Thread: first patch

Hi Mog00,

He, he, yeah nice noodling around with the BIA :-) Do you have the same experience as I do, that once you start "noodling around" with a patch (especially a patch like in your above example here) that you just can't stop it and continue want to keep "noodling around" with it? I love that feeling and that urge to continue not being able to stop :-) One of the pros of modular in my opinion.

Oh yes, especially the first one or two minutes your track reminds me far away a bit of the Kreidler music :-) So nice one!

Please continue to enjoy modular and thanks a lot for sharing this, kind regards, Garfield.

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I wouldn't suggest hemming yourself in with a small cab just yet. Fact is, you've got some big modules in that...but lots of missing utilities and such. And a honkin' BIG buffered mult...which 1) you don't need in this small a build and 2) is so frickin' HUUUUGE that it's utterly ridiculous. I like EMW and all, but some of their utility designs leave a lot to be desired, size-wise.

But about that cab size...OK, you want to explore chaotic processes and sound design. 6U x 84 hp ain't gonna cut it, unless you use lots of tiny modules...which would make the whole mess a real PITA to control. Fact is, generative-type processes require quite a bit of modulation and modulation-dependent modules to achieve some really amazing results. And trying to shoehorn that into this cab isn't going to be fun. One other point, also: the P/S draws 4A from the wall socket...but there's NOT 4A inside the cab. Power conversion is a lossy process, so what you ACTUALLY have is 1500 mA on the 12V rails and 500 mA on the +5. Just pointing that out; never use the mains current figure to base actual module draws on, always use the internal P/S's rail currents instead.

Now, about those's not a bad selection if you're looking ONLY at "feature" modules. But the lack of many of the necessary modules to REALLY do chaotic processes is a big crippler here. And without those, you can have all the sexy modules that exist...and the rig will STILL sound like crap and be more akin to a VERY expensive noisemaker.

My suggestion here would be to STOP. As in, now. Instead of trying to suss out modular synthesis based on YT clips and windowshopping on MG, go instead to this site: Get what they have, and load it with all the modules you think you need. Observe. Then start adding VCAs, attenuverters, mixers, logic, mod sources, etc etc etc...and observe the results AGAIN. You'll notice that even though those ute modules are booooooooriiiiiing looking, they're the sauce that makes the dish edible. Take them out, and you're back at noisemakers again. Get some real experience (yep! VCV is a Eurorack emulator, has many modules based on physical hardware) and get cozy with how to optimize a build between size constraints AND musical requirements, THEN come back to modular hardware...with that experience, doing a build should be a LOT easier.

Otherwise, this is gonna get expensive.

Hey Garfield,
please have a look at those links below, loopop´s video and the manual can help to make a decision :)


Hi everyone,

Im delving into the world of modular hardware, as I'm looking for more experimental sound generator and the controlled chaos that my synths cant emulate.

My line of thought was to go for the Hermod to be the brains and control centre which I can sync with my Mac and use midi if and when I choose. Plus the Euclid generator and effects for control of the "Chaos".
Sound generator - Polygogo
Filter - SE88 multimode filter
LFO - Antares Dual Analogue Modulator (Dual LFO)
EG and VCA -D&D Modules Dual ADSR / VCA
Output Interface - Befaco OUT V3

(future addons - Mixer, 2nd Osc, strymon magneto)

6U 84hp to give me room to add to the above.

Im looking at the EOWAVE 6U 84 -
- 6U in 84HP and 104HP
- 6cm Deep
- With power
- 4A supply included

All advice appreciated, if I am missing anything let me!


Hi Banjofox,

I plan to buy this module,and I read the manual already ;)
Could you give a feedback about the wavetable editing section please?


Thread: first patch

here's another, same patch just noodling with the BIA, what a fun module.

single voice BIA through the LXd modulation via Maths and clep diaz.

I am still exploring this module but so far I like it :) It feels intuitive, but I didn't realize that there were more menus (push the knob next to the OLED screen) until looking at the manual. Probably need to go read more to see what else I am missing :)

I had a suspicion it wasn't but at the time I didn't have any other photo's. Also at the time the module didn't yet exist, or appear publicly at least. After I created my page, I reached out to the designer about adding it so that's probably why the other one exists?

Either way I am okay with removing my page.

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Yeah the Eloquencer, 512 Vector and WMD Metron look super awesome for a master sequencer. I plan to get a much larger case to add one of those and the WMD Performance mixer in the future. One guy I know has 4 Winter Eloquencers in his mobile setup! That is crazy.

I use the Eloquencer for more precise sequencing and the Voltage Block for experimenting. It's not really like the Varigate aside from the Malekko brand and imprecise sliders. What I like to do with the Voltage Block is program in arpeggios and short sequences (you can choose pattern length between 1 and 16 steps) quantized to a scale, and then rearrange the patterns on the fly. You can repeat a single step by holding down the button for the desired step, or hold down a few buttons to pick a few steps of a longer sequence to bounce between, as well as traditional up/down/up-down/random. If quantized, the sliders become a little easier to use. I have used the Baseck/Basimilus Iteritas Alter combination too with some crazy results. It's a fun little box with some valuable tools.

The mimetic is great for experimentation not as a main sequencer. Currently I do most sequencing with my squarp since I have a bunch of external gear. I may in my next case do more modular sequenencing only time will tell.

