From what I've read the Doepfer A-110-2 VCO is very well respected. Bang for buck though it is worth considering buying multi modules : Erica Synths Pico VCO and Expert Sleepers Disting MKIII multi module. I'm looking at the MFB OSC 3 triple VCO. Mutable Instruments are really good and offer a lot for the price and what I have built my system from.

Hi to all modular freaks.
I own an Arturia microbrute and I want to expand it via eurorack system.At first place,microbrute and eurorack,will operate as a single unit.Later,when more modules will be added,I will have two separate instrumets. As you see my steps are small.Noise gen. is something that I miss from microbrute such as a second envelope and lfo. Well,someone told me to avoid doepfer's vcf,vco and look somethig better.I searched the net,but any other solution seems too pricey for me.
What are your thoughts on my basic system?Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance
Cheers!(sorry if my english is not proper)

Hi There,
I started building my eurorack this year and have thoroughly enjoyed the flexibility that it offers but feel now I need some help with getting the most out of my system, not much HP left but want the remaining space to count.
I usually find myself leaning to buying more Drum voices/Oscillators/Modulation but is there something more important connecting parts that are lacking?
The application of this set up has been very helpful in spicing up old arrangements in Logic/Ableton which have lacked that 'something'.

Be great if you could cast your eyes and let me know your thoughts.

Don't let your memes be dreams!

Wish this came in 12HP size.

This is a multitracked demo featuring the E330 as the sole sound source. It's produced from a proto-type kindly provided by Synthesis Technology

To hear some unprocessed/noFX single track sounds from the piece, check here:

Duplicate of ?

Sorry for missing your answer and the late response.

I mean, that is not a property we need to search for e.g. does someone need a "show all expander modules" function?

-- modulargrid

Exactly that: A property to NOT search for .e.g., a possibility to exclude all expanders (and 1U and alt panels and whatnots)
Does that make more sense? (oh and thx a lot for your great work so far :-))

Hi Rustig,

I'm working on a similar setup. Great idea to split up the signal, is it working out for you now you have the fxdf and Maths? did your setup change by now?


Hi, it's POB -- You can watch a live modular synth performance with this setup right here.

Hi, it's POB -- You can watch a live modular synth performance with this setup right here.

Hi, it's POB -- You can watch a live modular synth performance with this setup right here.

Hello All

Just been bitten by the modular synth bug after a background that mostly involves jamming on bass guitar etc. Looking at buying my first modular system and trying to weigh up all the options! Any help is much appreciated :)

-- Bottle

Your avatar looked like a jizz-covered ass at first. Got all hot and bothered for nothing.

Oh, and hello everyone!

Now with more dollars and less sense!

lol, this guys are very serious about trademarks :D
"Information for re-use, adaptations or derivative works
Sound Study Modular is trademarked, and should not be used on any of works you create from these files."
... that's why we don't see Tom Whitwell's name anywhere.... even though he asks modestly or appropriate attribution... hmmmmm

-- f33d

Agreed. Very sketchy all around.

...we should wait until they come out with their own original design and we can trademark it and sell it as our own! PastaFarian Modules! We're original as FUCK!

Now with more dollars and less sense!

lol, this guys are very serious about trademarks :D
"Information for re-use, adaptations or derivative works
Sound Study Modular is trademarked, and should not be used on any of works you create from these files."
... that's why we don't see Tom Whitwell's name anywhere.... even though he asks modestly for appropriate attribution... hmmmmm

All sounds made with this rack since early 2015 are available on Soundcloud :

Le skiff est enfin terminé !

So, this is a re-branding of Tom Whitwell's Radio Music?
-- ZontarianMoments

Essentially, yeah. Sound Study takes open-sourced designs and releases them as their own.

From their web page: "Sound Study Modular is series of modules and consoles based upon classic, out-of-production and open-source synth projects. We aim to make it easier for the DIY community to obtain and build legacy and open-source projects that are either difficult to build or difficult to find. We are in the process of converting a host of surface mount open source designs to through hole designs as well."

Honestly, the whole thing seems sketchy like that guy that takes Mutable's designs and turns them into DIY PCB's. I felt dirty buying the Kontact Mic, but I got it to destroy with my terrible soldering skills, so not too dirty. Think I'm not the only one sketched out by it because Synthrotek was the sole distributor of their modules and they're already blowing them out and clearing out their inventory.

Now with more dollars and less sense!

So, this is a re-branding of Tom Whitwell's Radio Music?

Thread: mocante case

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He, and Bana Haffar are pretty much the ones whom I am referring too when it comes to the Shared Systems. Both highly trained musicians who have gone in very unorthodox directions. I've seen the Shared System coming up for about 4500$ new and as far as I know, there isn't anything like it; it stands on it's own.

