This option used to be there in the panner, but recently I've noticed there is no option to do this anymore. Am I missing the option being toggled somewhere in settings, or did this option just get removed for some reason?
This option used to be there in the panner, but recently I've noticed there is no option to do this anymore. Am I missing the option being toggled somewhere in settings, or did this option just get removed for some reason?
Hi @dougie834,
It will be a huge help for other people who might be able to provide some assistance if you make your rack public (rather than private) and paste the URL of your rack's page directly into your post.
Also to clarify, do you already own all of these modules and have this much rackspace available?
I have built the rack up without any real thought to create techno beats what would I need to change as in get rid of and replace
be ruthless if you like..
My understanding is that Surgeon uses an Electro Harmonix looper for live looping (can't remember which one), and an Octatrack for some sequencing duties. I seem to remember reading that he doesn't especially care for the Octatrack, but keeps coming back to it for some reason or another. I can totally identify with that. I keep trying to incorporate Elektron gear with my modular stuff, and can never quite get into that flow.
Fantastic full moon jam! The wolves are not far away...
'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).
My advice if you want the full experience but don't want to expand too much? Get a semi-modular synth and then just buy modules to augment it. A Pico System III is a great one because it has so many pieces that can be used in different ways. The Quadrantid Swarm is a good one if you want something less traditional but still very musical. There are plenty of good options, and they can save you space in your rack.
Also consider something like an Empress Zoia or a Poly Hector (or even the non-Eurorack versions, which have MIDI outs and can interfave with the controls on your Sub37 in deep ways). One of those and some attenuation/mixing for hands-on control might scratch the itch for a long time. The Hector is also full of Mutable Instruments modules because they're open source, so you get a lot of classic modular in there.
There's also stuff like Ornament and Crime or the Disting modules, with lots of different tools in them that you can try. Not super hands on, but you don't always need that (or you can use attenuators to change this). If a function in there makes you want to go deeper, you can get a module from there.
Have you tried VCV Rack? I find it good for planning systems in addition to making music on it. You can get a sense of how things will sound and decide what you want more or less control over.
@Jim: Thanks for your very helpful feedback and for sharing your experience! Seems I'm not the first to notice that working with Eurorack is time-consuming and can become addictive because it's a sea of endless possibilities ;-)
@Dave: Also thanks for your suggestions!
For now I'm thinking to swap the 903A with a 2hp VCA and a Meng Qi DPLPG because I have to watch the power consumption of the Doepfer LC1.
And yes, i can see a bigger case on the horizon (sigh).
Just did a thing by holding a Piezo onto my crappy soldering iron stand, scratching it with an allen key and sampling it in the SebSongs Sampler, I think it turned out kinda nice. NLC Sloths modulates Ochd, Ochd does stuff, then other stuff do other things, before 3 effects routs and a filter.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
i think there is something to be said for small cases with a well defined purpose, like effects or modulation - but beware scope creep. although that ship may already have sailed.
if you really wanted to cram is as much as possible and don't mind tiny knobs, 2hp Sine and Takaab 2lpg would fit in 4hp give you some additional bloops.
To give you something different to your mini synth voice and the subsequent, maybe 2hp Pluck? Mount it with 1hp space either side...
Jim, you're my toughest critic and I understand your point of view.
The modular world has captivated me while I try not to let my passion get out of hand. On the long run that could be a dilemma.
Hahaha... yes... I do understand though... I kind of started off with something of the same idea... but quickly outgrew my first case (which was over double the size of yours) which took about 6 months... so bought a second... but then I discovered video and DIY... I now have 8... BUT and this is why I always recommend a mantis as a 1st case: I oftem look back and see that a mantis (case no2) would have been big enough to meet all my needs & I'd quite likely stuck with that... without getting into the habit of adding more cases
the biggest problem I see in ALL small racks is the trying to cram too much in and not having enough utilities - which are by far the most important and useful modules in my opinion
Yes, the next logical step would be a bigger case. Even though my small system may seem ridiculous to most of the community, I'm pretty happy with it for now. Combined with my Subsequent 37 I can get a lot of movement and noise out of it.
Anyway I would like to replace the 903a with another module, preferably a second synth voice. Does anyone have a suggestion?
