Is there something you wish every Eurorack module had? Think reverse power protection, comprehensive documentation, or user-updatable firmware. Vote on 18 community-driven features and I’ll share the results here and on other Eurorack forums:

Some notes:
- The survey closes on Sunday, September 27th at 11:59pm Eastern time (ET).
- Results will be shared publicly and raw data is available on request (
- I am a Eurorack user doing this survey for fun, and am not affiliated with any business or other private entity.

Thats lovely :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Funky :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Its an entire Pond full of Frogs, the Male synth-frogs are probably fighting over the Female Synth-frogs and its really good :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

I set out to make a Pad sound from the STO playing a fast arp into Clouds to create a wash, then used an envelope to open and close the VCA so as to use a snippet of the Pad sound as a synth stab that i could turn from Stab to wash with the Envelope.
Twinkly bits come from the 2Hp Pluck going through the Erica Pico DSP.
There is some Divkid Ochd controlling 2 channels of the DNiPro DOT, via MI Kinks half and full rectifier which is bashing out the toms on the ADDAC103 T-Networks, the Kick comes from the ADDAC too.
There is a little bit of filter action from the Happy Nerding HNVCF with modulation from the 2hp RND.
Disting MK4 on sample playing duty through 2hp Verb.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Your Shepard tone sounds good, both up and down.
Interesting that Telharmonic has that as an option. Have to put that module on my wish list.
I tried Lugias patch but I do not have enough EG/VCO combos and my Seq Switch could not (as I hoped) work as a trigger sequencer.
Then I tried a patch from a Youtube video that seemed to be easier. Only 2 VCO, 2 LFO and 3 VCA. But with limited success.

But I will continue to struggle with theese two patches.
A Shepard tone would be a perfect backdrop for an ambient piece I’m working with.

well there are no wrong paths, as such, just more expensive ones and a few dead ends!!
good luck and have fun!!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Hey GarfieldModular,

It sounds pretty cool, that frog must be from outer space!

Thanks for sharing.

Ok, It's what I thought. I suppose it's an impedance issue. The thing is that if it sounds, even pre-amplified, it should be leaking, at least at a very low amplitude, maybe not noticeable when the output signal level is attenuated. I made the comment because I've read that some Buchla VCA's in the seventies leaked and it was part of their charm, I thought that maybe Erica went for something similar. The thing that I would like to know is if all VCA's leak at a very low level, or are there completely silent devices, so as if I connect a very compressed distortion at the end of the VCA it wouldn't pull up the leaking. Anyway, I'm waiting for a Befaco line output module, hope it stops the leaking completely.

Many thanks,


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I highly recommend adding delay and reverb it really builds the ambience for a patch. I use the outboard FX for these with modular and that adds an extra dimension. Here is an example

The patch is basic but delay reverb brings it to life. I add compression as well and have fun.

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Darn it too late, well at least Detroit Modular has a good 30 day return policy for refund or store credit :-)
Product shipped right away after I pushed order button. Ok I will probably exchange the Polivoks for the dual VCF filter.
I can try it out first and see if it works for me. I ended up keeping the Intellijel Mixup for my new case as audio output mixer and kept the Malekko Quad Envelope module and added a Malekko Varigate 4+ for sequencer in case that lets me create presets with the envelope. I will need it once it arrives next week as the Doepfer A100 basic system came with only one EG.

So far really love the weird Malekko Dual Borg Filter that thing is pure mayhem. I can get anything from aircraft to birds chirping to deep bass or horror soundscapes with the features of that filter and the Richter Anti-Oscillator. They pair nicely with Batumi LFO. I am glad that I bought and added the extra 4 channel buffered mult as well as many stackable cables. I ended up using all of them this evening in some patch experiments!

I also want the Erica Synths Black Wavetable VCO that thing is a work of art. It was my favorite next to MI Plaits from the VCV Rack software among oscillators. Initially wanted a Piston Honda MK3 but all sold out.

