Ok Thanks Ferranadsr
As I'm a newbie. is this a good quantizer (price/qualtity)?

Sometimes he takes a while to respond to emails, he does everything, designs, manufactures, etc... I have made several orders and everything has always arrived on time. On its website it already warns that it sometimes takes time to respond to emails. But everything has gone well for me with him.

Thanks, there is no response to email. So i'm not sure it is a good idea to order.

Thanks Jim!

Direct on the manufacturer's website (Ladik)

and the link:

ModularGrid Rack

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Hi guys!

This is my current rack:

iben rack

I also use a Behringer TD-3-MO and a Drumbrute Impact drum machine. I'm wondering what I should use the last 11 HP for? What do you think is really missing? I'm thinking about adding the ochd expander and Instruō Tš-L v2 oscillator. Any other ideas are highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Do you want to know how this rack sounds? Check out my youtube channel!

Cheers, Ben


I have this fantastic Behringer 2500 modules for sale, all of them in supreme condition and sounds amazing ! ( you can check on my videos)
Any questions or pictures just ask, hope they found a good new owner.


where can I buy this module?

Thread: Bug Report

Not sure if this is a bug report or a feature request so apologies in advance.

Email notifications that I receive are following my browser/email client dark modes changing the text colour to white (or thereabouts) but the background remains white making the text close to unreadable.
-- eastwood

I don't know which email client you use but I have now deleted all color settings from the mail template so your client might work better?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

Hi Jukshoe,
Thank you for your feedback and advice.
I use my 2 active multis quite a bit anyway, so I would like to keep them.
I was thinking more about replacing my Nano oscillator or the 182 sequencer, for example.
Thanks again.

mdr ! Oui, j'ai encore des ventes à faire ^^ c'est pas très cher en vrai ;)

Is it just me or is this a conduit from various A.I. tools into Eurorack? And do all Metrons with the ribbon cable on the back have the new buttons?

Ah ah ! j'étais sûr que t'allais loucher sur du Buchla !

Hey, thanks for the detailed description, lot's to do but I have it on the map..

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

There was a duplicate and we unlisted the wrong by accident. I have reverted it.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

Can't even spell "three."

Would it be possible to upload a better module image on here ? my MG OCD is kickin

Behringer 2500 live set

I've got some interesting results with cross-modulation of VCOs before but I'll be honest I really don't know what I'm doing.
-- wishbonebrewery

Honestly, and even if this is not the only one, it's also one of the interests and pleasures of modular ;)

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

I've got some interesting results with cross-modulation of VCOs before but I'll be honest I really don't know what I'm doing.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


i'm curious how others work with 1 v/o in - what is the use if the slightest touch on the pitch knob will change pitch? why would one want to to struggle so much to be in tune? can anyone help me out here, what am i missing? why can't c be a c, as a standard, and the diluting of pitch correctness be an extra? i guess it's both module specific and eurorack in general, but i find it so cumbersome to work with, i'm starting to wonder if i'm missing some super simple way of thinking about it that will make it all settle, or, naturally, if eurorack isn't for me.


'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Nice, subscribed on YT.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Nice jam, nice video. Thanks for sharing!
PS: be careful, a hand behind your rack is trying to steal your system... ;)

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

This is my system as shown on my youtube channel Monodux.

You can find tutorials, jams, and a nerdy studio tour there.

If you're looking to build a system based on the Behringer System 55, I've created a template for that here: ModularGrid Rack

This shows everything as it comes in the box. I have rearranged my own rig for ease of use, placing envelopes and VCAs together in pairs, and removing one of the oscillator controller modules to make space for other stuff. I'm happy to answer any questions.



Can we get Nervous Squirrel added as a manufacturer in the drop-down list? They've got three modules available in MG now.

So, would this be an option and work out ok...

Niftycase + audio out cable into focusrite solo 3rd gen? https://focusrite.com/products/scarlett-solo-refurbished?setCurrencyId=1&utm_term=&utm_campaign=&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=9998263402&hsa_cam=483555825&hsa_grp=1148991330118347&hsa_ad=&hsa_src=o&hsa_tgt=pla-4575411501436731&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=e&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&msclkid=eceda7b65215191e608cc2167b74e255

-- EuroBadger

Yep, I use a focusrite in my set up to record into Ableton & it works fine

Is it just me or is this a conduit from various A.I. tools into Eurorack?

Some people record direct to a small feild recorder too.... which also means you are setup for collecting found-sounds to later use in the modular.
-- wishbonebrewery

Yes, I have seen a few handhelds - they look very interesting, do the job plus another sound source. I hope to solve the issue of recording at a low cost - maybe a focusrite audio interface to just plug in and use, if that works.

Enjoy the spare space for a while and maybe you'll find out which modules you actually need by using what you've got ;-)
Maybe something to pan stereo and mono signals would be an advantage so you could ditch one of the STMix's.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Some people record direct to a small feild recorder too.... which also means you are setup for collecting found-sounds to later use in the modular.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


But to answer your question, I use distings mk4 in wav recorder mode to record anything I make in modular,
-- Sythic

I do like the idea of a self contained case...will remeber this if I dont get the 4ms one day, thanks

There are a few options for recording out but honestly there a lots of low cost USB audio interfaces available that would do this for you & that would cost less that buying a dedicated module.
You could use the remaining funds & HP you would save (niftycase is quite small) to get something else to put in the case.
-- Traxam

This is looking like the plan I may take, thankyou...having everything contained in the case including ability to record would be great one day. But I don't think it is right now.