And yes, Detroit Modular has a few on stock as well, however Perfect Circuit was doing a memorial day, 20% off sale... Way too good to pass up. I'll be patient as I have everything else!

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I just saw Alessandro Cortini perform with the Make Noise system.
Very interesting set, I was tempted to go that route.

The Dual oscillator was hard to find, but Analogue Haven in CA had some, so if you're still looking, try there.

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Romans clones have a habit of popping up on eBay in waves. Best advise is to grab the eBay and Reverb apps, and set them both to notify you whenever certain keywords pop up. You'll almost be guaranteed to find an Easel for 3500$ eventually, and the Roman Clones do come up when the Easel comes up.

The Make Noise Shared System is admittedly, beyond me. His way of thinking is, as I stated, esoteric. Some people can do extraordinary things with it, I'm just not one of them.

That's what's so neat about this: You can build it and tear it down 6 ways to Sunday and never be done. I just snagged a HP/LP Verbos filter to swap out my Befaco BF22, and had to move everything around just so it'd fit (who say's those Tetris skills would go to waste??).

Glad your Dual Oscillator is coming -- Perfect Circuit said that they were waiting for them to be built and shipped....

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And thanks for the tip on the cables!

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That's really very nice. I looked at a lot of that, too, especially the Verbos Harmonic Oscillator.
I can imagine my system evolving similarly over time, and I'm open to it, so I appreciate the insight.
Since this is my first build, I wanted a "shared" type system, and I based the choices on what would parallel the functionality of a Music Easel, as best I could.
I was considering the Verbos or Make Noise shared systems, but went with Sputnik because of Roman's experience with the Easel clones (which is really what I wanted, but couldn't find).
I have already built the system, and have it in hand. I'm waiting on delivery of the Dual Oscillator, though, from CA (I'm in NY), so I can't really put it through it's paces until it arrives. But it's coming in 2 days, so, I'll know soon enough.
I'd really like to hear what you're doing with your system.
Thanks for the insight.

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OH OH OH and one last thing... You MUST buy cables from him. He has the nicest, most inexpensive cables anywhere, period. We had a very nice conversation once about getting started in the modular world, and his intent is to not break peoples wallets buying boxes and accessories, but by making it accessible for everyone. I kind of when a bit nuts buying cables... Lets just say under a $1 for braided cables certainly caught my eye....

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I can say this with the utmost understanding: I get it!!! My rack has evolved significantly since I started building it a few months ago. I had the quad VCA (Which really does sound great), and swapped it out for two Pittsburgh Modular Low Pass Gates, and I had the Sputnik Keyboard, but opted for a Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms Keyboard. I still utilize the 6 channel mixer, but just an FYI only channels 2-4 are stereo, 1 and 6 are left and right mono.

The only issue that I really had with the Keyboard was the hold to arp mode is poorly placed. You have to setup an Arpeggio before you can hit the hold button. Which means you have to be pressing the notes and THEN press the hold button (doable but tricky).

The Buchla-esque modules are very popular and understandably so. The amount of control that they feature is unreal and everyone has a different take on them. Roman (Sputnik) made a name for himself by making very good clones before BEMI re-relased the Easel (and took a lot of crap for it from some....). Tony Rolando of Make Noise used to work for Moog before starting Make Noise. His stuff is complex and esoteric, but in the right hands can do some incredible stuff. Mark Verbos of Verbos has really caught my attention. He's an East Coaster who repaired Buchla's and then just out of no-where said "here I am" and is making Buchla-esque stuff if Buchla started out in the 21st century. So each one has a different flavor and personality all their own. If you can, BUY USED. Holy smokes.... buy used. Ebay is nice, is better. Also, Detroit Modular has a great team and will work with you to the point where you feel guilty cause their service is so excellent, and Perfect Circuit has seasonal 20% off deals (this is assuming you live in the States).

Here's my setup if you are interested. Only issue with mine is the Sputnik Dual Oscillator is on backorder from where I bought it, and because it snagged it at an incredible deal, I'd be stupid not to just sit it out...

ModularGrid Rack

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Tanks for the suggestions.
I looked into Verbos, but decided to stay with one manufacturer for the first build.
What I ended up with is this: ModularGrid Rack

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Might I suggest checking out Verbos Electronics? My rack has sort of a melding of Verbos and Sputnik, flavored with a Make Noise Wogglebug. Also, the Spectral Processor doesn't exist yet, and it's been anticipated for almost 2 years now. Mark Verbos just announced his take on it, and actually has a working prototype.