My next case will be much larger at least 4-500HP free. I love the larger modules but they require way more space. A Doepfer monster case or similar works for me. I think that I will need that larger space.

So MDLR or dark modular monster case works for me! Anyways limits are good. I pushed myself today to create cool stuff with one VCO, once filter, one EG and one LFO. I was at jams few years ago with guys who introduced me to modular and they had massive rigs for the show in that size because of the number of required utility modules and larger sized modules.

Hello All,

For quite some time now, I keep playing around with the Erica Synths - Black Dual VCF. While playing around with this filter I was searching for the (sound of the) frog. Do you think I found the frog? :-)

Relatively simple setup, 1 voice only, stereo though. Sorry for the sometimes pretty harsh stereo effects, it's the module (Black Dual VCF) doing that and I haven't found a proper method yet of reducing that harshness of it a bit.

Sound source is the Erica Synths - Black VCO, modulation is done by Erica Synths - Black Octasource and a little bit of effects by the Erica Synths - Black Hole DSP2 and the output via Befaco - Out v3 module. A little bit of handclap, CV triggered by the - C Quencer DLX and generated by Vermona - DRM1 (with triggers).

Thanks for listening and if you are looking for a filter, I can recommend the Erica Synths - Black Dual VCF. Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Sacguy71,

Ah... such a pity, I see I am too late with this message. In your title you mentioned you ordered already the Erica Synths - Black Polivoks VCF, if you can perhaps you try to exchange it for the Black Dual VCF. I got both filters, first I had the Black Polivoks VCF and I wasn't impressed, perhaps it's just me and I am using it wrong, that might be. So I gave up on Erica Synths regarding filters, though for some reason I gave it another chance and still ordered the Black Dual VCF. Oh what a beauty that is. It's very enjoyable using this dual VCF and can provide so much fun and pleasure, totally the opposite of the Polivoks VCF in my opinion.

If it's too late for you to change the order then I hope you can use that Polivoks filter better than I do. If you get some successful nice sounds out of that Polivoks then please let me know how you did that :-)

Have fun with the rest of it and kind regards, Garfield.

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+1 on Garfield's comments here. People shouldn't be trying to feed synth-level signals to outboard devices. OF COURSE it'll sound like it's leaking...because you're taking about signals that can swing up to +/- 10V, and feeding these into something that either wants to see 1.4 or .775V. Since you're an audio tech, I shouldn't have to explain why this doesn't work, and also why an isolated, balanced output will improve matters as well.

My take on's unusable. There's no mixers, attenuators, only ONE thing I could refer to as a VCA, and there's a mult in this tiny build where something FUNCTIONAL could have gone. Worse still, it's EXPENSIVE unusable.

The Cwejman and Schippmann modules on this site are really on here mainly as reference. No one in their right mind uses these unless they're capable of pooping Krugerrands.

Follow sacguy71's advice and get a copy of VCV Rack. With that, you can build up something very much like the above...and find out why you'll hate it literally in SECONDS if you made the capital mistake of actually building it. And conversely, you'll find out how to alter the above with the "boring" modules to actually arrive at a workable result...which you desperately need here, because all you've got at present is a boxful of expensiveness.

Not workable. There's too many utilities missing here, which is ironic since many of these expensive modules need those unsexy, cheap ones to do what they do.

Tear this down, and start over in a larger cab. MUCH larger. Build what you think SHOULD work...then start paring that down while continuing to make sure you've got the basic functionalities you need.

One other point: this actually DOES NOT have enough VCAs. The three present are fine for CV/mod work, given that they're linear, plus you can use the module for mixing these. However, this also needs VCAs for the audio path to control levels and impose envelopes. A proper performance mixer can fix this, plus potentially add CV over panning, FX, and so on. Also, if you feel like you need to compress the audio, do this externally. You don't have the requisite space in this build to sacrifice other functions for something that'll be done easier via an external processor on the synth's output.

