I don't give up. There is a new update where the Search field will not lose the focus when the cursor hovers of the rack above.
This should prevent most accidental deletions of modules. However now you have to click on the rack again to make the shortcuts work.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

The best module without doubt is the SCOPE if you have an es8/es9 - Its like a free Mordax. I use this all the time

I also think Omri Cohen is the shizz!

I also love the BogAudio, JW and Vult Stuff - I only have a few brands that I have downloaded and only go looking for other stuff when I need a specific thing as there is too much duplicated stuff on there.

It is a must have when you have a small rack and an ES8/ES9 but I think if you have a larger rack there isn't the need to use a hybrid approach in my opinio, but for sure using as an end of stage mixer is typically more fully featured in VCV

I have the same issue. I have looked all over (I guess ;-) and did not find anything. Quite unfortunate, because that would make Cellz really performative...

I do this all the time too - it proper annoys me because I have to get up from my chair and look at my actual physical rack ( I know right !!!), to remember which order I had my modules in. I much prefer to make examples on MG of how I can fit my modules in the available space than actually make music lol

Sorry, I should have been clearer. Yes it can. Select the rack you want to copy. Select the Edit menu at top right, select Duplicate Rack. Give your duplicated rack a new name. Your original rack still exists.
-- Shall

DOH! Brilliant! I keep forgetting about that handy EDIT button! Thanks!


Sorry, I should have been clearer. Yes it can. Select the rack you want to copy. Select the Edit menu at top right, select Duplicate Rack. Give your duplicated rack a new name. Your original rack still exists.

Edit --> Duplicate Rack.
-- Shall

Edited the title (thanks)

So, can it be done?


Edit --> Duplicate Rack.

I invite you to listen to my last album, subtle piece with just six B 2500 modules and Texture Lab as fx mode.
Performed and recorded live for BEAST International Film Festival.
I hope you like it.
All the support is welcomed and loved.
Kind regards and sonic flow.

Is it possible to copy a rack, so we can modify the copy without destroying the original?


Between the new firmware and this expander, Nerseq has attained an entire level up in capability. I can't wait to get mine.

hello everyone. After selling my last system a couple of years ago i wanted to get back into synthesis. this is my new rack. ModularGrid Rack
I am making generative ambient stuff and also do some sampling into a 404. i only make music at home for fun so i do not plan on taking this out of my house.
I put the moog mother 32 in the case because i cannot stand blank space. i plan on removing it at some point and putting modules in its place.
These are the things i am thinking about putting in:
Plaits clone or another oscillator
some cv mixer
zadar eg
another filter
sum diff module
frap 321 utility
Any advice is welcome. Thank you.

there is a

-- klodifokan

Yes but it doesnt seem to have a functioning grid, meaning the option of making a rack and populating it. Another good thing is that the racks here on modulargrid.net will sum up the power consumtion + it will warn if a module could be incompatable. If someone can find the actual kosmo grid I'd be very happy

Is it not just 5U or something??
-- wishbonebrewery

Well I think the hight might be the same but the with is variable, although i must admit i have not checked since it is usually referred to as different format from 5u

there is a

Is it not just 5U or something??

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


I am a Eurorack guy venturing into doing DIY. I bought most of the kosmo pcp's and panels and I miss being able to use modulargrid designing the project. So I would like to ask admin to add the format.

Thread: RibbonRack

Hi All,
I've changed the modules in this rack several times, but I think I'm close to what I want.
My intention is for the bottom row to serve several functions:
1. As a supplement to the Kobol
2. As a pseudo Trautonium voice, using sub harmonic generation from the Tides clone
3. As an audio in effects source for acoustic instruments

I welcome comments and suggestions,

Haha... Where do the cables go? :-)

I do stuff and things and whatnot...