Are there any usb audio interfaces you would recomend? I have seen alot of focusrite.

I would apriciate some feedback on mz case. I have some space for some more modules. Like to hear zour thoughts.
My rack ModularGrid Rack


I cant see any obvious ways you would create midi values within your case to send via a midi out.
Midi isnt audio, its a data feed, it can hold note values, or similar e.g. velocity info (typical in a midi compatible keyboard), or it can send control signals which might be equialent to mapping a midi controller knob to an ableton knob, so that one affects the other.

But to answer your question, I use distings mk4 in wav recorder mode to record anything I make in modular, and then also use the audio out from the disting mk4 into my octatrack then on to my speakers. I pop the micro SD card in my laptop when I want to convert a recording to mp3 and share

There are a few options for recording out but honestly there a lots of low cost USB audio interfaces available that would do this for you & that would cost less that buying a dedicated module.
You could use the remaining funds & HP you would save (niftycase is quite small) to get something else to put in the case.

ModularGrid Rack

Here is an example of a setup that I think would be a fun way to fill out your case:
- Added Quadrax in there for some additional modulation sources. It has several different modes, including envelopes and LFOs. Just an all-around useful module to have.
- Added the Desmodus Versio in there to have a versatile reverb effect. The Versio platform also allows you to easily swap the firmware for something different, like a delay or distortion, for example. This would allow you to try out several different module types without any additional cost.
- Added the 3x MIA in there as an additional way to mix your oscillator's waveforms and/or modulation sources, as well as control modulation levels, which is really handy with a module like the Versio. 3x MIA is one of the best modules in all of eurorack, in my opinion.
- Had two HP left and I thought a dedicated headphone out (the HPO) would be nice to have.

The Quadrax and Desmodus are a bit more expensive, but they are worth it, in my opinion. I see them as modules to keep for life, as they will always be useful in some way or other. Same goes for the 3x MIA.

I hope some of that is helpful! Let me know if you have any questions.


I record into ableton from the nifty case with midi to my audio interface.
Why does it not work?


I don't own an audio interface. Nifty case plus the midi cable i recieved today which are 1 in and 1 out din ports...but case has no midi out ( a midi thru instead).

I record into ableton from the nifty case with midi to my audio interface.
Why does it not work?



Hello, I am currently trying to sort out recording my audio from my rack, discovering that my niftycase is not as nifty as first thought. Yes it has many sockets but not midi in / out ( has midi in / midi thru) so I can't use my midi cable and record using Ableton lite or anything for that matter.

I am wondering would the best option be to use a dedicated recording module within my rack -
such as 4ms record https://www.modulargrid.net/e/4ms-company-wav-recorder
within my rack https://cdn.modulargrid.net/img/racks/modulargrid_2316440.jpg which as you can see is tight for space. I was looking at the Big T music Veils for my vca which would complete this case - possible Rackbrute 6u if able midway through the year. But this can wait as focus is being able to save.

So any advice on recording options would be a huge help - thanks in advance.

A filter based on the 2600 from the seventies and uses the LM3900 Norton opamp chip.
Straightforward kit, would be good 1st or second kit.

And sounds great, good modification options also.

I think it's pretty balanced in terms of functionality. Depending on what your goals are, you can always add [insert your favourite function here] , but as a starting system I'd say you have everything you need.


Is there a way / hidden fonction, to use the voltageBlock as a “normal” sequencer with each step of the panel corresponding to the note of a “track” . As for example the “voltage multistage of verbos electronics”

Could we hope for that kinf of firmware update ?


I've been kinda slow getting my rack up but this is what I have so far. Is there anything in particular I'm missing? Also I know I have a lot of Behringer modules here but I got them before having knowledge of the fact that they're not a great company.
Link to my rack

I just had the binoculars out looking for the birds ;-) Nice.
-- wishbonebrewery

I miss the birds this time of year. My house backs up to a small lake and we live in a wooded area. Birds and all kinds of wild life during the spring, summer, and fall. I was quite excited when i made the bird sound :)

I do stuff and things and whatnot...

Link to rack

Looks pretty balanced overall from a functionality standpoint, but it does seem like there are a ton of mults for a rack of this size. If you use them, more power to you, it's just the one thing that stuck out to me.

As (I'm guessing) other users will chime in to say, you might stand to add a couple of utilities in place of two of the mults (if they're not crucial to your sound). Something like a quad switch or precision adder might be worth looking into.

Best of luck and hopefully the more seasoned users will chip in with more informed suggestions!

“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

... Can you just use some special cables in place of the small shunts that currently need to be physically moved from the LPF pins to the HPF ones? Is this what you mean by jumper cables? Thanks!
-- thermal

you can replace those red jumpers

with "Arduino Jumper wires"

connected to any SPDT switch (center pin on PCB to center pin on switch)

if you need further assistance feel free to PM me to keep this thread module specific...