I should note that it's far more difficult to create a successful small build than a larger one. You have to understand what you want the instrument to do in terms of your own music...preferably before building!...and know how to fit those functions into a small cab with suitably-sized modules. But there's also the point that it's actually pretty EASY to use a small cab to create something that simply won't work...or, at least, it's easy without a proper knowledge of what you're trying to accomplish.

Also, get a copy of VCV Rack. Spend some time (as in quite a bit) in there and make the information somewhat innate so that, when you transfer the ideas from VCV to hardware, you already will have a build that works and, also, which you might be able to fit into 2 x 84 hp. VCV Rack makes it MUCH easier to see what extra widgets are needed in a given build as well as offering different ideas on what you might want to do.

Hi Pricto,

Ah yes... if you don't use an Audio interface with output to your external mixer then your output signal is "too hot". Eurorack signals have a higher audio voltage than the usual audio lines, so that might be one reason. Try to use an audio output interface module to provide a good signal level to your external mixer.

I know there are lots of members here who do this directly without an audio interface module, like you do at the moment but since you are a sound technician, I do think you should do it the proper way :-) I.e. with an audio interface module. But up to you of course.

Your description of the Black Quad VCA that the signal starts to appear only at about 11 o'clock onwards, that's what I roughly recognise and experience with my Black VCA too, so perhaps that's just Erica Synths?

I don't think you are too picky, checking on certain things and make sure that everything is all right, is in my opinion, not being picky.

Let me know what Erica Synths tells you about that Black Quad VCA and good luck. Kind regards, Garfield.

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In addition to what Garfield said,

I highly recommend that you download of copy of the free modular software called VCV Rack to learn more how to setup modules and route them. Do that before spending a penny on real hardware. Thank me later.

Hi Gabor and Steve,

Well, thanks a lot for your both feedback on the Mimeophon. Sounds like a pretty good module after your feedback :-) And if one has to get to use to it, okay, it might take a bit more time then but that doesn't mean necessarily that's not a good module, it's rather intriguing if you would ask me.

Ha, ha, your main problem is not to use it too much. Sounds funny but I think I know what you mean, I have that a bit with my effects pedal from Source Audio - Ventris Dual Reverb, I use it so much that I actually could use it a bit less to give other possibilities a chance as well...

Have a nice weekend and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Sacguy71,

Thanks for the nice wishes... I am not familiar with labour day (the only one I know is the one on the 1st of May), in which country are you celebrating this weekend?

That gap in your rack looks more like 6 HP than 2 HP to me. With 6 HP you could but a blind panel first and take it easy but I guess you wasn't looking for that reply. :-) So consider perhaps 2 Pico modules from Erica Synths? Some of them have some handy functionality in only 3 HP. Don't get too many small 2 or 3 HP modules but a few to fill up your gap might be all right.

Otherwise Doepfer as a few newer modules that are 6 HP wide, choose one of those, if the Pico idea is not your thing. Or the Moddemix of Make Noise is 6 HP if I am not mistaken.

Ha, ha, I told you, you should get that Doepfer 3 x 168 HP case :-) Well, soon you will buy case number 3 then ;-) For that case 3, at least get there a 3 or 4 rows 168 HP case, at least that keeps you a bit longer going than one or two months :-D

Well have fun and enjoy your modular system, oh and please let us know what you did with that empty 6 HP :-) Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Miroslav,

Welcome to and modular synthesizers. Sorry about what I am going to say next, so take it easy on that but rather you know now then you start buying the stuff for your above rack and you get unpleasantly surprised (see it from that side please).

