The secret word for tonight is Muxlicer.

I would fill the empty space with a quad vca (intellijel or MI) and a disting mk4.

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I took advantage of holiday sales to buy fun new gear.

Here is what I have planned thus far:

ModularGrid Rack

I did get a few utilities like Links and Kinks along with the hex VCA and Intellijel Quadra with expander. Thoughts?

I plan to wait until the next sale around Black Friday to add to this second rack- perhaps a ratcheting fun sequencer? Add in a sequential switch, maybe another attenuator tools, clock like Pamela's New Workout and not sure if matrix mixer needed?

In any case, this new setup will be tons of fun to use with my first rack!

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Glad to help out. Lots of great masters here are helpful and when I got into it, wanted all the cool flashy toys as well. But the boring modules will come in useful. I ended up using my buffered mults quite a bit as I get into patching to route signals across my setup. I still need a few for my second case mostly attenuators/attenuvertes, sequential switch, matrix mixer. Fortunately, those essential utility modules are way less than the big voice modules.

Hey Sacguy71 - thanks for the feedback! I plan on getting a 2x84hp case, but didn't want to just post a half-empty rack here. I appreciate the advice, though. Also, thanks for the utilities suggestion. Real easy to get caught up with all the weird, fun, noise-making/noise-shaping stuff! I'll go get that book and invest some time into finding the right utility modules.

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Hi there,

I am new as well to modular. I highly recommend the book Patch & Tweak. I bought this bible of modular recently and been reading it as I learn to patch my new system. Glad you are using vcvrack that is a great free learning tool. One thing that I highly recommend from your post, buy a bigger case than you think you will need. I started with a Doepfer A100 Basic system that had the core modules from Doepfer plus 84HP free. I already filled that free row of 84 HP and ordered a new case. Also, from looking at your rack setup, I don't see any VCAs or utility modules except for the one single VCA. I recommend a larger case at least 168HP in size 2-3 rows minimum so you can fit those in. You would benefit from a buffered multiple module, mixer that can blend CV and audio voltages, and an attenuator of some type plus a switch module. These are small cheap but essential modules and don't get the flashy coverage but will open up many new patch opportunities. For a case, some good low cost options are the Tip Top Audio Mantis case that gives a lot of space I believe 2xrows of 104HP each or the Doepfer 9u powered case.

I've been reading endlessly, watching YouTube reviews and tutorials for 12 hrs a day, playing on VCV Rack, but I still feel kind of lost. Haven't even bought a case yet, but would like to stop imagining building a rack and start actually building one. Music-wise: I want to make everything from weird soundscapes to lo-fi hip-hop. I have a Digitakt for drums and sampling purposes. Any - negative, positive, neutral, whatever - feedback would be really great. THANKS.

ModularGrid Rack

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Yup the Mantis case is good value. I plan to get one after I fill up my next Doepfer case :-)
More VCAs and a sequential switch would help as well.

Buy a mantis

it's about the same price as the rackbrute - but doesn't have the power module and is 104hp

that way everything you have here + maths + a matrix mixer + kinks + a quad cascading vca will fit in case number 1

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

That said, I somehow missed that there's no VCAs here, so you'll need to fit those in as well.

Lots of interesting modules here @toinouvltn. My personal suggestion would be to get a powered case, remove the RackBrute and the Quad Buffer, and add a Maths. It'll open up a lot of the other modules here, and its enveloping and LFOs will be a nice contrast to the Zadar and the Batumi (and I'll edit to add that that's not even mentioning all its other functions, attenuator and mixer especially coming to mind).

Hello all,

Here is my first 6U system build in a rackbrute and I would like to have feedback about it and how can I finish it.
I am currently trying to make industrial techno and I also own a Jomox Alpha Base as a drum machine.
I was thinking to add a bionic lester MKIII.