-- Jockl
there's not a lot of synth voices in 4hp or less:
out of those, I'd probably go for the erica pico voice, although my eperience with the pico series is both limited and frustrated... I had a pico seq and quite frankly found it near unuseable for my usecase - the lack of a reset input and the pressing of 2 buttons, one either side of the module in order to reset it made it impossible to use... ergonomics is really quite inportant!!!!
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
Jim, you're my toughest critic and I understand your point of view.
The modular world has captivated me while I try not to let my passion get out of hand. On the long run that could be a dilemma.
Yes, the next logical step would be a bigger case. Even though my small system may seem ridiculous to most of the community, I'm pretty happy with it for now. Combined with my Subsequent 37 I can get a lot of movement and noise out of it.
Anyway I would like to replace the 903a with another module, preferably a second synth voice. Does anyone have a suggestion?
Well done!
-- bopodoq
Thank you bopodoq!
Great set....
-- wishbonebrewery
Thank you Wishbonebrewery!
Yes that is my next step, install Pro tools again and go with an older version and see what happens. Try other DAW's also. But I have been using Pro Tools for more than 20 years so I would like to keep using it. Who knows how this will go
yes that has been my solution, generating new time code with a plugin on an audio track, sending it to bsp and from there to my other sequencers, worked flawlessly until I ran some updates to pro tools. Now nothing works
-- GunnarWaage
sounds like a protools issue tbh
is pro tools working correctly otherwise?
what was in the updates? do you need them, can you roll back the updates?
does everything else sync to the BSP ok?
is the output from the channel to the audio interface still set up correctly?
is volume of the output still the same?
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
yes that has been my solution, generating new time code with a plugin on an audio track, sending it to bsp and from there to my other sequencers, worked flawlessly until I ran some updates to pro tools. Now nothing works
what are you using as the master MIDI clock? the DAW? if so, the 'inaccuracy' of the clock is almost definitely a product of OS prioritisation..
MIDI in computer operating systems is low priority... so other things wich are higher priority, such as audio, usb mouse and keyboard signals and internet, for example, cause interrupts and hence can disrupt MIDI processing, to the point that it can be noticeable...
things that you can do to get round this are - sync to audio - ie use an audio track/loop to sync from the DAW at 24ppqn... or find something that can be used as an external MIDI clock and sync everything to that, including your DAW...
otherwise, turning off wifi and bluetooth etc may help to some extent...
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
So it's an extension module for Bartender that is also aligned opposite to bartender, being upside down.
Surgeon was using Octatrack to live loop. You might be inspired by checking out his take on it.
I've had it for one year so far and, 2 weeks after the end of the warranty, one of the outputs doesn't go into negative anymore as if it was rectified.
One week since I wrote to instruo, no reply.
It really looks simple to repair.
[Edit] It turns out it wasn't broken at all. False alarm.
Exactly, the problem has to do with usb and unprecise midi code. I wish there was a solution that doesnt require you to go through all this headache again and again. I have my modular and then I have my polysynths and softsynths. I multitrack ewerything, record a voice and then stack up more voices. Pretty typical working method, nothing new there. So therefore I am surpriced that there isn't a working hassle-free solution to this already.
I want to get a playable Live setup, where I can sequence, live sample and blend between recorded stuff and modular audio.
my idea is to get a oxi one
to pair with a 104 7u case
My thoughts are
octatrack could be my sequencer + live sampler, to 1. record stuff from the modular into it or 2. blend live between recorded stuff and modular.
Gear is quiet old, hard to learn and maybe bad sound quality?
The sequencer is more oldschool and doesnt has the fancy blinking pads like the oxi :(
Oxi one seems to be very hands on to sequence everything, but I would need a other solution for live sampling and blending between recorded stuff and modular.
What could be a alternative for this?
synthstrom deluge seems to be a compromise between both
Could you give me a advice?
Maybe there are other devices you can suggest?
I swapped the 914 for some other modules. Still no larger case ;-)
Any thoughts?
