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If you connect the gate output to the trigger input of plaits the internal LPG will be strike and an external ADSR will not be necessary. Work fine for short percussive sounds. For other sounds shapes you will need an external module.
From the manual:
Trigger input. Serves four percussive purposes:
Triggers the internal decaying envelope generator.
Excites the physical and percussive models.
Strikes the internal low-pass gate (unless the LEVEL CV input [4] is patched).
Samples and holds the value of the MODEL CV input.
Adjusting the internal LPG and envelope
Hold the first button (A) and:
Turn the TIMBRE knob to adjust the response of the LPG, from VCFA to VCA.
Turn the MORPH knob to adjust the ringing time of the LPG and the decay time of the internal envelope.
I have made my rack public so i hope it's visible to all.
So what you say "Connect your CV A (gate) from the A4 to indeed the gate input of an (ADSR) envelope, the output of that envelope to a VCA (CV input)" - I do need a ADSR module?
As for the output of plaits, it goes into MI Veils which eventually goes into Clouds or my external mixer (depending on what sound i am getting out of it) and finally record everything in abelton.
PAM settings [these are saved at bank p]
ch1: EStep=17 ETrig=cv02 ERot=cv01
ch2: EStep=16 ETrig=cv02 ERot=cv01
ch3: EStep=15 ETrig=cv02 ERot=cv01
ch4: EStep=12 ETrig=cv02 ERot=cv01
CH1-4 are x2 and RSkip is set to 5%
I figured it out with help from the good folks at Noisebug and Malekko support. It is to match the red strip side to the -12v spot on the Doepfer A100 basic case. Worked like a charm, no smoke, nice green blinky lights and hours of fun exploring the new modules this evening. Yowzer, the Malekko Richter Anti-Oscillator, Dual Borg Filter and Batumi LFO are pure insanity. Incredible modulation choices. Plus nice sequenced melody flute like tones with my Korg SQ-1 or brutal industrial mayhem if pushed that way. Now to figure out what else to add to the setup to finish my first case? What would you recommend that would add spice and be helpful? By the way here is my current setup and test run of the new modules after I installed them this evening:
-- sacguy71
Glad to hear it - take your time - enjoy what you have and learn it inside out - don't buy anything else until you know. everything well and find yourself reaching for something that isn't there a good few times and repeat
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
Might consider dropping a System 100, not sure you'll really need two? This would let you fit in an STO and a Dixie II+ both of which both bring nice features to the table.
I figured it out with help from the good folks at Noisebug and Malekko support. It is to match the red strip side to the -12v spot on the Doepfer A100 basic case. Worked like a charm, no smoke, nice green blinky lights and hours of fun exploring the new modules this evening. Yowzer, the Malekko Richter Anti-Oscillator, Dual Borg Filter and Batumi LFO are pure insanity. Incredible modulation choices. Plus nice sequenced melody flute like tones with my Korg SQ-1 or brutal industrial mayhem if pushed that way. Now to figure out what else to add to the setup to finish my first case? What would you recommend that would add spice and be helpful? By the way here is my current setup and test run of the new modules after I installed them this evening:
Personally, I would pull out the Surface and the Manis Iteritas. I love NE stuff, but something about the Manis becomes tiresome very quickly to me. You would have a much broader pallet of sounds by adding a Dixie or something similar to the DPO.
@farkas - Pam looks really nice, and I didn't know she has an expander! That's a lot of clocks, and a solid point. Tempi is cool, I just under utilize it I think. ... drooling at your Prophet.
@troux - killer points. I actually have René v2 as my sequencer in my small rig, but I find that a) I want more control b) I want to have a sequencer built for multiple voices. I kind of love programming (thus NerdSEQ). I'm hoping that Eloquencer will be subtle enough for accidentals and being more playable, though honestly that's still way up in the air. I haven't really looked into Metropolis yet. Also DUSG and Falistri are new words to me as well!
Pretty sold on adding more pure analog thoughh. What would you swap in this lineup for a dixie or similar? I freaking love the Noise Engineering sound and would be hard pressed to drop those. Maybe pull out Surface?
You're not going to be able to use that external mixer for CVs and mod signals, though...and you NEED that functionality here.
