this accurately.

Good luck and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Sorry for my late Reply...

Thank you so much for your Kind Words about my Music :-)

But, Hans's a long Way to got. But do I really want to be Hans? I rather stay myself and
see where my Eurorack Journey is taking me :-)

I will upload new Video from a little Jam Session i made today :-)

Stay as you are!

Kind Regards from Switzerland

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Hi all,

I am working on a new build and want suggestions on where to place modules in my new Doepfer 6U case.

ModularGrid Rack

With the placement of the power supply on bottom right of second row, no sound sources can go there. Wanted to get thoughts on where to place my oscillators, filters, LFO, utilities and so forth. Open to comments and feedback as to what else my setup could benefit from.

I just wanted to share my last track / experiment.

Bass is from the minibrute 2s and drums from drumbrute impact. The rest is from a MI plaits modulated by a Zadar and filtered with a µVCF.

It occurred to me that it would be fun to crossfade the lowpass filter and the high-pass outputs with and LFO. So the patch goes like this:

  • Plaits out to µVCF input.
  • µVCF lowpass out to the Intellijel Quad VCA input 1
  • µVCF high-pass out to the Intellijel Quad VCA input 2
  • LFO 1 from Minibrute 2s split; 1 to VCA cv 1 and one inverted in Minibrute and then to VCA cv 2

Sure this technique is pretty basic but it's the first time I'm using it and it was quite fun. You can listen Plaits in chords mode going from low to high in a kind of wave. :)

A part from that, I'm still struggling with my mixing skills. I think the low frequencies in this one are a bit too busy, maybe I should go easier on the Minibrute next time.

@bots : very good trader. Forget to include a cable. Immediately sent afterwards. Thanx.

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@JimHowell1970, true passive mults are what you want 99% of the time for those 1v/oct cases.

I have a few Noise Engineering modules on the way and since these are sensitive to modulation, would passive mults be enough to tame these for modulation purposes say if I feed an LFO into them? I did take your advice from earlier and order a Kinks and Links as well as larger hex VCA for the second case. Now I need the sequential switch, clock, and logic modules. I figure with the four VCOs and 12 VCAs that should cover that area for now in both cases. I will get these additional tools on Black Friday sale.

Thanks for the input Jim,

Yeah I can see what you mean.
I think in some ways im trying to do a little too much with this First case simply because I know ill get a bigger one.
But don't want to commit too much too soon buy actually getting one now.
I think if I could get hold of a 7u 84hp case, id just go with that. Then having 4ch CV and a full granular would make more sense.

Equally I only had the second filter for if I was using the C4rbn as an oscillator.
Maybe ill try and focus in a little more.
Buy the core modules and then fill up the gaps after.

Hello everyone,

This is my first step in the modular world. I've been jamming ambient/neoclassical/drone music for the past 2 years with my digitone only and never acquired any other type of hardware. I play most of the time lush and self-evolving drone soundscapes. Ive many times wanted to buy extra reverb, extra delay and granular pedals/synths but never found what I really wanted until I looked into the modular world...

First, I should receive by the end of the year a generative sequencer to go with the digitone: T-1 by Torso Electronics (it will include 4xCVs and 2xGates). From january, i would start buying and building everything.

So this is the setup I've come up with. My idea is building a "small" tabletop live sampling and FX (mostly granular) processing unit to go with my Digitone which will be the main and only sound source (except manually added samples on the Morphagene). I would start with a 4ms Pod 64x HP case which would leave 8hp free.

Ears would be the entrance of the setup and provides simple line-level amplification for the Digitone. Morphagene would then provide live sampling in parallel or independently from Clouds/Monsoon. Meaning the Digitone could be plugged into the Morphagene for recording or playing an external sample at some moments or into the Clouds or with both flowing at the same time. Ochd by DivKid/Instruo and its 8 LFOs would provide slow drifting and evolving modulation (which is what I like the most in drone music) to both of Morphagene and Clouds. I could probably add in the future if the sound is too static for my taste, a Wogglebug by MakeNoise to bring randomness and some kind of uncertainty/craziness..
Finally the XOH by MakeNoise could make the sum of independent Morphagene and Clouds processed sounds as well as being the final output to my headphone (which I use 99% of the time when I play).

How do you think those 5/6 modules would work between each other with my Digitone? Am I missing extra modulation?

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

I disagree about buffered 4 channel mults being the way to go:

1 you only need buffered mults for v/oct

2 passives are significantly cheaper and you can spread them out better around the rack - and if you don't have space for them you can use headphone splitters etc just as well (or an actual passive mult)

vcas are an essential part of modular synthesis - @sacguy71 - you are just starting to learn why you can never have enough vcas!!!!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I would consider pulling back a bit on some of the modules

Clouds for example could be replaced with an FX Aid (XL) for example

You could then get an og Rings - which is nicer to play with and Emilie gets some money for designing it (win/win)

Same with the sequencer - do you really need 4 channels of v/oct - get a simpler sequencer and tune oscillators differently (buffered) mult (already in the case) the same v/oct to each, perhaps

you'll also probably get away without a 2nd filter

maybe add a small 2hp utility mixer and a basic LFO

not sure how deep the case is - check depths!!!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Thread: Moog 104hp

have you already bought this? or is this just a plan

what are you aiming to do?

why the tiny modules? vca, lfo, seq, dsp? if not already bought - I would go bigger for all of these except maybe the seq - because they are not ergonomic - quad cascading vca (veils or intellijel), any bigger LFO, FX Aid (XL?)

one reason for going to the FXAid is that it is stereo in whilst the eric dsp is mono in

kinks would be a good addition for making more interesting modulation

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Thread: Moog 104hp

Looks nice this bro :)

Hi guys, received the Befaco - Out v3 and still leaks as I predicted. I've tried in other places in my apartment and the same. Also when I use the Black Dual EG/LFO, the VCA never closes completely after a CV opening and closing of the VCA, when I pull the volume up of the VCA when it is supposed to be closed by the EG, I get almost a full signal out of the VCA... Don't know if the EG is not working properly either. Will send video to Erica Synths to see if it's working properly or not.



I've been mapping out my design for my first case.

So I'd imagine the first comments are going to be saying that I will need something bigger, and in the long run, I'd agree, this is not going to be my last case. But I really don't mind getting another when the time comes.
For now I just want something I can sit in the sofa with.
I've gone with a pallet case for a couple of reasons.
-I travel a lot, so having a case that I can always go back to when I want to be more mobile will always be handy to have.
-I like the 1u format, and the 7u 84hp is universally out if stock. 7u 104hp is more than I want to commit to right now

What I think I've got.
-Bass/perc (BIA), lead (RINGS) and effects modules/voice with clouds.
-Combined vca/mixer (4 channel for what should be a 2 to 3 voice setup.)
-Gate and CV modulation/sequencing. (I also have a Deluge that I can use with it)
-Two filters, with the C4rbn also being self occilating with wave folding for more options.
-A two out utility for envelopes,LFOs. With Peaks. It can do a lot more but I'd mainly be using it as an Envelope.
-Pams for clocking, and all the envelope, gate and everything else it can do.

So, I know it's smaller than most of you would want.

But the real question is, am I missing anything that will make this setup non functioning?

ModularGrid Rack

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Hi Garfield,

Yeah they are more expensive in Europe due to VAT for cases but love how flexible they are and can use without issues. I like the larger Dark Modular travel cases as well. I am also liking the Submodular travel cases with 208HP free.

If I ever decide to do a modular live gig in the future, I would definitely go with an Intellijel 7u case to use for 1u tiles and conserve space in a small fly rig. But with COVID, that is a long ways away.

Once my new case and gear arrive, once I have it setup and sorted will have to create new jams. I did order more utility modules so will see what else I need. Thinking a matrix quad mixer, ring modulator, master clock module like Pamela and sequential switch. Will wait for the Black Friday sales for those. With my new Varigate 4+ on the way and current outboard sequencers, probably won't buy any expensive ones this year. Though a small one that can ratchet sequences would be cool.

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For complex oscillator, if I had the rack space and cash, my bet would be for either the Verbos Complex Oscillator or the Furthrrrr Generator those are both superb!

But getting back to utilities and so forth, the larger all in one VCA modules like Intellijel Quad VCA and Befaco Hex VCA are great ways to not run out. I have these in my systems and use them a lot. Also for mults, a buffered 4 channel mult is the way to go. I did not think that I would use these a lot but after you are done a boring patch from a VCO to a VCF to VCA you realize more to life is good than just boring drones. I learned why VCAs are great when I started using my Batumi LFO to modulate things. Being able to use 4 VCAs with the Batumi and my two oscillators was super awesome.

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Indeed and you will need way more rack space than you think. I filled my first 6u case that had one row of 84HP Doepfer A100 Basic modules and one empty row of 84HP. Fortunately, Doepfer A100 Basic system gave me an understanding of what I need besides the one VCO, one LFO and one filter. Most of the first row is the boring but essential modules like clock divider, slew/function, sample & hold/noise and a mult module.