ModularGrid Rack

not a lot of utilities in the rack - these are usually the key to patching differently imo

specifically for improving modulation - which is probably where you are struggling

mutable kinks, matrix mixer (get a 4x4 if possible), another modulation source, some passive mults/attenuators, a sequential switch, some basic mixers would all open up patching more for you

it's also very easy to plug the same output of sequencer into the same module - swap these around
also try tuning oscillators to different notes/octaves (within same scale)

use clouds as an oscillator instead of an effect - put something in the buffer!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Hi everyone.
I'm new since a couple of months to modular world. I've bought all modules used or did some DIY kits. I have great fun playing on my modular with a Roland TR8S for beats and I can improvise easily 1 hour with both.

The thing is that I'm kind of stuck on the same patch since the start and when I try to change it I don’t have enough creativity on my patches! How would you patch this up?

ModularGrid Rack

Thanks a lot guys!

I've been using the device always in the same room and area, I'll try other spots of my apartment and outside to discard the possibility of a specific RF creeping somehow in the device and keeping the VCA's slightly open. Still waiting for the Befaco - Out v3 module, will inform of what happens.

Thank you very much for the advice!


Cheers dude :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

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All points are relevant besides it is next to impossible in this day and age to make a viable living just as a musician of any form and type. Most pro level musicians either end up teaching to pay bills or work day jobs as engineers, lawyers, doctors, plumbers or whatnot. I know super talented musicians both on guitar and also with synthesizers who are not connected to land huge paying gigs or residencies at big clubs that pay well and have to work day jobs. That is the reality that nobody wants to admit or talk about. Look at Youtube for example. Only a handful make any money off it. Yeah we have a few celebrities like DivKid and Andrew Huang and Loopop who make bank on modular for a living.

I have music training but I am just a hobbyist and use it to create weird sounds that may lead to a soundtrack to accompany my novel/screenplay that I am working on. I cannot afford to pay bands like Metallica or Infected Mushroom to use their music in the movie screenplay so I learn to do it myself. It is a fun journey but not cheap.

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Thanks for the quick reply Lugia! I have a Babyface RME audio interface and Keith McMillen K-mix that also have audio interface so will check into this for Ableton. Need to get a copy of the Ableton CV tools.

Regarding VCV Rack, is there a way to use that with modular via a MIDI CV interface? I will have to do some digging to see how that works. Love VCV Rack it helped me get into modular after the 0-coast.
-- sacguy71

There should be, if you're running Ableton. VCV has a VST module, and I would think it should be doable to route signals to and from it to Ableton's CV Tools and a suitable interface for direct modular control. Might need some sort of M4L widget, but it doesn't seem impossible. And older MOTU interfaces are cheap; I use a MOTU 828FW mkii for this, which cost me a whopping $120.

Heya, been accruing 1U utilities for my Intellijel 7U. Think I have most of the basics out of the way to start considering the more fun stuff, but I honestly haven't thought a ton about that yet, I'd like to just be flexible enough to tackle different sounds as I swap things in and out and just -experiment- eventually.

Wish I could get my hands on a MIDI to CV 1U but it seems hard to get right now. I'm still on the fence about the Multi FX 1U so consider that optional


Top left are things at my disposal, bottom left are on order, bottom right are current desires. My two favourite things are futzing with sequencers, and filters. I very much so wish to build around the Morphagene, or possibly put a heavier focus on granular synth stuff in the future.

Besides that kinda thing I'm fairly diectionless on a particular sound (besides maybe avoiding very traditional hard synth layout) and am waiting for a local sale soon to pick up other less specific utilities and see what I can get. Thoughts on where to head in the future? On top of this I have the 0-coast and the KSP to fill in other gaps.

ModularGrid Rack


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Thanks Lugia,

Indeed, I have watched the TD live shows online and they use impressive array of hardware, modular, live instruments and computer soft VSTs with division of labor. I agree- we can achieve a lot with less gear now. I will probably invest in a new computer this year to use for music production and use Ableton Live with modular and my synths. Now that I figured out how to integrate modular via the cursed Doepfer A190-4 USB/MIDI to CV module in my setup with the hardware synths and Ableton, I can do it moving forward.

Regarding VCV Rack, is there a way to use that with modular via a MIDI CV interface? I will have to do some digging to see how that works. Love VCV Rack it helped me get into modular after the 0-coast.