This build has lots of sources, to be sure. BUUUUUUUUT... usual, there's lots of utility stuff that should be here...which isn't. You got the "sexy" part...and ran a bit too far with it, seems like. Jim's advice is very good. I would also suggest removing the drum modules; fact is, you can probably get more cohesive results with a present-day drum machine than by trying to work with this in what's actually a rather sonically-crowded and not all that big build. You would be in a far better position and have a much better build if you did this, then reallocated the space as Jim (and I!) suggest.
I'd forego the Lofi Junky altogether and go with a Fairfield Circuitry Shallow Water (for my money it's pretty much the most musical effects pedal on the market). You can also combine delay and reverb in one pedal with the EQD Avalanche Run and save some room on your pedal board. For a small case, the suggestion of Pamela's New Workout is excellent. My $0.02, which is probably worth more like 1/2 a penny.
-- baltergeist
I came here to say exactly this re: Shallow Water and Pam's. Very solid advice.
If you are in the States, make sure you check out Juno Records (in the UK) before buying any XAOC. Their prices are great, and their shipping is cheap too.
Also: you're probably going to want the 3hp expander for Odessa. I use it every time I use the module. So I'd suggest adding that in from the start.
Since you're new to this, my suggestion would be to start with one row's worth of modules... cover the remaining blank space with blank panels (or make some out of thin wood or even cardboard). Take your time, get to know that row of modules, then after a few months add a couple more toys... it's easy to go too fast, especially with a large, empty case begging to be filled.
Interesting way of doing the dishes ;-) Lot's of interesting and experimental sounds, never finishing listening, so many interesting stuff to discover.
Thanks a lot for sharing and if you don't mind, I continue listening at your art work! Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Which Doepfer case do you have? Anyway, most (if not all) of the Doepfer cases, as far as I am aware, do have the -12 V (the red stripe) at the bottom of the busboard connector. So if you look straight at the power connector in the Doepfer case, then the -12 V should be at the bottom of the connector.
Then on the module, on the backside on the PCB there is usually also somewhere a -12 V marker, make sure that there is the red stripe connected too.
I came across a few modules though where one couldn't see the -12 V marker (there wasn't one). In those cases I had that, luckily the power cable was already connected by the manufacturer. To make sure I wouldn't screw up, I documented those modules how the -12 V had to be connected, just in case I would remove the power cable and forgot how to connect it again... so you might want to do something similar when you receive those modules. Check if the manufacturer pre-plugged that power cable already, if yes, write down somewhere how it's connected, for future references.
Good luck and please let us know how things go once you receive the modules. I want to see pictures of the smoke coming out of your modular once you switch on the power :-D
Ha, ha, I am just teasing you, just be careful and check on both sides (module-PCB and the Doepfer case) where and how the -12 V (the red stripe) needs to be connected.
I hope you enjoy your new anti-VCO (quite curious how that works out... anti-VCO... hmm interesting that "anti") and the filter, kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
What kinds of sounds are you producing?? Playing live, or mainly studio use?
-- vectrospectre
Like you, I am interested in a wide variety of music so I wanted something flexible. I just wrapped up a raw, glitchy, post-punkish art project thing, but I also love Boards of Canada, Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream, Autechre, Depeche Mode, Brian Eno, Tortoise, Richie Hawtin, Japan, Cocteau Twins, harsh noise... you name it. I basically love any and all synth and sample based music. I may decide to play some minimal techno live, but I mostly just have fun creating at home. I just added a Sequential Prophet Rev2 to my rig, so I'm working towards a more polished and focused sound now.
I'm not that familiar with Tempi, so I can't comment on it specifically, but with all of the percussion modules you have planned, you are going to want a way to program each of them at individual meters/rhythms. A single multed clock won't really do that. The Eloquencer has eight CV/gate channels, but you will eat those up pretty quick with all of the voices/envelopes/VCAs, so with Pam's 8 (or 12 w/ the expander) additional clocks you can program more complex rhythms. That's how I use it, anyway. Ornament & Crime may be able to do some of that too, but I've shied away from that module's user interface. I don't enjoy complex menus, but you may work better that way.
The Performance Mixer is definitely overkill if you are mainly just using the ES9 and Ableton.
Let us know how you progress in this journey!
Very long, and pretty crazy, but I was listening to this as a generative patch for about 4 hours while working today and figured: Why not just make it an album? So here we are. If you are into drone and noise, check it out!
