Thread: Current

how do you connect the Qx remote to the Quadrax?
-- alexangi

It just connects with a standard I2C ribbon cable. Currently I just have my Qx connected to my Metropolix, but it's compatible with Quadrax, Matropolix and Planar2.

Since almost module entries are "crowdsourced" by users, that's not really something that can be regulated. I doubt B will get a manufacturer's account here to control their module entries either. The controversy makes $ales.

Leave the module entry as it is, and discuss the company's ethics, business practices and design theft in the forum comments. Leave it up to people to determine if they want to support Behringer's behavior or not based on what they read and observe.

The best thing to do is NOT give them free advertisement, and support the original small manufacturers with your purchases. I know I will never purchase their products ever again, that's for sure.

Words fail. This is disgraceful.

Thread: -

CV processing and perhaps logic like an Intellijel Plog.
-- exper

Yes, been thinking about Plog as well.. What kind of CV processing module were u thinking about?

-- flowwwer

There are many good 6hp mixer/attenuverter/offset modules, such as Intellijel's Triplatt, Mutable Shades, or Happy Nerding's 3X MIA. And with that last 2hp, I suggest a passing OR module. Yes there is OR logic on the Plog, but it's better to use that for more interesting logic scenarios. OR can be done passively and is versatile in that it can also be used as a voltage rectifier and mixer. I love throwing some LFOS or random voltages into one and get different versions out of it.

Thread: -

CV processing and perhaps logic like an Intellijel Plog.

“ This user rating is intended to make transactions on the marketplace more trustworthy. If you had a positive or negative experience either as a buyer or seller you can give... a thumbs up or down.”

While I agree, @kaskonauta ‘s post deletion makes this more difficult, nonetheless, rating people who you haven’t done a transaction with isn’t the point of the feature. All around.

Hey guys...

How about we remove the ALL of down votes from other users that you've never had an actual sales transaction with ok?

The rating system is not here to settle forum wars.

@kaskonauta, @Kel_, @Lugia, etc.

Sorry guys, I know some of you PMed me about this situation and thread, but I've had a family emergency for the past few days, so any response was the last thing on my mind.

It looks like the original situation has been resolved, but since posts have been edited, it's hard to see what happened. As a mod I can't see what was removed...

In the future though, @kaskonauta, make sure your purchases are exactly what you expect as soon as you get them, as it will make your case questionable if you say it was fine and then raise an issue weeks later.

And please, all around, treat each other with kindness, respect and honesty so that Modulargrid doesn't turn into some of the more "caustic" synth forums.

Thread: AE Modular?

Nice. Do you find that the wire easily pull out? That was an issue with the volca.

What modules do you have in AE format?

Thread: AE Modular?

It's certainly affordable and has some cool modules, but given my time with a Korg Volca Modular, I wouldn't enjoy using patch wires instead of actual cables...

You should look for an Intellijel Atlantis. It's inspired by and sounds like the Roland SH-101, which BOC used extensively for their basslines and melodies.

around 1 min here:

and here:

But for effects, a Mimeophon does nice warm delays and pseudo verb, I'd recommend a Mutable rings to run audio into. I've created some really BOC-esque sounds by running drums into it and modulating the pitch/shape. Mutable's Clouds is no longer made, but I'd say get that or one of the newer clones like a Monsoon for granular processing/pitch shifting/general chaos.

I do not see that option.
-- mikeleebirds

Once the module is in your rack, click it once to see it’s options. You should see two blue buttons on the side that cycle between any option images for a particular module.

Like this:

Switch to the second image using the blue arrow buttons. The originals that I uploaded had a small border on the top and bottom so that the fit properly.

I’ll check with Danjel. I created the original images and had to add some extra blank space on the top and bottom for them to look right.

Man I'd kill for this!!!

That's correct, the trs panel is a separate purchase. This is because depending on your case, you may not need it. The 7u case has the trs jacks built in already. The 4u case does not.

I edited the MG entry to reflect the actual Intellijel description.

Ha. Truthfully I'm hoping there can eventually be a way to select which panel is shown per module instead of having multiple entries for every variation. There's so many duplicates as it is now.

So it begins... but the "original" actually didn't have the C/SUM out (outputs were not summed).
-- sempervirent

Maths has attenuverters in the center, not VCAs. I'd suggest skipping the shelves for now and getting something like a Linix or veils. You seem to be missing sound sources. Only 1 vco and a sampler basically.

No experience with the DATA, but the way I see it, there are different focuses.

The O'Tool is compact and powerful - two traces, extensive (and accurate) tuning and voltage measurement in 8hp.

The Data has 4 channels, and some extra clock and oscillator functions.

Can't recommend the O'tool + enough though. Tuning has been great, its just the right size to visualize information without taking up too much valuable HPs...