-- Jockl
yes... the same as before... get a bigger case... you don't have to fill it... that's what blank panels are for...
it will allow you to NOT have to cram smaller modules into a small space IMPROVING ergonomics AND so making your modular experience much nicer and more fun... AND allow you to add more functionality as and when you want/need to...
you can never have too many vcas - & you have only 1... they are for modulation as well as audio!
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
...I would apreciate a healthy discussion on this topic, do you have sync problems or is your system working...
-- GunnarWaage
Maybe a bit off topic because i dont use "sample accurate sync" but here is my synchronisation experience:
We have a lot of jam sessions with all kind of electronic music equipment (dozens or close to 100 different syncable devices within the last years).
Everything is synced via MIDI clock and in some subsystems this MIDI clock gets converted to CV-clock/reset via Arturia devices (Keystep PRO, Beatstep PRO) or PAMs.
In those hardware based setups sync accuracy has never been an issue.
As soon as a laptop or tablet (windows, mac, ios, android) needs to be synced as slave things start to get inaccurate.
But every better software has the possibility to adjust the clock-sync-offset in milliseconds.
Strange thing i experienced is that the needed offset value is often very different compared to former jam sessions with the same equipment.
There are indeed a few syncable eurorack modules that are always a single CV-clock-tick ahead.
To solve this issue i have built an arduino that holds back the very first clock tick after start.
Now i have 2 different master clocks in my eurorack to get everything in perfect sync
This may not be anything to do with what you are talking about but I have Pams as my main clock and the Midi out controlling my Beatstep pro, while playing i see the BPM change on the beatstep and can hear the slowdown in tempo. As far as i can see i do not have any Swing or probability set on the beatstep and I never have an issue with Pams swaying about as its rock solid.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
I swapped the 914 for some other modules. Still no larger case ;-)
Any thoughts?
So one of the underdeveloped areas is sync. Although not exclusive to Eurorack it has to be said that sample accurate syncronisation of a DAW to USB Devices such as Arturia's Beat Step, remains an ongoing source of frustration.
Some time ago I had this solved. I bought a relatively cheap box from Expert Sleepers called USAMO. This box enabled me to install a plugin on a audio or instrument channel. The plugin then produced a time code that was sent through an audio output on my interface, from there over a jack cable to the USAMO box.
On the other side of the box a midi output to Beatstep Pro. And uallah I my DAW was in sample accurate syncronisation with my Eurorack.
Some time has passed, Operating systems come and go, I switch from PC to MAC and to make a long story short nothing is working at the moment.
I would apreciate a healthy discussion on this topic, do you have sync problems or is your system working.
Now I have 2 x Presonus Quantum 2626 running at 192 khz sampling rate and each connected via thunderbolt lll cables. They are synced between them by Word Clock BNC. Those then are set as one agregate device in the Apple Mini M1.
Here's the article I wrote and now seems to not be valid anymore, atleast it needs complete revision.
Great set....
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Hi... is the price with the chicken included?! I'm new to eurorack, are there more modules like this? like that yellow duck that is on toilets on movies and ads - although I'm thinking since that doesn't make a sound it might be more trigger generator or so?
I also have a panel version i would like to upload, for ALM's Beast's Chalkboard. I have it in black, and I cannot figure out how or where to upload a picture of the module with the black panel installed. Any luck resolving this?
Voice 1 - (arpeggiated) Ataraxic It. to Sinc Bucina to BF22. Sequenced by Arpitecht
Voice 2 - (Bass) TS-L with Function to quad VCA to BF22. Sequenced by Varigate 8+
Voice 3 - (Leads) Synth/Sample from NerdSeq for 8-bit leads. Sequenced by NerdSeq.
Voice 4 - (Chords) Three from Edges to bubble mix to Tangle Quartet to Ripples with O&C envelopes. Sequenced by Arpitecht
Voice 5 - (Percussion) BIA, noise from Edges, sample from NerdSeq to bubble. mix to Freeze
Optional: Pairs well with TR-8
Hi Thermal,
Thanks a lot for your review of the SoundForce Dual Filter. Pity indeed of the jumper on the back to switch between LP & HP, otherwise it sounds great! :-)
Have fun with it and thanks a lot for letting us know, kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
I've also added a couple of WMD Soft Start modules that I am planning to attach to the Ghost (130 mA on -12v) and Super Critical Neutron Flux (120 mA on -12v, 150 mA on +12v). These two modules could be contentious on startup with the two tube modules, the M/277 and Mimosa, which will require a surge at startup.