1) If you go for two sequencers, make one of them more playable, i.e. a Metropolis (unless the Eloquencer fits this bill?)
2) I had similar synth + computer visions to you, but I tend to totally forget about my computer when I'm playing my synths, they have a lot of magnetism and computers are terrible in comparison, so there's some chance you may not really want to use your ES-9 all that much
3) With a rack this size I would absolutely want at least one and maybe two analog voices, they just sound so good and they do a great job supporting your digital oscillators and adding weight (Ensemble Osc + a Dixie bass sine underneath it 🔥)
4) Realistically I'd throw another Maths in a rig this size, or a Serge DUSG, or a FrapTools Falistri, to keep things interesting, and tangible, but moving.
5) I'll second @farkas's suggestion to make sure you have some filter variation, and personally I haven't been blown away by this year's Ripples.
6) As always @jimhowell1970 is right about utilities.
Perhaps for starters you start with a bit more simplified setup. Once you build up experience you can then try to play around with that build-in LPG of the Plaits. How about the following?
Connect your CV A (gate) from the A4 to indeed the gate input of an (ADSR) envelope, the output of that envelope to a VCA (CV input). If you have one more EG you could output that to a filter too; but you can leave out the filter part first. If your EG has a switch for the speed of the EG, for example: slow, medium or fast, then make sure that your EG speed roughly matches with your gate speed you "export" from the A4 towards that EG. So if the A4 provides a speedy gate, set the EG to fast and for example if the A4 provides a slow changing gate then set the EG to slow.
Then connect your CV B (1 V/octave) into the 1 V/oct of Plaits indeed, the output of Plaits (optionally through a filter) to the VCA input. Then output the VCA (optionally through a mixer) to your audio output module to send it from your Eurorack to your external mixer. Some members here skip that audio output module but my advice is to use an audio output module to make sure everything goes smooth; but technically it's possible without an audio output module if you are careful enough.
Start simple and try to get some sound out of it first, then continue to improve the setup :-) You also can show us here your rack layout then it's easier to advise you.
Good luck with it, and soon I hope you will have fun with it as well once you got it working and kind regards, Garfield Modular.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Looks like a great plan - of course it will almost definitely change between now and the rack being full
So I would go slowly - and keep the starter rack for overflow!
I agree with farkas - performance mixer seems like a good idea - you will also need a submixer - maybe 2 panmixjrs (for drums), as does links and a different second filter
I'd also add to that kinks and a matrix mixer - to help with modulation - I would prioritise these before adding more modulation
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
Your proposed rack is actually very similar to my current rack, so I'm going to tell you that you are on the right track. :)
What kinds of sounds are you producing?? Playing live, or mainly studio use?
I would recommend eliminating one of the sequencers and adding a Pamela's New Workout as a master clock (and more). You could add a Euclidean Circles to Pam's and the Eloquencer and have a pretty powerful combo.
Here's a good question. I have Tempi currently, it's OK.. I figure, with NerdSEQ or Eloquencer, I can just pull clock off of one of them and mult it around. Is it a better practice to have a dedicated module for clocking?
It may be wise to eliminate the Mutamix and invest in a larger CV-able mixer like WMD's Performance Mixer.
Good thoughts. I was thinking I'd mainly mix Ableton, but that would limit me doing interesting mixing in-rack. The Performance Mixer is friggin' huge though....
I think I would make do without the patchbays, and replace them with a buffered mult or two, maybe something like Mutable's Links. That's my preference, anyway.
Really those patch bays just look so good. And at like 80 buck a pop... (dang it Behringer..) But 2 of them is probably superfluous.
Ripples is a great all-around filter, but it might be worth investing in two completely different styles of filter (Font and Ripples appear to be very similar). G-Storm Electro is making some cool reproductions of classic filters. A low pass gate would probably add some new flavor as well.
Nice! I need more knowledge around euro filters...
These are just a few things that came to mind as I was taking a once-over on your rack. You will have a blast with something like this, but take it slow... Just a few modules to start with until you realize what you really NEED next. It may turn out completely different than what you are planning now. Be adaptable.
Your proposed rack is actually very similar to my current rack, so I'm going to tell you that you are on the right track. :)
I would recommend eliminating one of the sequencers and adding a Pamela's New Workout as a master clock (and more). You could add a Euclidean Circles to Pam's and the Eloquencer and have a pretty powerful combo. It may be wise to eliminate the Mutamix and invest in a larger CV-able mixer like WMD's Performance Mixer. I think I would make do without the patchbays, and replace them with a buffered mult or two, maybe something like Mutable's Links. That's my preference, anyway.
Ripples is a great all-around filter, but it might be worth investing in two completely different styles of filter (Font and Ripples appear to be very similar). G-Storm Electro is making some cool reproductions of classic filters. A low pass gate would probably add some new flavor as well.
These are just a few things that came to mind as I was taking a once-over on your rack. You will have a blast with something like this, but take it slow... Just a few modules to start with until you realize what you really NEED next. It may turn out completely different than what you are planning now. Be adaptable.
Have fun and good luck!
This is my first forum post! Apologies in advance. (;
I never expect great answers to "noob-esque" posts in any forum (RTFM, dang it.), but this community seems so incredible that I am hopeful for some great insight. (:
So, like a small child learning to walk, I have been on my modular journey for but a few small steps, and am now taking the next step by acquiring a Pittsburgh Modular Structure EP-420 (got a great deal, could not refuse).
I'm very familiar with DSP concepts and the modular workflow is making great sense to me, but I am inexperienced. So, I have laid out what I believe to be a pretty tight setup, and would love to get some thoughts from all you seasoned pro's out there.
I am not 100% sure what style of sounds I'm hoping to make, I love it all. Ideally, this rig can do it all. Ambient, glitch/idm, noise, techno, et al.
My main questions:
- Do I really want 2 large sequencers? Or will I likely end up only using one?
- Do I have enough utilities, VCA, Mixers? I am going from 2 oscillators in my small starter rack to 7, and adding drum modules.
- How's the voice to effect to utility ratio?
- I am an Ableton and Max fiend. Am I ok in assuming I'll be able to have lots of fun goin "hybrid" using es-9? I intend to multitrack, final mix, post-process, sidechain, etc. in Ableton, as well as use Max and CV Tools to bring CV into the rig.
- I don't really have any "east coast" modules. Will I regret this? All of my oscillators fall on the complex side of the spectrum (or digital). I feel like I may miss having any pure sine/saw simple waves at my disposal.
I'd also be happy to talk about specific modules I've selected.
a lot of people like the overdrive on veils too - so maybe take a look. at that
-- JimHowell1970
I definitely will, I really like all the MI stuff - thanks.
as for an oscilloscope -if you are using the one in vcv rack - why not keep using it? as you have the es9
-- JimHowell1970
To be honest, I hadn't thought of doing that! Does it run as a VST/AU? Anyway, yes, I'll look into that.
I would try going to muffwiggler - there's a list of stores stickied in the eurorack forum - there are stores worldwide - not just US and DE! you might find something a bit more convenient!
-- JimHowell1970
I've been reading their forums but not the stores - I'll take a look. Thank you!
All that seems like a good idea
a lot of people like the overdrive on veils too - so maybe take a look. at that
as for an oscilloscope -if you are using the one in vcv rack - why not keep using it? as you have the es9
I would try going to muffwiggler - there's a list of stores stickied in the eurorack forum - there are stores worldwide - not just US and DE! you might find something a bit more convenient!
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
there should either be a marker or a shrouded header on both the busboard and the module
if there is a shrouded header then the ribbon cable will only fit in one way
if there is only a marker - maybe a line, maybe the word RED, maybe -VE then match this to the red stripe
NB check the cable is made correctly: there is a tiny triangle on the cable header on the same side as the key - to the left - the red stripe should always match this
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
I am triggering Mutable Instruments Plaits with Elektron Analog Four using the CV feature on A4.
All's good after setting up the CV track on A4 for pitch and gate going into the Plaits. In this case I am using CV A for gate and CV B for V/Oct.
CV A Gate goes into Plaits Level and CV B V/Oct goes into V/Oct on Plaits
BUT, how do I trigger the ADSR envelope?
I have read several forums and watched many videos and i just cannot understand.
NOTE - I am new to modular and this is my first post after exhausting my search or perhaps I couldnt find the right answers not knowing what to search for.
Do I need a ADSR module? (Tight on rack space so preferably would do without it)
OR do I need to set up another CV, CV C set up as VALUE LIN on A4? (Dont want to, as I want to use CV C and CV D on A4 to trigger MS 101)
OR do I feed the audio out of Plaits (Out and Aux) into A4 audio in (L and R) and set the Oscillators on a Track (e.g. Trk 1) and set WAV to IN L and IN R?