One suggestion would be to play around with VCV Rack watch some of the many tutorials on patching that first and then perhaps buy a prebuilt system that has free expansion space. Doepfer makes solid kits that teach the basics and still sound darn good. I created some good kick bass drums and acid bass lines with one VCO and one filter using the boring but key utility modules.
Then I added to it with more utility like a quad VCA, buffered 4 channel mult since the passive one that came with the system does not have the benefit of a buffered mult like maintain CV when patching and then more envelopes and a small sequencer. So out of the free 84HP, the only fancy modules added were a cool Richter Anti-Oscillator and Richter Borg filter that give me dual oscillators and dual filters and modes in two modules.

Now with my second Doepfer 6U case on the way and a few more modules mostly utility ones too by the way like Kinks and Links, I am looking forward to building my skills. I then realize larger modules will require a very large travel case like 9u-12u that can house 400HP for me to make buying large modules worthwhile. Which is fine because I am learning modular and don't need giant sized do all modules but rather basic functions that can mix and create cool stuff.

Nice noisemakers in there...too bad there's not really a way to get them to really cut loose.

As noted above, start with a MUCH larger cab than you know you want. In other words, get stoopid! You may, in fact, find that the case wasn't as small as you'd thought! Starting larger also lets you lay out ideas such as module can discover groups of modules that work very synergistically that way, and once you've found something that works as a "system core" along those lines, THEN you'll know what case size to shoot for.

Also...and this is IMPORTANT...don't fill your build out with "sexy modules" while doing this exploration. Utility modules might not look all that jazzy, but they're 100% KEY to making a modular do what you'd expect out of it. F'rinstance, let's put in something utterly ridiculously expensive...a Cwejman RES-4 quad resonant filter. Wow! $800 of filter! Can I input just a little bit of LFO on one band's CV? you have the cheapo external attenuator for that? Coz the Cwejman's not got ANY input attenuators.

That's one example. I could think of enough, though, that I would risk a brain aneurysm. If you leave those elements out, you ain't got crap...except for a very spendy box with some twiddly electronic noisemakers.

Since you also have VCV Rack, I'd suggest doing a little MG exploration with it. How? Simple...put up two windows. Work on your MG build in one...but in the other, put up VCV and "play along" as you build by building close as you can...what you're assembling in the MG window. No, there's not a 1:1 equivalency there, but you'll have a really good handle on how, what, and where utilities work in the context of a patch, and this can help a lot when finally working out how much of a hole you want to burn in the Magic Plastic.

Jim's spot-on regarding the utilities. It's obvious that this was built according to "sexy module" standards...and you've figured out why we hammer so much on that! "One-patch wonders" are very much the sort of thing that Sexy Module Syndrome leads to!

OK...for starters, there's only two VCAs in here. And this thing needs LOADS of modulation to make it kick...but without adequate VCAs, you're not going to get those amazing, changing-while-played sounds. Here's how to paint yourself into that corner...see if this sounds familiar...

So, you've got two channels of audio being controlled by your Pitt VCAs. But on one channel, you want this pitch vibrato to also come up slowly as each note is played. Good luck with that!...coz it ain't happening in THIS rig. You'd need another VCA to get that level change + modulation increase. THIS is why we all repeat "You can't have enough VCAs"...because they're simple tools that SEEM boring, but which allow some astonishing things to be patched.

Step 1: OK, those Moogs need to go. Yeah, they're convenient there. They're also more expensive when you take them out of their powered cab and put them in yet another powered cab. And they're currently preventing you from adding the things this build needs.

Step 2: check Jim's "shopping list" above. In fact, spend a veritable BUTTLOAD of time researching those things. They're NOT "optional", as some new synthesists seem to think.

Step 3: how about some more FILTERS? You've got a Wasp and a Ripples...but nothing that really screws with audio hard. Note that I'm NOT counting the Roland Aira module here, as it's less of a module that fits IN a patch and much more akin to an effects device that goes at the END of the patch. Look into something that allows utterly weird routings, that has double filtering, maybe even a resonance path insert. All of those exist...and much more...and allow loads more timbral variety.

Step 4: you might consider a complex oscillator. The only sources here (and I'm not including the Moogs here...seriously, they don't belong in here!) are a Plaits and a Dreadbox Hysteria. Plaits is good, the Dreadbox VCO has quantizing...but nothing here can do really complex internal crossmodulation. And without more VCOs with which to do that, trying to sacrifice either VCO for that purpose won't sound all that good. Even if you just doubled the Plaits and Hysteria, that would be a huge improvement.