Unfortunately the WMD Soft Start does not support mA over 500, so it cannot be used to soft start the M/277. I may move the soft starts around the case to see what works best when they arrive, since this case could have power draw issues.
Dream come true! I performed my first live set with my modular synth at Paradiso in Amsterdam during Voltage Control Amsterdam. An evening with eight modular performances in one of the most beautiful concert venues of the Netherlands
It was a magical moment for me where a lot of things I have been doing in my music and theatre career came together in a wonderful mashup of storytelling and modular synth music. Please enjoy and do let me know what you think of my first liveset. Many thanks go out to Bart and Voltage Control Amsterdam for having me perform.
Nice transaction with @loopspool. Module well packet. fast shipping and very communicative. Recommended seller.
yes, 6U and not 2U TY. Have been moving around non-Eurorack rack modules lately and misspoke.
Well yes he probably understood that his theory was flawed. But no I will leave it standing. Those are small companies making Eurorack modules and their work should not be torn down here on those pages of without premise.
I think Elvis made the right decision :)
Now I don't know what type of transformers you are using or the electricity structure in your facilities, but I would unplug it and have it analyzed by a specialist.
-- GunnarWaage
The original Poster has left the building! You might want to scrap all that as it's Yesterday's news Today ;-)
@mattroix was just piggy-backing on this topic with a question.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Well I don't think you are lying, however, I don't think your problem is the quality of your modules. Something is faulty in your electrical setup.
"the failure rate in my studio is almost 40%. No lie....."
Well this is not normal and it doesnt point to one faulty module but rather a faulty system.
I have had my øchd for two years or so and I just bought two expanders so I need to buy one more øchd.
I have a huge system and many high end modules and I can safely say that the build quality of the øchd is superb and up there with the best of them, and the same should be sayd about Bill Wilson's design, simply a badass modulation source.
Now I don't know what type of transformers you are using or the electricity structure in your facilities, but I would unplug it and have it analyzed by a specialist.
It may be worth making a short video of the issues and sending it to Instruo, there email is in their T&Cs
For me as a producer of beer we like to investigate any issues that get reported and react as best we can to resolve problems or indeed in some cases our due dilligence tells us we have done everything correct and the customer is doing something wrong, each case is tracked back to production records and staff consulted so that we can always improve and if needed adjust process to target consistency.
Thankfully problems are vanishingly rare but we still take the time to see if improvements can be made.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
4 of the 8 outputs of my OCHD are faulty. First it was just 1 of them, but it gets worse over time. Had it for around 2 years.
I have a friend who has the same problem with this OCHD.
I had 3 Instruo modules and 2 of them turned out to be faulty, which is not enough experience of course, but I never had any issue with any other brands, I have a large system, and probably had around 150 modules so far.
I am not against it in general but it is quite an effort especially to port the data to MG. The images on that page don't look very useful either?
-- modulargrid
Ok I sent an email to "Look mum" about this thread so lets see if he can offer better pictures
thanks for the response! i picked up a keeley 4 knob pedal this weekend for $100 after trying about 9 others. also thinking about trying the dannysound or Gods box lollipop.
I am not against it in general but it is quite an effort especially to port the data to MG. The images on that page don't look very useful either?
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
I don't give up. There is a new update where the Search field will not lose the focus when the cursor hovers of the rack above.
This should prevent most accidental deletions of modules. However now you have to click on the rack again to make the shortcuts work.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
The best module without doubt is the SCOPE if you have an es8/es9 - Its like a free Mordax. I use this all the time
I also think Omri Cohen is the shizz!
I also love the BogAudio, JW and Vult Stuff - I only have a few brands that I have downloaded and only go looking for other stuff when I need a specific thing as there is too much duplicated stuff on there.
It is a must have when you have a small rack and an ES8/ES9 but I think if you have a larger rack there isn't the need to use a hybrid approach in my opinio, but for sure using as an end of stage mixer is typically more fully featured in VCV