Any recommendations or solutions?
Thank you to all those who provide valuable information on this forum and help beginners like me motivated with answers and solutions to many newbie questions.
Hey, thanks everyone for the helpful advice, I really appreciate it.
I've decided to remove the Vector and just sequence everything from Live initially via CV Tools. I can always add an on-board sequencer later if I click with modular. It takes a lot of hp and cash for something I can (somewhat) replicate in my DAW. Although I'm really tempted to add a Metropolis there! If only it could handle more than one voice...
I've replaced the Tallin with a Quad VCA. I may go with two Tallins instead - the overdrive saturation sounds so good! Just have to decide if it's worth the difference in price...
I removed the Chainsaw. It's actually the only module in the rack that I was a bit hesitant about seems like a one-trick pony, albeit a very good one. I can get the supersaw and those beautiful string sounds (from DivKid's video) on my DAW (even on my Virus hardware), so again, it's not something I should add to the rack.
I've also added a Maths (now that I have space!). I have a 1U Quadratt and 1U Buffered Mult as well as 1U Noise Tools. Do you think I'm missing anything critical now in support modules?
Do you guys think I need a Quadrax, or will the Zadar/Maths/etc be enough?
I also have the little 1U scope as a learning/debugging tool (I rely on a scope a lot when using VCV Rack, it's really helped me locate issues when I can't work out what's going on). :)
I do agree that I should start smaller and add modules gradually. The only reason I've included so much here is because of postage costs - there's a massive difference in shipping costs from the US to my part of the world if you ship everything together. That said, I noticed it's much cheaper to ship from Germany, so I need to investigate that route.
If you don't mind, I didn't use headphones, instead, since I saw it was you, I knew you would have something good up your sleeve, I straight away went to my listening chair and yes :-) I wasn't disappointed, very well done again!
Your track has a nice tension and provides a quite high excitement feeling to the listener, makes the listener stuck in the chair, can't move, just utterly impressed by your music! :-)
I stick with my statement earlier this year, back in May. Your music has a very good potential for movie sound tracks. For me you could be the next Hans Zimmer (and better if you would ask me). So let me know which first movie contains your music, can't wait for the movie as well as I can't wait for your music for that movie :-)
Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
P.S.: If you don't mind I will press a few more times the repeat play button for your track, enjoying my night with your movie sound track, just waiting for the movie ;-)
Edit: Removed typo.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
I have a Malekko Richter Anti-Oscillator VCO and Dual Borg filter on the way. Unfortunately neither manual explains how to plugin these modules correctly in a case and I don't want to screw up and blow them up causing a loss of the product. Any ideas on how to align the module, ribbon cable correctly in a basic Doepfer A100 case?
I will have to look into Rnd Step (S&Hs) by DivKid as having a second modulation tool for S&H would go well with the Richter Anti-Oscillator, Batumi LFO and Borg Filter that should arrive this week. Also looking at filling the last HP with Expert Sleepers Disting EX as it has quantizer, S&H, and so many goodies in one module. I need a good quantizer and more utilities to round out my setup. I also need more patch cables. Funny how many you end up using in one row to modulate everything completely.
I made some changes based on your advices ("never enough vca's", audio processing / effects / modulation sources) and made some changes. Small rack, so I try to privilege polyvanlent modules. I just wonder if the digital mimetic cannot be replaced by an O_c and maybe i need a stéréo mixer ...
I was looking at the York Modular one a couple of weeks back.
Power-wise I was thinking of Konstantlab, a couple of their bus boards first and see if I have enough power for a couple of extra power sockets / Modules then get their proper case power and sell the uZeus modules.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
I'd be tempted to make a list of all the types of modules that you don't understand and then ask yourself what do you think they do before looking it up and once you have gone through that exercise go back and ask yourself what you would use it for note down any further questions you have about it, note them down - maybe the only way to answer some is to buy a module - a disting mk4 or ex may be a big help in this regard...
This is great advice. I’ve started putting a lot more energy into this and on top of sketching here in modular grid i’ve been poking around in miRack (VCV rack fork for iOS) to put some of that learning into practice. Sometimes it doesn’t really come into focus until I see/hear what is happening.