Had the Sputnik keyboard, it's not bad. Responsive and good features especially for the price! Very light and thin, tho.

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Well the music easel had a keyboard...

Hi guys,

I'm quite new to modular synthesis and while I am waiting for the delivery of my Make Noise Shared System I already started to think about how to expand it :). I see that there are 22 hp free in the case.
What module would you add to the system?
Thanks for your replies and advices!

Filthy music for ugly people


Good seller, easy to interact with, well-packed - etc! THANKS, Manu.


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Buchla was specifically trying to create music without using keyboards.... just sayin. Is that the "ish" part?

I just bought a 104hp 3U skiff:
ModularGrid Rack

My budget was limited so I stuck with a pared down PGH System 10 and Clouds. I also have a QuNexus for CV/gate and other control. Mostly I am aiming at ambient, west-coast influenced music (although not Morton Subotnick plings and atonal percussion, more like FM/waveshaping and complex envelopes). I am thinking of adding on something like a Quadra or Maths plus perhaps another VCA like an Optomix or uVCA. Any suggestions on good next steps? I don't want to expand beyond my current rack for a while, so space is an issue.


Had a good transaction with @deeait
trusted seller, this time package had a rougher ride than usual, but as was packed properly, everything was good in the end

thanks to @KLAASKLAR for a smooth trade.

Thanks Shakas, I 'll take a look

Filthy music for ugly people

Mutable Instruments 'Clouds'. I have the Black and Gold Shared System and use it with a skiff with 'Clouds' and the 4MS SMR in it (amongst others) as these two modules work beautifully in a portable system. The SMR is too big but the the 'Clouds' will fit nicely and open your system up a treat.

Hi guys,

I'm quite new to modular synthesis and while I am waiting for the delivery of my Make Noise Shared System I already started to think about how to expand it :). I see that there are 22 hp free in the case.
What module would you add to the system?
Thanks for your replies and advices!

Filthy music for ugly people

Just a glitch in the matrix
Glad it's working for now for whatever reasons. I will look into this the next time ...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

unfortunately I can't tell now because when I zoom in it now shows me the correct rack to begin with. some strange anomaly with that particular older configuration perhaps?

thanks again.

the update screenshot preview (loupe icon?) button on this page doesn't seem to provide a screenshot. it refreshes the page and shows me the correct rack in small format.

It refreshes it in the background.
That is a good sign. If the rack is correctly displayed in small format, that means the screenshot generation works.
Can you please check this:
In Command Center click the first Icon of a thumbnail: Zoom In.
It opens the (old) screenshot as a jpg in the browser.
The URL looks like this:

Now change that url by adding ?ts=12345 [12345 can be a random number] like this and hit enter.
Does this do any good?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

hey I just duplicated the end of sept rack and now I'm able to get a screenshot of that. weird.. perhaps there was something stuck in relation to the cache for the original one. no idea.. anyway, at least I know what to do if I hit this little bump again. thanks for your help.

no the others are same size just earlier configurations. didn't realize I set them to private. can un-privite if it would help.

just tried the command center. weirdly when I go there I see the end of sept 16 rack but when I zoom in it shows me an older rack. the update screenshot preview (loupe icon?) button on this page doesn't seem to provide a screenshot. it refreshes the page and shows me the correct rack in small format. when I press the "+" icon to zoom in it changes back to an older rack.

Mhh, I can only check your end of sept 16 rack, because the others are private and that looks fine for me.
It has a lot of modules so I am not quite sure ;)
Are the private ones even larger? Does the screenshot feature works for you at small racks?

does the screenshot default to a particular order of saved racks perhaps?

If you create a new one the older will be overwritten.
If you still see the older one that typically is cache issue. Maybe a proxy server?

You can try to create a screenshot from the Command Center, the loupe icon does this.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

cv_looper from Nexus Instruments, maybe?
As long as you want to transpose outside the module, I guess... But loop points - I don't think so.

Bishop's Miscellany got loop points somehow, but I don't know if it quantizes by nature - also 2 channels only, and different concept:

thanks again. I tried what you said and on a different browser on a different computer too with the same results. I wonder if it's something to do with my naming scheme perhaps? I dunno.. does the screenshot default to a particular order of saved racks perhaps? I'm convinced it's me and not you. : )

Didn't end up going for the Polaris?

ER-101 by orthogonal devices but only if you are rich enough!!!

I just press the screenshot button under the view menu.

I see. You click the screenshot button and then you see a jpg of an older configuration of the rack.
I am pretty sure that is a cache issue.

Press shift + reload after you clicked the screenshot button. Do it when you see the old image.
I will look for a more stable implementation...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: