Hi Jingo,
Wow, thanks a lot for your extensive reply as well as the list with sequencers and your opinion regarding them.
He, he, same here, for my profession I am also busy in the IT stuff (not a programmer though), working 12 hours per day or more with a computer does also make me feel that I don't want a DAW. I don't want to exclude the DAW any more but at the moment I don't have time yet and my computer (Mac) has a too low OS version to be able to run Apple's Logic Pro X, bad luck because I just upgraded my OS and don't want to do that too often, so DAW has to wait ;-)
I had a good look again at the Keystep Pro, biggest issue I have with that one is that it has mini-keys, ridiculous in my opinion, either come with a decent keyboard or leave it. They could have used the normal sized synthesizer keys and add an extra output for the space that comes available because of taking "real" keys. So I am not so sure about it... What we actually need is a Eurorack version (without keyboard) of that Keystep Pro, that would be nice! With a few more options perhaps.
Yesterday and today I had more detailed looks into a few sequencers:
Yes, the WMD - Metron is very interesting but bloody expensive, because if you go for that one, I do think one should also take the Axxent extension module and at least 2 Voltera extension modules, then this sequencer would make sense but then you are far over 1000 bucks here in Europe and is it that worth it...?
The Squarp - Hermod or the Pyramid as well as the Metron are actually very interesting sequencers but somehow (especially the Hermod) can't really 100% convince me either. What I miss with both of them are the "run direction modes", like: forward, backward, up&down, random, etcetera. For me that's kind of unbelievable, kind of new or at least modern sequencers but they only run forwards... :-( Same for the Elektrons, also only forwards, pity!
I have a slightly bit more info on sequencers, will reply to my post on sequencers though since I have a mini-update on the availability of the Endorphin.es - Ground Control (delayed again, sigh...).
Kind regards, Garfield.