I hear you on the mantis! Will definitely look hard at it. Backpack option is cool.
Again, appreciate the thoughtful remarks. Lots to think about! Very glad to have had this conversation before just going for it.
Nice - I have a York Modular Active Matrix Mixer and a Reverse Landfill Video Matrix Mixer - If I ever get another - and you never know, the AISynthesis one is at the top of my list! Don't forget to experiment with feedback mixing!
Next purchase looks like a power upgrade, then - I've got an befaco excalibus kit in the mail (overhaul of power for case 3) - I've got one already (case 4) and it seems solid and reasonably priced + it doesn't take up rack space!
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
Just uploaded my first Test I made with the Mimosa today. Mimosa slowly kicks in at about 2:10. Maximum Drive i used is about 60%.
I really love how nicely the Mimosa distorts the Sound.
Please use Headphones!
1 Layer of Arbhar --> Mimosa --> ZDSP --> Out
Nebulae V2 is playing A Vocal Sample from the Movie "The Vengeance of She". The Sample is slowed down and pitched up. This goes into QPAS (Bandpass) --> Mimeophon --> Out
That's a serious system you're thinking of. As it stands, you could do some real things with that system.
I would worry that if you're new to eurorack, then you jumping right to that very sophisticated a system, you wouldn't deeply investigate each module's potential. I would start with a core set of modules, and step up from there. When I got Arbhar, I had to set it aside in it's own case so I could learn it by itself, without the distraction of the rest of my system.
The VCA suggestions so far are good ones. Tallin is a great sound VCA, but you'll want more VCAs, and something like the Quad VCA or the MI Veils will give you a lot more possibilities.
I'm not sure about the Vector for a system this size. Vector looks like a great sequencer, but it's only got 2 tracks, right? With as many voices as this system has, I would want a minimum of 4 sequencer tracks. Either Vector needs a smaller backup sequencer, or I would look into Eloquencer, USTA, Stillson Hammer or Metron with a CV expander. Don't get me wrong, Vector looks great.
You're on the right path, and you've often obviously really thought this out. Keep working!
*Ordered an AI Matrix Mixer kit. I fancied the possibilities this offered anyway.
*Just spotted I actually have 2 spare power sockets :)
*Ordered Kinks.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Hi and welcome Majestic. I agree with everything Jim said. You will want more VCAs than just the Tallin, and you do have too many feature modules and not enough utilities. The Zadar and Batumi will offer great modulation possibilities, but you will want to attenuate/invert/control some of that modulation (a Happy Nerding 3xMIA and a quad VCA, maybe?). Jim's suggestion of starting with the Korg SQ1 is spot-on as well. You may find that you want to go a different route than the more expensive Vector Sequencer.
I prefer larger modules too, so I had to get a much bigger case to accommodate the utilities that make the fun modules more exciting. All of the feature modules you have chosen are great, but you won't get the most out of them the way you have planned this out in such a small footprint.
My final food-for-thought is to consider a different polyphonic source besides the Chainsaw. I had the Chainsaw along with the WMD Triad, and found it to be very limited for the cost. I ultimately decided on an external hardware polysynth. Just an idea to consider.
Have fun and good luck!
thought as much - a few sub mixers would be useful though before filters!
as I said another row for utilities for making more, more interesting modulation from what you've already got - I'd probably squeeze an fx aid xl in too
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
looks great, but I would want another row for utilities - another quad vca (mutable or intellijel), a matrixmixer, a sequential switch, attenuators, kinks etc and all for modulation
how are you mixing - out of the box?
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
you could replace the atom with a full size rings - that way you would be showing Emilie how much you appreciate her work - instead giving all your money to cloners - but that's up to you!! - you may liked cramped,modules with minicontrols - I don't!
the modules that I would remove from this case without a second thought though are the plasma drive and the listen i/o
plasma drive - it is just too big you would be better with a 4hp one from Noise Engineering
the listen i/o is redundant the nifty case already has outputs built in and often they are not needed anyway!
if you replace the ATOM with an OG Rings, the plasma drive with something from Noise Engineering and dumped the listen i/o - you would have an extra 22 hp
I'd add a passive attentuator and Maths - check out the maths illustrated manual online to see why this is one of the most useful modules in modular synthesis
The best advice would be to get a bigger case - a Mantis perhaps - and go slowly
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!