BPM: 84ish
Rainmaker - simple /3 delay
Rings: Mode Green, Type Blinking Orange.
Peaks: Channel 1 Drum synth, parameters can varied. Channel 2 HHs
Knight's Gallop: 8 steps, Mode:RD, Table 3.

A-149-1 controls the structure input on rings, randomly changing chords/root note.

Drums get mixed and go into Rings input.

seek on pattern 12

uscale set to f and a#

drum pattern just in case: snare on 5 and 13, maybe add more, channel f needs 16th notes but with every substep activated.

No prob. :)

Not every module is available in True Grid. It's mainly a few Pittsburgh and Doepfer modules.

If you could do it in 6u plus keep the System 1M on its own, the Intellijel 7u case could power the 5xx series and the other 4. It has a 3A +/- power supply. Plus you'd get the 1u strip for midi, audio I/O and a Quadratt attenuverting mixer, all of which can be very handy with that system.

I've not used it, but, how about

If your field recordings are for others to use, this might be a good fit.

It's actually called Talko, not Taiko. :)

Ben, these already exist. When adding a new module, first check if it exists by selecting DIY and Assembled as well as click the Show exotic modules box. That should show you everything in the module database.

Sometimes the "Assembled/DIY" search filter will change its state for some reason (maybe a bug in MG), so certain projects won't appear in the results.
-- sempervirent

So when in doubt, always assume a module has been added previously. It usually has. If it's more of a DIY or lesser known module, make sure you select DIY AND ASSEMBLED as well as show exotic modules. :)

Looks like fun to me. ;)

You might consider your vca/lpg sources. Seems like a high amount. (VCA: 1 in the Atlantis, 1 in Braids, 2 in the uVCA, 4 LPG channels)

You could drop the LXD and get a nice random source, such as the qubit or ??

Also the newer Maths might offer some great extras for you in a small system with it's extra mixed outputs and getable cycling.

I assume you're doing all of the sequencing with MIDI?

No worries, I hid it from view and marked it duplicate. Also linked the original listing in the info...

One trick when searching for modules is, make use that in advanced search settings, you select build type as DIY AND manufactured. Also, if its a more unknown or limited module, select the "Show exotic modules a.k.a. "other/unknowns" button.

And pretty much, always assume a module has already been added at some point. ;)

No worries. I marked it at unlisted so no one else will find it.

It's best to make sure the advanced search is used, and that you select DIY and Assembled. That way you should see everything.

Thx I'll have to watch those when I have a minute.

Thanks for the review. It looks great.

Maybe I'm missing it, but can you save and recall sequences that you like or is it always generating new stuff?

Nice! Great idea.

A Disting converted to Intellijel 1u would be awesome as well!

Oh and yes, I meant using the moog in desktop form. I might grab one myself. The sound great.

Vcas are necessary because the gate and control levels of everything. Want to control vibrato over time? Use a VCA between your LFO and oscillator with an envelope generator opening and closing the VCA. This is where a modular shines over fixed architecture. Anything can modulate anything, and it's the dynamics and movement through vcas, cv switches, logic, etc that opens up everything. Effects are fun, oscillators are necessary, but to really get them moving, you need dynamic voltage, and that's achieved through vcas.

Take a look at your DPO. You might not know it but there's a bunch of vcas built in already. One to control fm between the oscs, one to control osc modulation to the timbre section, etc.

The uMod 2 is a great choice because you can use it as a VCA in addition to ring mod. Plus the lower section is amazing fir creative cv processing.

Unfortunately the mutagen has been discontinued a while ago, but the mutamix is its replacement and quite great. It's 18hp though, versus the 12hp of the mutagen. Still a good choice because of the 3 output buses. Not to mention its sequencing capabilities.

If you replaced the dub Jr. with a Disting (which has ping pong delays, tape delays, in addition to tons of other functions, of course) then you'd have space for the mutamix.

You're going to need some vcas (audio and cv), mixing (again, audio and cv)

So, I'd say consider loosing maybe the moog, and replacing it with an osc, two or more channels of VCA, mixers, envelopes etc.

You also have a ton of clocking, so maybe reduce some of that. Rcd probably redundant with the tempi. Plus yarns does lots of clock/sequencing.

For one thing, the anti envelope was never made. And also, make sure you really read up on some of these modules and their issues.

Above all listen to demos. There's a lot of variety in every module, some geared towards dirty sounds, some pristine, some intentionally chaotic that embrace analog flaws whether good or bad, etc.

The 'one manufacturer per row' thing is nice to look at, but you end up limited yourself with choices based solely on hp. If anything, pick 2 decent companies and do 2 rows each. I'm a huge fan of Intellijel and it covers most of my system, but I still space stuff out to be more convenient instead visually aesthetically pleasing.

I "think" you should be ok. I know I've used an adapter like that in the past, and simply attenuated an output into headphones, so this should be ok level wise. I'm not 100% sure, but there might eventually be a headphone 1u module from intellijel. I know that they have plans for much more in the format.