An interesting unit using “new-old” East German germanium transistors to create some unique fuzz effects.
Simple build, but make sure you look carefully at the picture to install the transistors correctly.
And it does what you’d expect, provides some good fuzzy output, with variable feedback and fuzz. Fuzz also has CV input, an LFO sounds good with it.
Great atmospheric effects possibilities.


So I discovered this Kinotone Ribbons... Amazing pedal, subtitled 'Magnetic tape emulator'. Compression is one of the components to obtain a Lo-Fi emulation.
1) Have you looked at EarthQuaker Devices?
2) To get your ‘too much effect’, among the Eurorack modules, could a Cosmotronic Peradam plus Messor set be suitable?

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

the plan ^^

the build ^^



This is the worst mis-feature of modulargrid.


Hi @Loersatz,
This may or may not be what you're looking for, but it came to mind for me when reading your post!

Edit: It is officially discontinued, but I believe I've still seen it in stock at some of the online shops.
-- Chace

Nice :)
Thanks for sharing this.
Exactly what I was looking for.


Hi @Loersatz,
This may or may not be what you're looking for, but it came to mind for me when reading your post!

Edit: It is officially discontinued, but I believe I've still seen it in stock at some of the online shops.

Thread: Skiff

I have this setup with a 4ms 40hp powered skiff. It works great for sequencing drum machines outside the eurorack format using a converter box or 3.5mm to 1/4in cables. I pair this with my Pulsar 23 and it's great.

What is the most extreme compressor module? Anything that can sound like "way too much compressor effect". I love the sound of the kinotone ribbons pedal, but those aren't available currently. Can be a module, pedal, or rack. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

I have a Doepfer A-182-2 and I am looking at a module that would generate the "opposite" function:
On the Doepfer A-182-2, one input can be routed to either one of the two outputs.
Not looking for the exact same but any option would be welcome :)
Thank you,

Hi at all,
As per the title... What'are your favorite VCV's modules? Also in combination with your external hardware.
Could be interesting to use digital modules like last added terrarium and sequencers directly in VCV and dedicate our rack to the more analog modules using ES-8 or 9.

Can this somehow be patched to be used as a trigger/clock?

Thank you!

Can this somehow be patched to be used as a trigger/clock?

wow you realy make beautiful music! could you tell me wher you got that little square case?
-- Niemandsland

Thank you! All my cases was made by Clank modular, Italy. They can make any case for you.
Here is their website: https://www.clank.eu/cases

wow you realy make beautiful music! could you tell me wher you got that little square case?

this is quite an awesome track
-- davebrohl

Thanks :)

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.


this is quite an awesome track

This was a tricky, end-of-chain build because there aren't many 104hp cases that offer the module depth and power draw that's required to satisfy the inclusion of a Trogtronic m/277, which eats up a whopping 760 mA on startup for the first 10 seconds once the rack is turned on and has a 58mm module depth (quite a hefty addition).

To make this work, you'll need something on-par or better than the Eowave 3U Skiff 104HP, which offers 60mm module depth over 99HP of the case (40cm over the power bus), 1500 mA on +12v and 1000 mA on -12v, with 500 mA on +5v when using a 4a PSU.


leave a blank for some time while you figure out more about what feels missing to you. After all, that's often a good thing to do if you're in doubt, it's free and modular is not a race, you don't have to "finish your rack".
It's your custom instrument, so take your time to think about how you want it to be ;)
-- toodee

I like this advice, there is no rush to fill spare space, let it breath a while and you might just figure out what you need versus what would look nice in the gap ;-)

For me prsonally I'm at the state of slight mental anguish as to whether I should get a Shackmat Gemini's Path, a Ripples v2 Clone or a O_C, they are all viable choices, some sensible and some fun. Sometimes its better to get the 'Bread & butter' elememnts before going for that fancy Frnch Patisserie.

Thats me though and I have 3 disinct paths I wish to take my modular, 1/ Main Case whih is mainly for generative, 2/ My Percussion and Acid rows, then 3/ I'm planning a seperate weird, sound mangling esoteric rack.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


In my honest opinion, O&C with the right firmware is more playable than Pam's - and also a totally different beast that doesn't really have the same purpose/function, in my mind at least. There's even different hardware, the OCP from Plum Audio looks pretty cool. I didn't try to learn all the modes at the same time, I'm not even sure I read about what each app does at least once, I just focus on a few for a time to add them to my "mental patching toolbox" and that's totally manageable I think, the journey of learning is fun, it's like exploring a new little utility module every few weeks/months.
If you want to have a look at what the Phazerville firmware looks like, SynthDad did a cool introduction into it and some of its modes:

Allow me to recommend again that you think about how you like to patch, what's working and what feels cumbersome or what you're not using so much for a question of interface, patching habits, etc.
Maybe you like the sound of the TD-3 filter and that's working for you, but you lack manual control and playable modulation in the rack ? In which case, instead of a filter you might not absolutely need, you could think about getting a matrix mixer, or one of those new Bastl Neo Trinity plus a 2-3hp VCA... Or maybe the discussion will just lead you to new patching ideas with the modules you already have and you'll leave a blank for some time while you figure out more about what feels missing to you. After all, that's often a good thing to do if you're in doubt, it's free and modular is not a race, you don't have to "finish your rack".
It's your custom instrument, so take your time to think about how you want it to be ;)

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Thanks to @toodee and @Sweelinck, I also thought about another filter (I use my TD-3 currently for this purpose). Grainity looks promising ... I'm not sure about O & C and all the menu diving (I know, same thing with PAM ... but I love it!). On the other hand tons of cool features ...

Cheers, Ben

I'd say the same about my day job!

Hi thanks for your comment, we have created an offer to purchase 2 modules at a discounted price.This is for those who want to have a dual-mono configuration in the system.

I agree with @toodee. A 2nd filter would be a much better option than another oscillator. It allows better positioning in the sound spectrum (so your track is more 'readable'), it can tweak the sound in a way that an oscillator can't, and it can even become another source of sound (if really needed...) through self-oscillation. The choice of filter, however, will depend on your musical orientation...

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

been using it for a while and like it. problem is its sync. only way to sync is via usb c from computer. if used standalone/dawless the tempo setting is hidden in menu under start/stop button via press and hold, which sux extremely. also 8 outs only is painfull along its huge array of functions > 8x cv/gate/funtion sequencing +++. it could easyly use 16 or more outs, especially if used as master cloc ...

Why oh why, is this not stereo! :...(

Hi there !
I'm not sure adding another sound source is what your rack needs TBH - even if I would wholeheartedly recommend the TsL as it's a really great little VCO, quite powerful for its size - you already have 3 !
Personnally I'd add a filter - for example I just acquired the new Grainity, and it's amazing. It can be a filter, a sound processor, or both, depending on how you use it.
Another good candidate would be an O&C, the Phazerville firmware really brings it to a "desert-island" level module IMO, and it brings enough new functionality to your rack to stay relevant even having Pam's in there already.
There's also matrix mixers, they're often recommended for a good reason, AI Synthesis offers theirs as a kit, a very nice first soldering project if you want to try your hand at DIY.
These are mere suggestions based on my own preferences though, ultimately your question can only be answered by yourself: what are you currently missing when you patch ? Why are you thinking about the modules you mentioned (TsL and Ochd Expander) ? Answering this will help others help you ;-)
Take care !

--- Voltage control all the things ---

All Ladik modules have a very good quality/price ratio. Regarding this quantizer, it depends on what you need. But it fulfills the basic functions.

Ok Thanks Ferranadsr
As I'm a newbie. is this a good quantizer (price/qualtity)?

Sometimes he takes a while to respond to emails, he does everything, designs, manufactures, etc... I have made several orders and everything has always arrived on time. On its website it already warns that it sometimes takes time to respond to emails. But everything has gone well for me with him.