If you look back at the "classic" TD period between "Atem" and "Encore", it's worth noticing the division of labor going on. Check to see this in action. Froese would mainly stick to leads, while Franke and Baumann are working out the complex backdrop with sequencers and polys. Franke's rig was primarily Moog, while Baumann used a composite of Moog and PPG modules. Also, they almost certainly have a central clocking system for all of their synths, given that this was definitely in use by the time of "Encore" as it appears in that album's credits.

In the present day, this is actually a lot EASIER than one might think...but you gotta know your tech! Fact is, you can cobble up just as complex a sequencer system in VCV or with VSTs in a DAW, and by using some method of sending CV/gate/triggers to your synths, you can have this for far less than a pile of Moog 960s. Or make it happen in VCV, if your machine's up to the task.

Some VCAs do leak. But most decent-quality modern ones (like what Erica uses) don' least, not without a reason. Another thing worth checking is whether there's an accidental low-level offset voltage getting into the control side, as this will definitely cause audio leakage from the VCAs not being able to fully close down. It doesn't take MUCH...just a tiny fraction of a volt.

Another possibility could be voltage from an outside source. Case in point: many years back, I was working with our local community radio station in several capacities. One of these was maintenance. One evening after close-down, I and another engineer were trying to figure out why the station's Harrison AIR7 would suddenly switch channels off or on without warning. It was definitely a primo radio console in its day (hell, I've used Harrison desks as far back as my first year of undergrad), so the behavior was downright weird. But it's also worth noting that, when it was installed, they also put in the remote-start lines...but then never connected them to the turntables, cart decks, etc. So they were just hanging there...cables to nowhere, only a few feet long.

At the same time, we also had an FM station dead-smack in the center of town, pumping out 10 kW. I knew already that it had an annoying tendency to creep into audio lines both at our station and at other broadcast facilities in the area. So, how could that be an issue here?

Well, it so happened that, after a bit of antenna length calculation on my part, the disconnected remote-start lines...which, of course, also connected to each channel's ON/OFF logic...were cut so that they were all around a quarter-wave's length at 92.5 MHz, which was the other station's operating frequency. After I cut all of those (as they weren't in use anyway), the "ghost" of the AIR7 was successfully exorcised.

So what the hell was going on? Simple. There was enough induced voltage on each wire that it would send voltage back to the board's ON/OFF logic for each strip. And when there was a particularly loud signal on the one station, it would "hi-state" the strip's logic...which in this case, was being interpreted as an OFF signal.

So you might check around for sources of RF in addition to the typical synth bugaboos. After all, it doesn't take very much voltage to open a VCA a tiny bit...even less than I had to chase down in the story above.

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Thanks Garfield, not yet.

I just realized that my Moog Sub 37 can get pretty close to TD sounds along with software VST plugins. So probably won't try to spend a fortune on modular gear to get there. Figure use modular for exploration and FX purposes. Polyphony is very expensive to achieve on modular systems. Anyways here some tracks similar to TD I made a while back on Moog and VSTs

That said, I do want a few MI modules like Plaits and Rings as they are super fun and awesome for texture ambient stuff. certainly seems expensive...and probably pointlessly so.

All of your Moogs are already in powered cabs. And the Moog 3-tier accessory will work just fine at assembling those into a single unit. So it makes no sense whatsoever to decase the Moogs and reload them into Arturia RackBrute cabs. It might SEEM "convenient", but the real truth here is that you're contemplating spending a lot of money with little return.

A far smarter move...and certainly CHEAPER...would be to keep the Moogs in their cabs, use the 3-tier bracket there, then add something like a Tiptop Mantis at the very base of the Moog rig so that you can have your additional modules there. Even though a Mantis costs $335 street, when you add up the cost of the additional Arturia cases, the cost of the unused Moog cabs, and the extra Arturia P/Ss, this definitely exceeds the cost of the Mantis by a sizable chunk.

One other point, also...what the Moogs need isn't so much additional expensive modules, but more akin to UNsexy stuff...attenuators, logic, a clock manipulation setup to really make their sequencers go nuts, additional utilities of that sort. Sure, some FX and the MScales are definitely called for here. But if you do this RIGHT, with a PROPER additional cab, you'll then have plenty of cheap room in which to build up a more comprehensive "sidecar" for the Moogs than you have currently. Plus, you could just as easily add a fourth "voice" in the additional cab.

Hi Sacguy71,

If you find the perfect sequencer then please do let me know. I am still struggling with finding the sequencer that matches me most or best. Not sure if I mention it to you but mentioned it already a few times here in the forum, I am currently putting all my hopes on the - Ground Control sequencer, once that one will be released, that is...

Yeah, the VPME - Euclidian Circles might be nice. The Hermod is good as well if you look at the quite few positive posts here around. For myself I wonder if that one (Hermod) isn't a bit too much menu-diving?

Since you have already two Elektron sequencers... that should be quite good already, isn't it? Why not use them in combination with your modular system?

Good luck with TD and the sequencers and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Thanks a lot Steve! :-)

Good night and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

This sounds really nice and very entertaining! A few more of this and you got an album full, when are going to release that new record and CD of yours, you said? :-) No seriously, nicely done and worth for publication if you would ask me.

Your voice samples are a stamp or marker on your music, they way you use it, it has a nice touch!

Thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Nice one @GarfieldModular 🐸🐸🐸

Hi Sacguy71,

Nice evening that was! :-) This demo and your previous demos make me reconsider to think about a Malekko module, I don't have any modules of this brand yet but the Anti-Oscillator and the Borg sounds good and look like they provide you with a lot of fun (which you wrote indeed already). Between 5 and 6 minutes the viewer has a good view on these both modules, I like that section particular.

I hope you have more interesting evening jams and thanks a lot for sharing with us. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

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Thanks Garfield,

From what I found online TD used everything from Moog to Arp 2600 to Waldorf PPG and Moog modular gear plus tons of sequencers and computer soft VSTs. Now obviously with my far more limited budget and studio space, recreating TD perfectly would be impossible but getting into the ballpark would be nice. I have 2 Elektron sequencers, 1 Korg SQ-1 and 1 Make Noise 0-ctrl sequencers along with a Malekko Varigate 4+ sequencer on the way. I also read they use Moog ladder style filter, perhaps pick up the AJH Moog clone VCO and ladder VCP and the Waldorf Wave table module and Waldorf filters? For next build, looking at possibly Hermod as sequencer or something like VPME Euclidian Circles. No rush on this as just a thought.

Hi Exposure and Wishbonebrewery,

Ha, ha, yeah lots of space frogs there. He, he, nice one: male/female synth-frog-fight. Thank you both.

I just can't stop playing with this filter, it really invites you to play around with it. Cheers, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Ah yes, Tangerine Dream, one of my favourites too. I think to "copy" their music we need about a half million sequencers if I am not mistaken. I usually don't like to copy someone's style but a bit of TD style can't harm either ;-) So please let me know once you have figured it out!

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi A_b_d,

Very interesting and good survey. I hope all manufacturers are reading all the posts here :-)

One big wish I have is that every module has either a switch to switch on/off the lights/LEDs that such module might have or even better: every module has a small potentiometer that can dim the lights/LEDs from full bright all the way till extremely dim or better to dim/switch it off completely.
I have two modules (Instruo - Tràigh and Erica Synths - Sequential Switch) that have so bright LEDs that these LEDs almost burn my eyes; just not pleasant to work with these two modules in a darker environment. Intellijel - µStep LEDs are too bright too.

Every Eurorack module should have at least a power cable that's 25 cm long or longer. When it's shorter, it becomes quite tight when mounting the module into the rack, this is especially valid for those modules (hello Mr. Doepfer, are you reading this? ;-) ) that have power cables less than 20 cm length; Doepfer modules are guilty of that. Funny or rather weird is that these Doepfer modules are difficult to mount in the lowest/flat row of those Doepfer cases A-100 LMB and A-100 LCB. Yes you read this correctly, Doepfer's own modules barely fit in those flat rows... (because the power cables are too short) bit strange to me. So for new modules, please make sure your power cable length is 25 cm or longer.

Just to satisfy the curiosity of module owners, please provide on the backside of the PCB (i.e. readable when you look at the back of the module) following data please:
- Copyright year, if possible including month (i.e. when was this module released first time, at least for this version?)
- Version number or revision number
- If the manufacturer has a testing "department" (or person who does QA testing) then please provide a test label at the back of the module when (date, year + month is good, full date is better of course) it was tested
- If the manufacturer provides serial numbers (all should do in my opinion but most don't) then please not only on the original box but also on the back of the module/PCB
- If manufacturers provide a date, please use the date format: yyyy-mm-dd and not mm-dd-yyyy (North American style) or dd-mm-yyyy (international style) because that always leads to discussions what the format exactly is, so instead use yyyy-mm-dd then all discussions are closed and not required ;-)

For each module, if not provided in the original box/packaging, at least as downloadable document (PDF) a clear and good readable user manual must be provided with clear information on where all the inputs & outputs are used for as well as clear information on the switches, buttons and potentiometers/encoders what they are used for. Some manufacturers barely provide any information... Hey I/O Instruments ;-) I hope you are reading this. I love your new modules but a good and "bit" more extensive manual would be nice! But there are other manufacturers with the same issue. If any of the manufacturers need advice or help with creating technical documentation please contact me offline, for my profession, one of my skills is technical document writer; so perhaps we can help each other here.

In the manual it would be nice for the reader if the manufacturer can provide some basic information on the used technology, for example which type of IC has been used or the type of vacuum tubes, or frequency ranges, voltage ranges or whatever is interesting to know about their module. Naturally the power consumptions for +12 V, +5 V & -12 V should be provided (i.e. those values in mA) even if one (or more) of them are not in use (just mention n/a or zero in such case), at least the user knows. It's unbelievable but there are still manufacturers around that don't provide this basic information. It goes to such extension that sometimes the values on the websites are different from those on their hardcopy manuals...

Additionally it would be nice to know who designed that particular module, i.e. providing the designer's name. Also interesting to know if the module is: pure analogue, digital or perhaps a hybrid of both? Most of the times it can be guessed but it would be just good to have it confirmed by the manufacturer and not always it can be guessed, so why let the user guess?

It's not a must but makes life easier when patching, it would be nice that if manufacturers don't agree with each other to come to a standard, which I can understand by the way, there are far too many manufacturers, that at least for the modules of one manufacturer, the manufacturer makes for their own modules at least a standard for the patch cables. Either all on top (not recommended because of gravity the cables will hang down) or all on the bottom (my preference) or all on the right or left side. Or perhaps a combination of maximum two. So the user has at least a bit of a chance to reach the knobs & switches while everything is fully patched :-)

Try to make modules chain-able there where it makes sense. I am thinking of at least chain-able mixers, sequencers, perhaps even VCAs, multiples, switches and filters.

Perhaps a good idea to start using the bus board again for some basic "information" along the casing, like: 1V/oct, gate, trigger and whatever that could be useful and more "channels" of each so not just one 1V/oct, one gate, one trigger, but more per type (at least for the digital modules this must be possible). Doepfer does this a little bit (without my "channel" suggestion as far as I know) but I don't see it much mentioned in other user manuals, a bit pity because it can reduce in some cases the amount of cables. A control LED in such case would be good: so the user can see if the signal comes from (green) or to (red) the bus board. Just some ideas ;-)

Well that's it for the moment that just pops to my mind. If there is anything more I will let you know.

May I ask the meaning behind this, are you developing new modules? Or representing a manufacturer, or...? Would be nice to know your purpose. Anyway, it's interesting material, hopefully manufacturers are not only reading this but trying to take as much as possible on board for the design of their future modules! :-)

Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

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Hi Rookie,

That ambient piece you are working on sounds interesting. I hope once it is finished that you will share that here with us? :-)

Good luck with your ambient piece and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Pricto,

You are welcome and please let us know once you received the Befaco - Out v3 if you still have any leaking issues, and if yes, how serious they are.

Good luck and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

^^Edited, didn't read what you wrote properly!!^^

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

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Hi folks,

I really want an ambient build for Tangerine Dream soundscapes. Any ideas on what modules to get and so forth? I did read that they use a lot of sequencers from the Patch & Tweak book. I already have industrial techno covered so really digging a Tangerine Dream setup.

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Nice! Yeah I want the new Disting EX since it does so many useful things in small space plus screens way better so figure save me from using at 40HP in a small 6U case. Have to maximize space. Probably will save for monster Doepfer case with 500HP as future studio modular.

Go Shopping! You'll quickly find that the build is not realistic.
It's a good idea to know what's on the market in planning your build.

Start at the beginning. Ocillators, LFO's, Envelopes, VCA's, Filters, Sequencer/Logic, Ouput.


The Disting is just looping a sample in this case.

btw, i hated the Disting to start with and i still hate the menu diving, I have to get the manual out just about every time I use it, I also feel like the manual is incomprehensible for someone as dumb as me ;-)
I do like the Stereo Tape Delay, Sample playing stuff is good, and the latest firmware just added that Chaotic thing so thats cool.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

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Sounds cool, how do you like the Disting? I am thinking of picking up the Disting EX for my new rack soon as well as the core utilities to go with it.

Well I have already taken the important steps ... now I would like to fix something hoping to stay in these 3 lines for a while!!!
Thanks for the advices guys..

Hi! I just got the semi-modular Moog system (DFAM, SubHarmonicon, Mother32), and I am planning right away to expand it.
I know synthesizers, but I am new to modular. I am planning to use the system for both live and studio, and I will use an external mixer to start.
Current set-up:
SYNTHS & DRUMS: mentioned Moog system (in transit, not delivered yet), Minitaur, Minilogue, MB33(with "personal" sequencer), Model: Samples.
FX PEDALS: H9 Max, MF Ring, Arena Verb.
EURORACK CASE: 2 rows Rackbrute.
The eurorack would be mainly an "expander" for the current set-up, but in the future, I am planning to create both a mono synth out of it, as well as drum parts.
Here is what I've thought of starting with, but my knowledge is limited.
Erica Pico MScale: CV converter specifically for Moog semi-modular;
Intellijel Quad Invert: seems like a functional utility;
Intellijel Buff Mult: same as above;
Intellijel Quad VCA: Powerful VCA & Cascade Mixer;
MN Maths: No brainer. Master utility. Attenuator, Envelope fol/gen, LFO, etc.;
PM LFO2: the Moog boxes have almost no LFO's (Mother32 only), so I've thought to add another LFO (along with Maths) to keep things moving;
Strymon AA1: for FX pedals (and external synths/guitars?);
Mannequins 3 Sisters: unbelievable filter, I cannot even imagine what happens if paired with Moog ones;
Erica LINK: simple unpowered converter to send straight into the external mixer.
I feel like I miss an attenuverter and a substantial envelope follower (don't want to have Maths doing EVERYTHING).
I'd like to have an oscilloscope as well; which are the ones that can do multiple tasks?
For VCO's, I will abuse the Moog ones for starters. I don't feel like I NEED a sequencer to start.
Is there any fundamental module missing in the system? What are your recommendations? What would you do if you had my set-up and wanted to expand? All tips and ideas are welcome. I am so excited about getting into modular; I literally cannot wait to hear the voice of the community.
Thank you all!

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Great lesson and tutorial here. I also recommend the free VCV Rack software as that lets you experiment for FREE with different modular configurations and types. Before I buy modules, I try to experiment with that and see what works. Now I need to save for that Doepfer Monster case to fit the bigger modules that are cool.

I'm totally with you re: Malekko! The Envelator has all this hidden stuff I'm still grappling with

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Happy Labor day folks,

I had a drink and messed about with my modular setup yesterday. Here is what I came up:

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Built in VCA, attenuator, clock, and envelope generator would be my choice then save space on these modules.

Documentation would be a plus. Malekko comes to mind for lack of it. I have had to learn trial and error to figure out how my Malekko Richter Anti-Oscillator and Dual Borg filter operate. Fortunately, it has been a fun journey.