To be honest with you, for me, there is not too much good about this rack, here a few guidelines:

  • Perhaps you did but in case you didn't: One must do an enormous amount of "homework" before or during "going into modular synthesizers". This means that you have to roughly know the concept of a synthesizer plus you need to do a lot of reading for all (or at least hundreds of them to get to know what's on the market and what do you prefer) the modules. Think here rather in several months or towards years than a few days or weeks (the homework I mean). I know that sounds awful, it is if you don't like reading but I am afraid it's necessary to give you the knowledge on those modules you are interested in
  • The rack size, for such, on average, large modules you chose, you need a much larger rack, take at least 3 rows and/or take a wider rack --> if you go for 3 rows, keep one row completely empty for future extension(s)
  • Keep an eye on the basic and classic setup of a modular synthesizer, roughly to start with you could consider: 2 VCOs (I think you got those?), 2 LFOs (missing?), 2 EGs (seeing one large one), 2 filters (seeing one only? That combined one with VCA but you want a "real" independent filter too, multi mode for example to start with), 2 VCAs (lin + exp), a mixer (missing) and an audio output interface (missing; optional, some members prefer not to use it). We didn't even talk about effects, utilisation and other modules yet...
  • Don't look too much for nice/good looking modules, rather check in details their functionality and compare that with your plan of approach and of what you specifically require
  • Cjewman are (very) good modules I heard, I didn't had the chance yet to test them but they are very rare as well as difficult to get (long waiting lists, etcetera). Also those Schippmann modules, most of them are unavailable, sold out or not available yet --> conclusion for all modules you are interested in: check if you can test them at your local dealer, it's good to have them tested first (you will be surprised that some modules of which you thought would be great stuff, isn't that great after all after testing and those you might have thought are useless and tested them at your dealer seems to be the perfect modules for what you need). If you don't have a dealer nearby then you have to do even more homework on them to really make sure they are what you think/hope they are. Read the user manuals of those modules for example, check the websites of the few shops you consider to buy from, etcetera. Especially look for those modules that are currently available :-) You got quite a few modules in this rack that are not available (yet) or sold out
  • For a small rack like this you don't really need a multiple or at least not a passive multiple. If you feel for your own usage you still prefer to use a multiple then consider a buffered multiple instead

To summarise: Read and check "a bit" more on those modules you are interested in, get the general concept of a synthesizer well implemented in your rack and show us your updated rack and we will take it from there.

Good luck, have fun with the preparations and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

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Hi GarfieldModular,

In my Black Quad VCA the bleed it's also dim, and just found out that it becomes louder if the pre-amplification from the mixing board is high (of course), if the pre-amp is low it's practically inaudible. Maybe it is because I'm going straight from the VCA output to the mixer. I also have a Black Dual VCF, and if I patch the oscillator into the VCF and then to the VCA and turn the in level from the VCF all the way down, it shuts the sound completely (as expected). Leaking only appears on the VCA at high pre-amping from the mixer but not from the level control of the filter.

Another curious thing I've noticed is that when I turn up any knob from the Quad VCA, signal starts to appear (at low level pre-amplification on the mixer) at about 11 o'clock, before that point is completely silent. From then on the sound comes up smoothly and gradually, and starts to reach amplitude in what seems a rather exponential fashion. Don't know if this is normal either (maybe I'm just being too picky, I'm a sound technician).

Thanks for the reply, I'll try to contact Erica.



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Doepfer cases are solid. Mine has been quiet. I just ordered a new larger one.

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Hi there,

I just started as well and built my first modular system. Some recommendations:

  1. Always get bigger case than you think.
  2. More VCAs needed and good mixer.
  3. Buffered and passive mults for spreading and distribute VC around your system.

It looks like you have a small case and used up the space already and no room for these key support modules.

Hi Pricto,

Not sure if it's normal for the Erica Synths - Black Quad VCA to bleed, perhaps indeed the best is to check this out with Erica Synths. I don't have this particular module, so I can't test it for you. I have quite a few other Erica Synths modules but haven't notice any bleeding.

I do have a Black VCA though, so I just tested it to be sure but it doesn't bleed. So yes, perhaps better check with Erica Synths.

On the other hand, I have the Doepfer A-138p mixer and that one does bleed a little bit. If it's totally quiet in the room and I haven't opened the volume (completely at zero) of the channels then I still can hear them very far away. At the moment of writing, if I carefully listen, I can hear some sound now (the bleeding from the A-138p). I also just all switched the mute switches to mute but still can hear it a bit (the A-138p I am talking about here). But I don't have that with the Black VCA.

Not sure if this helps, better check with Erica Synths and please do let us know. Good luck and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

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I want to start building my first eurorack system soon. Could you please check if everything is "good" and I am not missing anything. I understand that it's totally up to me and my needs but I just want to make sure I won't end up with something ridiculous :)

Here's the link:

ModularGrid Rack

How to blame you guys!! ... there are some modules I don't want to change ... So the third line is the solution...but i would like to stay a while in this case and have to plaaaay .. i like tip tops and i will take them ...

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Hi folks,

Happy modular Labor day weekend!

I have been having tons of fun learning my first setup. I filled up the last 84HP except for 2hp free and not sure what to use in that last 2hp besides a blank panel. Thoughts?

Anyways, big sale this weekend, so I went ahead ordered a new case and plan to add to it. Have a new filter and VCO arriving next week with the case but won't buy anything else for a while. I should have ordered a Doepfer monster 500HP case :-)

Here is my sketch:

ModularGrid Rack

I did plan for utilities and essential things like VCAs, envelopes (Maths), mults and mixer/switch modules. Aiming for a combination ambient and techno focus. Open to feedback and ideas!

I'll chime in to say that I didn't like the Mimeophon at all at first, but it's grown on me a lot. It can subtly change the timbres of instruments in pretty organic sounding ways, or it can turn everything polyphonic and crazy. My main problem is trying not to use it too much.

Hey Garfield,
The Mimeophon is my nr 1 fx module (a close 2nd is the Erbe-Verb). This is a very organic-sounding delay and also a reverb, because it has quite nice reverberation capabilities. In some settings the Mimeophon granularish sounds can also be achieved. I like how well the Mimeophon blends with the rest of my setup. Also, every parameter can be CV-modded and thus whole new sounds can be had. It is definitely a keeper. I like the Mimeophon as it is, can’t think of anything that’s missing. All in all, it’s a deep module and I I find it’s also very musical and inspirational. Quite pricey too, but for me it was well worth the $$$.
Cheers, Gabor

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

Buying something from @tron23 was super nice! :)

Hi Gabor,

Ah yes... the Mimeophon, that one is on my wish list as well... how do you like it? Is it worth it? Are you happy with the user interface? Is there space for improvement (what?)? I would like to know your opinion on this module.

Thank you very much in advance and kind regards, Garfield.

Edit: Removed typo.

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Hi Gabor,

Oh this is a nice video, I am watching it again. Thanks a lot for the subtitles explaining what you are doing too, that's helpful.

I love the kick and the snare sounds, nicely done. It's a bit difficult to get Instruo stuff but I will consider this module now :-)

He, he, and how you end this video by disassembling your patch, is a nice touch too! Yeah, I don't mind Friday evenings to end like this with a good demo video from you!

Well done and thanks a lot for sharing this. Have good weekend and kind regards, Garfield.

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Agree and that is the plan. Always have plenty of modular tools like vcas, egs for modulation and mixer, switches, logic modules and attenuator/attenuaverts/inverters.

well bear in mind that utility modules like these are generally quite inexpensive - stick as much as possible to brands like doepfer for a matrix mixer, a sequential switch, some passive attenuators and an mi kinks - probably not much more than the oscillator cost you and much much more useful! an oscillator is an oscillator - cheap utility modules are possibilities

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Featuring the mighty Instruo Athru wave folder. Details in the video.

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

Hello, most probably a beginners error, but here it goes.

I've just got an Erica BQVCA and to my surprise it bleeds, it is never fully closed. Is this a common feature of this module? VCA's that bleed its such a bummer, and FOUR!!?? I have an Erica powered skiff case, so it shouldn't be an issue of cheap power source.
I also got a Black Dual EG/LFO, didn't like it either, it just doesn't go slow enough, very limited in this respect, pretty dissapointing, think I should've spent the money on a MATHS... Anyway, has anyone tried or has a QUAD VCA? Is there a way to fix this bleed? Should I contact Erica Synths?

Many thanks!


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Thanks! I will keep these in mind and try out the combos. I did get the Noise Engineering Extra Mullet that is a pretty cool buffered mult with 4 inputs and multiple output combos. I plan to wrap up my first case with a Malekko Quad Envelope module and Malekko Varigate 4+ that play well together for sequencing/modulation duty and route these with the Batumi Quad LFO and to VCAs and my oscillators. Should be fun. Loving that crazy Borg Filter such madness can be a LPG on one side or dirty MS20 type filter and combine together or use in parallel. I did buy a new 6U Doepfer case and a new VCO and filter module but that ends my buying spree for the year. I need to dedicate a year or so to mastering it and combine with DAW and my Elektron gear. That should provide me with endless possible tracks and cool music. Layer FX from the Elektrons to the modular and be happy.

haha - eurocrack indeed!!!

What support essential modules are you referring to besides Maths? I like the looks and function generator from Frap Tools called Sapel that looks cool to add at a later point. I already have a mini maths version in my 0-coast so want different approach to Buchla Serge function and noise generator. Intellijel Quadrax with the expander would get me into Buchla territory with two modules but like Frap Tool modules is fairly large in terms of HP footprint.

these are all really modulation sources - Maths I class as a complex modulator - I mean the bits that fit in between

yes the headphone splitters (intellijel hub, plankton etc etc etc) are a good start and are fine for passive mults - although they can get a bit annoying - i have a few of these, but in practice use either 2hp mults or stackcables

a few very useful techniques for expanding and creating interesting modulation:

1 mult the outputs from 4 modulation outputs - 1 copy to a modulation intput, 1 to a 4x4 matrix mixer - matrix mixer outs to different modulation inputs - instead of 4 you have 8 related modulation outputs! alternately use 3 modulation sources and send the 4th output back into the 4th input (feedback)

2 take a modulation output mult it a modulation input and the kinks top section (rectifier) - mult all outputs of the top section of kinks - 1 copy of each output to a modulation input - 2 of them patch to the middle section (logic) - patch outputs to modulation inputs - patch the last multed output from the top section to the bottom section (sample and hold) - add a trigger - patch the output to another modulation input - instead of 1 you have 7 related modulation outputs

3 attenuverters - patch a modulation source into an attenuator - pathc output into modulation input - attenuate and polarise the modulation as required

4 sequential switch pt 1 - patch a modulation source into the input - patch outputs to modulation sources - input trigger to switch - a single modulation source -> 4 modulation inputs

5 sequential switch pt 2 - patch 4 multed modulation sources to the inputs - patch output to a single modulation source - input trigger to switch - 4 modulation sources -> 1 modulation input

etc etc etc etc
the more of these little tricks you can do and the more you combine them - the more interesting the modulation you will be able to get out of a relatively simple and small set of modulation sources

I did have a major break through this week in learning how to control the modular from Elektron gear and also how to record and play the modular from Ableton Live DAW. Having this ability is quite powerful! If you spend a lot of time and cash on modular, it is wise to be able to sample and record your findings and use for later purpose in music production. The Doepfer A190-4 USB/MIDI to CV module was a pain to figure out but have it as part of my toolbox. For west coast touch controller, my new Make Noise 0-CTRL is tons of fun and super cool. I also use it with the 0-coast that got me started on modular a couple of years ago. I figure with COVID-19 lockdowns and no ability to travel to Europe for a vacation, I spent the money on new music tools and my studio.

-- sacguy71

I'm on the fence regarding these all-in-one packages - they are great especially imo the doepfer ones, but, there's always something annoying in them! anyway great you managed to get it working!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Appreciate your time ! Amazing community!

Hi Garfield,
Thanks for your feedback. The only fx module in this patch was the Mimeophon. Right now I'm experimenting with sending drums and percussion thru Athru and I am, again, blown away. Will record some more decent footage asap.
Cheers, G

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

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Hee Hee :-) yeah I got a wee bit carried away buying the Doepfer A100 Basic System 1 and a bunch of modules.
Anyways it is TONS of fun albeit a money pit. Now I can see why it is called Eurorack.

I do have a Malekko Varigate 4+ sequencer on the way and will integrate that with the Malekko Quad Envelope Generator module to fill up the rest of my first case. That achieves sequencing and better modulation flow in my first setup. I already have a quad VCA Intellijel, slew random noise module, and single Doepfer ADSR module.

On the new case, I did order a Noise Engineering BIA and Erica Synths Polivoks filter. I kept the Intellijel Mixup audio mixer module. Not buying anything for a while except maybe more patch cables that have the multiplex thingy that you can hook up multiple cables to, what is that called anyways ya know the hexagonal shaped doo hickie?

The DEMON CORE OSCILLATOR from Supercritical Synthesizers module looks awesome with 16 voices supersaw! But it is only available in limited form. I will hold off on buying more modules for a while and get solid for the next year with my current system.

What support essential modules are you referring to besides Maths? I like the looks and function generator from Frap Tools called Sapel that looks cool to add at a later point. I already have a mini maths version in my 0-coast so want different approach to Buchla Serge function and noise generator. Intellijel Quadrax with the expander would get me into Buchla territory with two modules but like Frap Tool modules is fairly large in terms of HP footprint.

I did have a major break through this week in learning how to control the modular from Elektron gear and also how to record and play the modular from Ableton Live DAW. Having this ability is quite powerful! If you spend a lot of time and cash on modular, it is wise to be able to sample and record your findings and use for later purpose in music production. The Doepfer A190-4 USB/MIDI to CV module was a pain to figure out but have it as part of my toolbox. For west coast touch controller, my new Make Noise 0-CTRL is tons of fun and super cool. I also use it with the 0-coast that got me started on modular a couple of years ago. I figure with COVID-19 lockdowns and no ability to travel to Europe for a vacation, I spent the money on new music tools and my studio.

Yeah, can be the same/similar. My intention with this was to provide either a slew option for keyboard playing or to have a another kind of envelope to trigger via Steppy and modulate the BIA with, for example. Was looking for a dual envelope generator and this module has a few interesting extra features. But yeah, this is the module choice I'm the least confident about. :)

Thank you Senor Bling! I was watching videos about the Wmd Time Warp and I was wondering if "slew" function is same thing or close to "slide" function....Usta has Slides on each step. I might be wrong, but I wonder if it's the same thing...or?...

Looking at your rack , i'm counting 4 vcas and 6 channel mixers and you got 5 voices which only one is a synth , i presume the chainsaw oscillator, i don't think you need this much vca unless you uses them as attenuators or else. you'll need one or two compressors for pounding techno.

For the digital side of thing , i have the zadar and the sampledrum, they're excellent modules and there's clearly a balance between complexity/features and menu diving.
The zadar has 3 pages of menu in which every envelope is represented and controlled by his respective knob. one menu for looping & cv assignement , one menu for chaining enveloppes and one to save. the other button is for switching between the 4 enveloppes, ,thats it , i love the zadar this is so useful and deep , and really easy to get your grasp on it.

the Sample drum is way more complex but is a real exemple in successful design, these modules are a breeze to understand and use.
i don't own the nerdseq but i think it's this one that will make you scratch your head :p
have fun

Open to masters like you and Lugia and others for feedback on where to go for a west coast experimental techno vibe.
-- sacguy71

low pass gates, sequencers (as opposed to 'keyboards' - unless touch sensitive control panels) and wavefolders/shapers are the 2 key ingredients of west-coast style synthesis imo

Hi Sacguy71,

Ha, ha, your enthusiasm is very enjoyable :-) But look for yourself at your above new rack... it's full already?! If you still can change the order then go for the wider (168 HP) rack or at least one more row, otherwise next month you are buying yet another case :-)

so you can add the support modules you desperately need in order to make a more playable rack!

Well my first advice you received already, take it easy... the above isn't really taking it easy, does it? ;-)

Second advice is, don't go for too many modules in one go and perhaps try to avoid here and there the "too sexy looking" modules? I am sure they are a lot of fun but some of them are pretty large in HP size and you got limited space; so check if those are really worth it from all point of views (price, space, functionality, beyond the sexy look, is it really worth it, etcetera). So, at the very least take it easy, don't order everything in one go, get a few modules first and then see if the rest of the plan still fits or if you like to update your above rack? But other than that, please enjoy!

buy the modules you NEED not the ones you want - there's a difference - stop buying for a while - start patching - what do you reach for - another voice, or something to extend your modulation? for example

You have chosen quite a few modules I don't have experience with or knowing them. So I can't give you much particular advice on those modules chosen. I have the Maths too, it's a nice module but for the money and the HP size, I sometimes wonder if the price-performance factor is high enough? I guess the Disting Ex is nice if you want to have a lot of functionality in one module. You can use that module then to use as a kind of "backup module". In case you are missing any kind of functionality, most likely the Disting can help you out till you got the module for that functionality that you require.
-- GarfieldModular

Maths is brilliant, but taken on face value I agree to some extent - however, it is way more than the sum of it's parts - if you are in doubt, then work your way through the illustrated manual a few times

But I would always recommend Maths and the same again in separate modules - once you get past about 2-3 voices - otherwise you need a 2nd maths!!!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I have no idea about which modules to use for screaming techno - from the look of the rack - usual noob issues - too many big shiny modules - not enough support modules - but that could just mean too small a case!!!

as for what you called your second dilemma - I would not be so hard on yourself - use the tools as needed - analog/digital - really who cares??? definitely not anyone in any audience you might have!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I just got me a Vulcan Modulator from @onito974 and an A-160-2 from @atomtwist
Good modules, smooth transactions. Both trustworthy sellers.

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My pleasure Garfield you are kind as well. I would love feedback from the master Lugia as he is super knowledgeable. So far been having good results sequencing and layer FX from the two Elektron systems with my new Doepfer A100 setup and filled case for the most part with some cool new modules. I did order a new Doepfer A100 6U suitcase empty case. The 9U/12U cases are hard to find right now and very expensive. I plan to slow down for learning the gear. Plus I need to learn how to record modular into Ableton Live and use Ableton Push 2 MIDI controller with the modular system. No fun if you cannot record it, right?

The Doepfer A190-4 MIDI CV interface is tricky to figure out!

Hi Rookie,

Ha, ha, I am being a bit mean here :-) Wanted to wait a bit longer but it's 3 am here and I need to get some sleep before get to work tomorrow... so I was hoping I could drag the tension a bit longer but on the other hand catching some sleep is quite good too ;-)

So, the module in my previous post I was mentioning is the Make Noise - Telharmonic. Check out Make Noise's website regarding this module. There are two (how interesting!) manuals as download for this particular module (Telharmonic). The Telharmonic, fair enough and that one on its own is already a very interesting module and has lots of interesting functionalities however there is a kind of hidden mode or special mode, if one presses the "H-lock" button for more than 5 seconds then the Telharmonic changes into the Spiratone music synthesizer module, different functionality within the same module! Now that was a nice surprise when I read that in the manual :-)

So I did that and then it didn't took me long to discover that Shepard Tone is possible with this module. I discovered that already last night but then it was getting to late, so that's why I came up today with this.

I hope this is what you were looking for, have fun with it and kind regards, Garfield.

Edit: Removed typo.

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