I found 142 threads containing finished in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
First attempt at rack, happy about feedback and suggestions Racks by 12 448
Advice for Modular Newbie. Racks by 14 294
Bracket Eared System for a larger 19" rack Racks by 4 311
Thoughts and feedback appreciated - New to eurorack please help Racks by 17 466
Stereo output with cue... please advise Racks by 13 514
Intro to my synth, Cumulonimbus, and a thanks to the community. Racks by 1 42
Multi-genre 4U Rack Racks by 1 81
Eurorack for Shamisen and Touch experimentation Racks by 4 106
My first modular synth for Max/MSP Racks by 10 216
The Weather Man Racks by 26 388
Two Years In... Finished?!? Racks by 20 470
Opinions on a new 2 x 104 rack Racks by 19 390
new to modular, any thoughts? Racks 5 156
First rack (2x104HP) - Need help with a rare opportunity! Racks by 17 566
Yet another newbie looking for feedback Racks by 7 354
First Rack. New to Music and Eurorack. (Total newb) Racks by 4 174
First Rack Racks by 5 193
Almost finished Skiff Rack. Need opinions:) Racks by 11 271
Rack complete Racks by 11 376
My very first rack Racks by 7 253
Drum box or... this? Racks by 22 529
This is a transportable system I will have finished (for a time) next week for a band p... Racks by 1 63
Intellijel Case Racks by 5 232
Big Orange Terror Feb 2023 Racks by 1 94
First Rack - Ambient / Slow / Self-Contained Racks by 6 313
Effectionless Racks by 10 259
Stack cases ? Racks by 7 179
Eurorack as expansion for my synth? Racks by 11 142
Would this be a good beginner rack? Racks by 4 216
My current constellation of pods and former rack Racks by 5 156
How would you get huge kick drums from this rack? Racks by 12 275
Rack Advice Racks by 16 262
Rack workflow and module choice opinions please! Racks by 5 145
Dear god, is my rack almost complete?! 36 hp of luxury space available! Help me fill it! Racks by 11 489
Nerdseq accompaniment Racks by 7 177
Yet another beginner rack (adding to Moog Sound Studio) Racks by 7 238
Finish my case Racks by 8 192
Dual VCO/Dub techno chords/Modulation station Racks by 1 79
I think my case is finished! Racks by 1 103
amazing case for only 1400 mA (make noise case is way underpowered despite the awesome ... Racks by 1 49
Two years of trial and error (and a boatload of cash)! Racks by 2 86
have writers block,needs some ambient tips to get me out Patches by 6 109