i was mostly just thinking about live streaming and 1 take dawless play. i dont have any intention of treking anything anywhere. id say the cases are "main case" which has a full synth unit, a full drum computer, chop sampling if i want it, nifty touch points, and pams + op ned for ease. "bass case" which lets me program a 8 oscillator 4 demon core complex bass tone on a nerdseq, or other patchs, plus some nice effects modules, too. "performance case" that has the tukra and a rene, and a plethora of cv, and some more voices. and lastly the "sampling case" that, i believe, should let me have total control over 5 samples, plus any mixing i missed on any other case, plus some more trigger and live patching options, plus a bluebox to make recording extra convenient. i have a whole concept that there are 9 albums there in that 1600hp, and i imagine i could even travel with it if i absolutely had to, but i see it as purely a studio rig. i hope that clears up what my vision is. are you purely convinced this is too much? everything is out of my budget now. i just like to design things for fun. dont you think, if i work out all the bugs, that a system like this could make one even more creative? do you have any specific complaints or do you just think its just too much? peace out.

As a live setup, this is just too much. There is a pageantry to a big setup when you're onstage, but one 12U case (or, frankly, 6U case) is already quite a bit of stuff when you only have two hands. This is enough to keep 4 different people stressing out to keep track of everything.

As a studio hub for experimenting or just general production work, things obviously change a bit. However, the big systems that people like Red Means Recording use to make professional sounding and well-thought out music like you could get from a DAW (or at least be able to keep and use the results as if it werw that kind of music) are built piece by piece. If you're on a budget, not being too tied to a specific plan where every piece is interdependent is best - go where the deals are.

Let me ask you this: roughly speaking, if you had to describe each of these cases succinctly as "the (blank) case", what would each one be? For example, "the Buchla case", or "the sampling case", or "the techno case" (though, if this describes all four, maybe don't pick that).

edit: Sorry - I posted this without seeing your new post.

sigh, maybe you are right zachsname.

i designed this one just for you, like you said:

ModularGrid Rack

peace, etc.

i kind of think it is, mostly, a bit, in my head. i understand i would need way too many way too long cables and its totally possible i dont actually need a number of those, or the synergy isnt quite right, but i truly am working on a whole 4 x 4 3u h 100hp concept where each case can mostly work on its own, but together, can make live music like nothing else. i dont mind criticism about the racks, and specifically what wont work, etc. but i would really prefer if you would just try and buy into the big concept, first. plus, there are plenty of bigger systems out there, etc. id just like to hear, given that i can find the right cables, and given that i can wrap my brain around the individual modules, that the high concept design works. thanks for the comment anyway, tho. ☮

This is a fun way to brainstorm, but a system this size will never work exactly as you plan it, so judging it overall at this stage isn't going to do much. This will be a lot easier if you plan in chunks and adjust as you go along (as I assume you already know you'll be doing). Start with one bit at a time.

What are your favorite options here in terms of modules? If you could only start with 84hp, what would you pick?

If this is a bit and I'm missing it, I apologize.


i have never played with eurorack before in my life. i decided to build a massive 4 case rig on here, just for fun, as the whole thing is way out of my budget. i only half know what most of the modules there do, but i wanted the biggest canvas to create really unique textures and performance. i tried for true greatness.

so, the question is: do you like this setup? do you think it makes any kind of sense all together? and, did i go way too overboard? any comments completely 100 welcome.

thanks for the feedback.

peace out. ... ... ... ... ... ... .

I have two of these and really like them a lot. One of them I mostly use for playing with the v/o signal for a synced vco ... lots of interesting timbres there. However, the sweetspots are quite "narrow", and something like +/- 1V offset rather than +/- 5V would probably work better for my purpose. I assume it's simply a matter of replacing one or two resisters. But which? And to which values? Hints on this are much appreciated. Best wishes.

still not sure if bloom is the good choice there. there are other options to use others to save hps and include something else



Please can you remove the reported offers and the user, to secure your members? I reported this two times via mail, but no reaction.

-- Christoph1972

That is not entirely true, I replied to your mail on 6.5.
The user account is currently suspended until he resolved the issues.
Best, Knut

-- modulargrid

Your answer was removed to spam. Sorry for that. Thank you for suspending the user!

Super impressive in every way!

Love from Sweden.

Lovely sounds!

What was ur reasoning behind the CIVILISATION + erica synths black cv tool?
Do you need that many note quantizers?
A bit weird choice if u ask me.
Nice pic btw. Happy noodling.
-- Chrissozz

Actually, getting rid of all the Erica Synths :)


Please can you remove the reported offers and the user, to secure your members? I reported this two times via mail, but no reaction.

-- Christoph1972

That is not entirely true, I replied to your mail on 6.5.
The user account is currently suspended until he resolved the issues.
Best, Knut

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

A postcard from the west coast of Sweden


What was ur reasoning behind the CIVILISATION + erica synths black cv tool?
Do you need that many note quantizers?
A bit weird choice if u ask me.
Nice pic btw. Happy noodling.

Ok Cool, I'll check that out. I have to say I did another patch session last night with this rack and it's really really versatile. I put a synth into the Endless Processor to build some unusual pads and then fed it into one channel of Beads, the fed the other channel of Beads through Echoz and WASP, all modulated by the Doepfer. I was there for a good hour in blissed out reverb washes, and that's what it's all about isn't it?

(...) And a combo of Veno and Mimeophon is even better.
-- wishbonebrewery

Personally, I’m trying to move a little away from the delay / reverb pairing, although I am very seduced by this type of sound! I have hesitated for a moment to acquire the Nautilus, but when I heard the power of this Veno-Echo, I gave up... I think that the Veno-Echo and Mimeophon combination must indeed be a kind of Saturn V or... USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D to conquer new (wet) worlds and parallel universes :))
But I must forget at least for now, I promised myself.
Thank you again for this publication, it’s always sincerely a pleasure.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).


Please can you remove the reported offers and the user, to secure your members? I reported this two times via mail, but no reaction. If such offers are not deleted by the administration, this platform is simply unprofessional, the place to be for scammers!

If you're going for a single note .. use one an octave (or two) above middle C. I find they translate down beautifully, and while probably less of an issue on modern equipment... they take up less time/disk-space (shorter waves).

just an idea... what about a Qu-Bit Data Bender? its becoming cliche, but I love the way Ive seen some YTubers utilize it.

that leaves 6 hp... an ochd and 2 hp mult to fill the rest

just thought Id add a picture 😉

I'd go as far to say the Veno Echo is amazing. It absolutly loves modulation.
And a combo of Veno and Mimeophon is even better.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


A great use of this powerful delay module. The illustrations go very well with this piece: nice and surreal :)

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Its quite a lot of fun.

2hp Bell for sound.
Befaco Burst for triggers and probability.
2hp ARP for Arpeggios.
Divkid / Instruo Ochd+ Expander for modulation.
Veno-Echo for delays and messing.
Monsoon Clouds for a bit of Reverb.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


I should clarify 'noise'. I don't mean pink / white etc. I mean off specific pitch and sequences. For me this generally happens by overloading modulation to the point of breakup.

I use the Echoz and the A-143-4 because I already own them, like them and don't have unlimited budget to spend. Morphagene looks good but I'd really want to try one out for a time before committing to £500

Cosmix has always been really handy as being able to mix sources and mute immediately is very useful in love performacces. It also has the drive feature which significantly warms up and boosts the output sound

I'll check out Nautilus and mimephon :-)

Oh yeah!

screams nicely :D

100 gritty sound



Check "Befaco Noise Plethora" for noise

combined with a "Befaco Percall" you can do nice rhyhtmic noise patterns



depends on how you use it.
I have both next to each other and think they compliment well as a combo for granular clouds and glitches.
But its a matter of taste.
Beads can do much stuff other modules can do, but I think mostly you can not apply all these functions at once.
I use Morphagene to sample and mangle my modular sounds live, which adds some tape glich and beatslicing - and send it into Beads to add more texture and ambient clouds.
I like Morphagene because it´s very hands on.

Where is the noise in your fx / noise rack?
Maybe add a nice noise source?

-Intelijell Sealegs could be intersting for you.
Delay / reverb with saturation and noise

-Qu-bit Nautilus
-Make Noise Mimeophon

Maybe drop that Echoez?
Maybe a smaller and more vesetaile LFO like Batumi or Ochd+Expander?

Do you need the Cosmix?



Sorry if it's already been requested but I really would like to see:

  1. "Pin" button on modules to lock an individual module to its place in the row. Like "Rack Lock" but on a per-module basis. There are some modules that I never want to see bumped or swapped until I'm ready. Probably would need some logic programmed for how it would interact with functions like the "push left/right" and row swap.

  2. Link adjacent modules. Like pinning, above, only to another module. Use case: Link a module and its expander(s) and move them as a group. Link a series of modules always used in a chain, and move them around like a block. "Pin" a selection of "linked" modules to their spot on the row, and they will be impervious to accidental swaps and shuffles.

I'd be interested too as I have a couple ready to go

This is just a fun jam I did a few weeks ago. Love both of these combos:

Is that not a little too close to Beads?

Make Noise Morphagene

Just a spontanous thought :D




This is my current ambient / noise rack

ModularGrid Rack

The A-143-4 does alot of the modulation with Beads doing both granular and VCO. Endless Processor for external instruments / tape-lopps etc. It's simple but very effective and versatile

What should I fit into the 20HP?

I composed this ambient piece for a friend who had to be hospitalised. Instead of sending him a postcard Estroe and I decided to each create a piece of music for him. In my case this is the result. It’s called From the ground up. I asked my friend if I could share this piece with you and he immediately said: “Yes music and art needs to be shared. So please enjoy this ambient piece. May it soothe and comfort you


is there a section to advertise eurorack cases / racks for sale?

Really like the Dual Dagger - easy to get great sounds. Independent low and hi pass filters and CV panning. Great stuff.

I do use the 100 Grit as a filter (and it's awesome), but mostly I use the C4RBN and the Dual Dagger as filters and use the 100 Grit as distortion. The 100 Grit also doubles a great voice too - very flexible.

The Vult Freak looks amazing! Haven't looked at Ghost. Good luck with your decision :-)

A quick update:

6 weeks after, I still received no module from @sugarfreedaddy

he replies to messenger messages.
he said that he will refund me "asap" but that he currently does not have the money. I don't believe him whatever he says :D

He said that he is not home and can't ship (but he keeps on posting new ads here and on ebay for you people to buy :D )

For several reasons:

6 weeks no module received
he refuses to communicate his name or adress
he ships modules from Poland but his ads claim that he is in Germany
when he ships, he does not communicate his own name and no phone on the parcel... he ships without name...

For all those reasons I believe that he is a real scam and as such, I really want to state it clearly, hoping to help modulargrid people: this guy is here to scam.

No drama please.

Happy patching everyone :D

This person is indeed selling on several platform and scamming people.

He is selling and refuses to provide name or adress, even to buyers.
He ships parcels with no name, no phone.
He ships from Poland but advertises being in Germany.

In my case, I paid with Paypal to family, he kept the money and never sent the module, this was more than 6 weeks ago.
This has been reported in the bad trader thread too.

Hi there,

Got a chance to put my hands on the ne Neo Trinity of Bastl Instrument, a rich modulation source x 6 with plenty of options.

Tryin' to make my video visible on the youtube section but it fails, so I thought I could publish here. It's all in French with subtitles.

This is excactly what I have been looking for.

Im very happy about this :D
Thank you so much



Wow didn't see that Thought u only had the 100 grit in there
What is you thoughts on the dual dagger?
I am eyeing it as well but i'd really want a vult freak.
Sadly not readily available so ...
The endorphin ghost looks like a very nice filter as well. Hard decisions m8

For my part I am already equipped, but I must admit that it is a good concept.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Morning jam...

I predict everyone is going to want one of these.
Looks the perfect addition to a percussion rack or ambient with long samples.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Hi @Chrissozz. The Dual Dagger is a stereo filter: it pairs really well with the Chainsaw

Just asking a question here ... The chainsaw is a stereo oscillator yeah?
Your filters are mono tho. Wouldn't you want at least 1 stereo filter to go with the chainsaw?

This patch attempts to create the appearance of multiple voices from just one by only occasionally sending a note to the delay. A second voice can be added, tuned to a perfect 5th of the primary voice to add a little more depth.

Before getting started, tune the top oscillator to a C, and the bottom to a G.

The Rene's X channel is used to sequence the frequency of both oscillators. The X channel gate triggers the envelope for the primary voice, going to the dry channel. Use a slower Tempi clock to The Y channel or a more sparse gate pattenrn to trigger a second envelope which controls when the oscillators get sent to the Mimeophon.

For best results, keep Mimeophon clock to same tempo as X-channel, and Rate at noon.

Listen to the result on the output of VCA channel 4, rather than mimeophon like you normally do.

Play with:
- envelopes
- gate patterns on X and Y channels
- clock speeds to the Rene
- Access page of X and Y channels to create sequences of varying lengths
- Mimeophone Zone, Repeats, and Halo