Well, I think you'd need a stereo to mono adapter for that to work. Otherwise the sound would only come out of 1 ear...


First the cv inputs are normalized so that a cv into attack can be sent to both attack and decay.

Next the eoc outputs have been greatly improved and now trigger anything.

And I think the quadrature mode has been simplified.

I don't believe it's buffered. Or if it is, I read lots of complaints that it still has signal loss. And buffering has nothing to do with loudness. It preserves the output voltage levels when send to destinations such as mults.

This appears to be a duplicate of this entry:
-- 337is

Totally missed that somehow...I'll delete as soon as the site realizes I've removed the duplicate from my rack.

-- ryangaston

I marked this as unlisted because it is a duplicate. Here is the original listing:

I'm going to put it back as unlisted again so that no one else uses it. Thx

The Intellijel module entries are controlled by them now (hence the manufacturer approved seal) so. Only they can change the info now.

Thread: My FX Rack

I'd toss the delay for now. It's a digital module, and you could easily use a software delay for the same effect. Everything else you have there is analog and can impart unique tones to your signal, including having a real spring reverb, which is something software has yet to emulate properly. IMO... :)

Thread: My FX Rack

Without more modulation, it will just be chains of effects. That will be fun to an extent, but you'll want some Lfos, random sources (stepped and smooth) etc, to make it worthwhile going modular to begin with.

Thread: MI

Unity mixer. Looks like it could use some mixing/utilities anyway.

Can i use just cable. Like. vco > effect > effect > mixer? Without keyboard or sequencer ?
-- dr3a2

If you just want drones, by all means. Then your patch will simply depend on your manual control and processing.

There's many ways to 'run' a modular patch. Sequencers, random modules (wogglebug, Turing Machine, etc) touch plates (pressure points, Sputnik touch keyboard) or even midi-CV modules such as the uMIDI from intellijel.
It depends on the type of patches you want to make.

Have you read up about the rxmx and what it does? It's far from a normal mixer. It's sort of a hybrid scanner/vactrol gate. So, you send cv and gates into it to trigger certain channels over others in time. It's interesting in that's it's meant to hardware into the DPO or their fixed filter module, but it's not going to help with mixing and controlling cv stuff. Not saying that's bad, but maybe still plan to add a small basic utility mixer.

For vcas, you could go in one of two ways. First, a traditional VCA for both audio and CVs is really helpful and flexible. Remember that vcas not only control sound but any analog signal. So you use them to control the amount of a modulation source over time, gate it on and off, etc. For that, a VCA that can do linear (voltages mainly) and exponential (mainly audio). Fir that I'd recommend the Intellijel uVCA mkii. It has two channels, both of which can be swept between linear and expo, much like the two main channels of maths. Because it has a lot for that, and not just a switch like other vcas, means that you can fine tune the response to your liking. I would not recommend make noise's VCA offering (moddemix) as it's not meant to be 'normal'. It heavily distorts/colors the input sound which you may not always want.

Another alternative for a 'VCA' is to get a low pass gate module. These are vactrol based, and impart a nice, natural shape to sound. Input a quick trigger, and it decays the sound just like a plucked string, without even needing an envelope to control the decay. This is less useful for cv, but the ones that make noise offer (Optomix for instance) can still process it, just with that natural decay acting almost like a slew to the cv bring out in. Not always useful, but interesting. LPGs are the core of the west coast sound, especially combined with a complex osc source like the DPO. If you like those plucky percussive sounds that buchlas are known for, you might want to consider a LPG.

Mixing is not just for audio, but for combining cvs, multiple waveforms from your osc before filtering, etc.

With the moog and dark time, it's good that you have a few more pieces to the puzzle, but I'd still say you need an extra filter possibly and a VCA source. Otherwise your only way of gating the sound of the doo is to route it through the moog's VCA and filter. You could look at a low pass gate for this, as it will pair well with the dpo's Buchla-like tones. Next you have a noise sour which I presume you put in for HHs and other percussion sounds. That just outputs steady sound, so you need filtering/vcas for that as well. Consider a more fully functioning module for that, such as the rest of the mutant drum series.

As for the octocontroller and CR, are you aware that the octocontroller does gate patterns and clocks as well as cv? That alone is even a lot of sequencing power for your system. If the CR's complex pattern chaining is important to you, then consider swapping the octocontroller for a more hands on cv source that can do sequences, modulation, etc. Plus, I'm not super familiar with the Fh-1, but doesn't that also do sequencing, modulation and lfos as well? You have a lot of complex stuff in that bottom row, but it's all deep programming and layers, so it could take a lot of the immediacy of having a modular system away from your experience. Trust me, I love deep modules (I have 2 shapeshifters), but that's stuff I added once I grew beyond my first 2 rows.