This build might look pretty full...but the truth is that it's got some way to go and some mistakes to correct. Not unsalvageable, tho...

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I also heard that a ring modulator would benefit my setup. Klavis Logica XT for a logic utility, and Mystic Circuits tree sequential switch would help as well. On the fence with Eloquencer for a sequencer- one guy I met had 4 of them in his setup and while they look cool they still have lot of menu diving like the Hermod. Perhaps WMD Metron, Circadian Rhythms may work? I also thought get a clock power module like Pamela and Expert Sleepers Disting EX when out.

Hi Sacguy71,

Yes Metropolis is nice, if you don't know this one yet, then check this out:

First two minutes are kind of funny history lessons, after that it's getting interesting.

Hikari Instruments might be difficult to get, I was lucky to be in Japan last year summer for holiday and managed to get a few of Hikari's modules. I got the Triple AD as well, very nice module too (recommendable) and the Atten/Mixer, 7 channels mixer in 8 HP, nice and good but Triple AD & Quad Switch are my favourites.

Let me know how you like the Eloquencer, if you are getting one, I am not so sure about that one. Hermod, I heard is also good indeed but too much menu diving for me. I like to keep it easy and simple without wanting to remember how to use which button for what and how to do what in which part of the menu... but of course up to everybody, that's just my opinion.

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Sacguy71,

Yes I saw that MDLR case when you provided that link in one of your previous posts. That's indeed pretty impressive, the price too :-) I am not so sure, I need first a lot of space here at home which I don't have any more. I cleared up already some space for a new rack but that rack is going to be full soon as well I am afraid... I need to win the lottery to get a proper big house with tons of walls to put all full with Euroracks (and then the modules of course) ;-)

But yes, MDLR cases looks nice, just their price (here in Europe at least since we have to add on 21% tax (i.e. VAT) onto it...) should be about half of what they are asking now, their power modules can't keep up with the Doepfer ones, so that's yet another concern.

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Sacguy71,

Thanks a lot for your feedback on the Batumi. It's good to hear that's easy in use, I like that :-) Good hint about that Poti, I saw that already but it's good to remind me on that one. If I decide to buy the Batumi then indeed with the Poti.

Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.

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Thanks Garfield, it was pretty crazy wild.

I love the Batumi so powerful, easy to use and works wonderful either as 4 independent LFOs or in unison mode and many other tricks up its sleeves. If you get one, do get the add on Poti module that gives you access to the switch to use the other waveforms without having to adjust the jumper settings on the back of the module. Wish I had done that when I bought it and before I installed in my first setup. I like how simple it is to use and fun for live performance. Yeah I had a cool formant vowel thing going on with it last night that kept saying wow to me.

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Another alternative to Maths are Befaco Rampage and possibly Intellijel Quadrax or Quadra with the expander.
Then there is Frap Tools Falistri which has its own take. I just ordered the Quadra and expander since I already have a mini-maths in my 0-coast and wanted to try something different. I am finding utilities like mixers and buffered mults super useful as I start to build more complex patches.

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Thanks Garfield,
Yeah Metropolis looks super cool. I also like the Winter Eloquencer- 8 CV gates out and tons of cool programming features. The Hermod and WMD Metron look awesome as well. Thanks for the tip on the Hikari quad switch will keep that in mind. I need a good matrix mixer and sequential switch in my setup as well as a solid master clock generator like Pamela New Workout. I have a Varigate 4+ arriving this week that should handle sequencer in box for now along with my external sequencer devices until end of year or next.

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Thanks Garfield, yeah the Erica Synths Octasource is cool. I also like the Black Graphic VCO waveshaper to create own custom wave shapes. I did order a new IME Kermit MK3 module that has four channels and can function as an LFO, wave VCO, EG or more. Sort of a serious powerhouse module for the new case. I also ordered the new IME Bionic Lester MK3 which is powerful dual filter. Saving for a larger 4 row MDLR 12 case with 376HP of space or the 14U/126HPx4 Performer case to let me get larger modules and add a potent sequencer. I like the Frap Tools and 4ms modules but they are HUGE and require a lot of case space.
That case would give me 4x more space after I fill up my second Doepfer 6U case.

This is the travel modular case to get and folds nicely for shows.

Hi Sacguy71,

Yeah, LFOs are nice and crazy at the same time. Okay, it might be a bit early for you to get it since it's a complex thing but you can put it on your wish list (if you like to consider it, that is) and when you ready for it then get it :-)

I am talking here about, I am calling it myself, a psychopath of a module. This module has some serious issues ;-) But in a fun way! It's the Erica Synths - Black Octasource, it's a total nutcase LFO with 8 outputs (phase shifted). Even your most dull modules can be lighten up with this LFO. It can do some serious crazy but funny and nice things. I have to warn you though, this beast is difficult to tame and you need to get to understand it first before it becomes useful. So don't give up after a few attempts, this needs a bit more patience approach and "understanding" the craziness of this beast. But once you start to understand and appreciate it, this beast becomes a beauty! My top LFO by far.

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Sacguy71,

Looks like you had a very enjoyable night :-) Nice experimenting and you came up with some interesting sounds too!

The Xaoc Devices - Batumi, what's your opinion on that one? I consider this module. Are you happy with it? Logically to use?

He, he, and you got some noises that are quite close to voices, nice, kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Saqguy71,

Another secret word: Metropolis.

Fun sequencer (that can do ratcheting) that's still on my wish list but I am not daring to order it because yes, lots of fun with it I think however expensive and for the moment I want to have a multiple track sequencer.

If you look for a VCS (Voltage Controlled Switch) then consider a Hikari Instruments - Quad Switch or one of those from Doepfer, for example the A-150-8.

I wish you a lot of planning & design fun and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

OK that's a bit more like it

@toinouvltn the Maths does a crap-ton of things you don't think you'll need but you'll be patching one day and I think "I wonder if I could do this" and Maths will be sitting right there ready for you. To top it off, I prefer its envelopes to the Zadar a good bit, very responsive to wiggling, which is one of the joys of modular, and with a nice expressive range. I'd say this second case looks pretty good!
-- troux

Maths is an excellent module I would probably buy it before any of the others if I had the choice - read through the illustrated manual - the others are modules, Maths is a patch programmable analog computer

let's see what we can take out to get a bit of space for more important modules

do you really need 2 stereo inputs?

how are you mixing? audio submixes/cv/final audio - I see a STmix and a triple vca - and the middle section of maths - not a huge amount - maybe enough; may not! try patching in your head! or on paper - count outputs - count inputs - have you got enough ways to combine different things?

do you need a buffered mult? only really needed for v/oct - which you don't really need - use stackcables or headphone splitters

the mute module? how are you planning on using it? do you need 4 channels? better to use on gates than on audio

and the offset module from NE - I would rather have a matrix mixer - AI Synthesis or Rebel Technology - you can always do offsets with maths

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

@toinouvltn the Maths does a crap-ton of things you don't think you'll need but you'll be patching one day and I think "I wonder if I could do this" and Maths will be sitting right there ready for you. To top it off, I prefer its envelopes to the Zadar a good bit, very responsive to wiggling, which is one of the joys of modular, and with a nice expressive range. I'd say this second case looks pretty good!

Please don't post your add between the database of modules. There is a specified marketplace to sell your gear. Thanks!

Thread: Amalgamod

epic mind expansion kit 👽

h o n e s t w o m e n a r e b e a u t i f u l | # i l 6 f r e e # w h o # j a me s b o n d a g e h e a l t h | u n i v e r s a l m i n d

Thanks all for the quick replies.

Indeed, there is a lack of VCA and utilities and I feel a bit tight in this case for the futur (wasn't expected to dive so fast into modular), so Mantis would be a great option. I will look for a used rack.
For Maths, I didn't think it was a priority due to the Batumi/Zadar/Samara trio. Will it make a huge difference to combine all of these ?
Here is the way I think it could be great to go (still think a multimode filter could be a good addition but don't know if the Happy Nerding 3 VCA will be enough or if I preferably go to something like the Intellijel Quad VCA) :

ModularGrid Rack

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Thanks Garfield,

Yeah they are super crazy modules and very unique take on the Richter Wiard 3000 designs. Each module is really like several different modules in one. The Anti-Oscillator has a crazy LFO mode and wave shaper feature and two different VCO cores one is the flute mellow triangle the other is the zany mayhem one. Feed that into the Malekko Dual Borg filter and infinite sound exploration is possible. It gets wild with Batumi man that is one crazy LFO. So many modes to Batumi it is a very deep LFO module in and of itself. I think that I really am loving wave shapers and crazy LFO modules. I did order more utilities and a small sequencer so will so how that works.

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Fun night playing with modular stuff

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Ah there is the rub! Muxslicer! Need to check that one out when the Black Fridays sale arrives in few months. I ordered a lot of gear because the savings were superb. I must have saved $500 this weekend on new gear :-)

Plus I love wave tables and the IME Kermit and Bionic Lester are hard to find in stock. Now I just need more utilities, sequencer and another case.