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I am dealing with similar issues to Garfield in terms of finding one end all be all modular sequencer. I like the simplicity of my tiny Korg SQ-1 for creating beats and the touch pad of my Make Noise 0-ctrl but hate the lack of complex features like song chaining and pattern creation that my Elektron sequencers have for creating entire tracks of presets to use for sets. I hate the Varigate 4+ it is garbage. I read manuals and watched videos but it is so bad at creating patterns and the least precise sequencer as it just makes a jumbled mess of anything that I connect it to. Hell even LFO does better job of consistent beats. If Voltage Block is as bad as the Varigate 4+ then I'd avoid it. The Stillson Hammer looks fun as well but for $600 there are better sequencers out there.

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Thanks Garfield,

It really is fun exploring sequencing beats and patterns with the Korg SQ-1 compared to Varigate 4+ and Make Noise 0-ctrl as well as using LFOs and Quadrax. Long term, when I have a larger setup, I'd like to get an all in one master sequencer and mixer to have full sets possible. I see folks using a combination of things like Tip Top Audio Circadian Rhythms plus Mimetic Digitalis as well as multiple Eloquencers and so forth.

Thread: first patch

Garfield thanks so much, short answer to a long story. I gave up music over 20 years ago to raise a family. I have had many a false start but never committed. Thanks to the latest planar conditions I have delved head first into music and am having a blast, but this has been the first piece of music ever produced and released (not counting playing live gigs as a percussionist in college).

Thanks again for your kind words, motivation enough to keep plodding through.

Hi Farkas,

Ah yes, the Voltage Block, forgotten about that one, to be honest, so thanks a lot for reminding me. I am not too sure though...

I tested last year the Varigate 8+ at my local dealer, it was okay but I wasn't overwhelmed I must say. If I remember well (so please do correct me if I got that wrong) then there were sequence settings that once you left them, go for example to another track/channel and then go back to the previous one, you "don't get automatically the values back" of what you did before, if you adjust it then and it might not fit too well, if you get my point, or is it from a practical point of view not too bad?

Did you tried to combine the Voltage Block with the Varigate 8+ or did you straight away went for the combination of the Voltage Block and the Eloquencer?

I am curious after your experience with this one, so if you like to share some details or pros & cons with me that would be nice. Does the Voltage Block supports ratcheting?

Thank you very much, have a good weekend and kind regards, Garfield.

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Thread: first patch

Hi Mog00,

Ha, ha, you are still figuring out "what the hack you are doing?" ;-) Well for the fact that you have no clue on what the hack you are doing, you come up with a pretty nice track here, wow! No, rather WOW! I seriously love this, and this is your first ever track? My goodness, can't wait for your next few tracks then.

You blew me here away and I was worried about this coming weekend but with your fantastic track, I am going to have a serious good entrance into this weekend! Thank you very much for that and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

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Hi Jingo,

Are you saying that the Vector does have different running direction modes other than forward? That would be a pro indeed. Do you have the Jack Expander? If together with the Jack Expander, one has then 6 channels/tracks - outputs? Can the Vector do ratcheting, oh yes 2, 3 or 4 times, right?

Hmm, let me think of it, you might be right, this might be indeed the sequencer to go for, can I use your credit card? ;-) Joking of course, but together with the expander we are talking here about some serious bucks...

How many HP wide is the Jack Expander?

Thanks a lot for reminding to me the Vector :-) Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Nice demo/jam you got here with your Korg - SQ-1 and I like the sounds that you are able to get with the Basimilus Iteritas Alter module.

Thanks a lot for demoing those interesting items, have a good weekend and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Picture is not up to standards, also duplicate module.
duplicate with bad picture:

Well, OK then! Actually, if there's space, cram SOMETHING in it! Just make sure to not pop the P/S with all that module-cramming...

Right...also, another method for the gate delay would be to create "flams" on percussives. Since they delay any pulse, you can combine a "raw" trigger pulse with a slightly delayed one, and (using an OR gate) sending the result to something like a lowpass gate. Result: that classic rapid-fire "fadap!" drum lick, pretty much on anything you like. These pulse delays have LOADS of abuse potential, depending on where you send the output.

Don't go smaller YET. One of the best methods for getting a build right is to start in a case that you think is "too large"...because, invariably, it's NOT too large once you get the "feature" modules in alongside the "boring" stuff that's there to make the former set of modules really do their thing.

Three rows of 90 hp? You just described the Pittsburgh EP-270. But you didn't mention the BEEFY power capacity it has, which is a huge plus! Plenty of space, too...the angled front leaves ample internal space for deeper modules. However, it's not exactly set up for controllers, given the lack of a "flat" row. But you could also go with their EP-344, which also has the 1U utility row as standard, 5 Amps on each of the 12V rails, plus a "flat" row that's made for controllers, performance mixers, etc. More expensive, true...but as a long-term project (which all modular systems SHOULD BE viewed as), it works with its 4 x 86 hp form factor...still small, but still spacious.

Thread: first patch

complete noob, still figuring out what the heck I am doing, but figured I would start sharing to get feedback.

First ever track.
Squarp Pyramid master clock and blackbox 1010 sequencer
BIA main modulated by clep diaz bi-polar out fed into kinks, passing through a LXd (12dB) using the strike input (got to say I love the sound of the BIA through the LXd).
Vox and keys sampled via a blackbox 1010 fed into clouds modulated via Maths LFO mixed with clep diaz uni-polar and Freeze modulated using a gated sequence from my Pyramid.

Recorded live into Ableton, very light processing. Still a work in progress as I have other voices I am still working on mixing into the sequence.

York Modular

all do inexpensive matrix mixers

I think it you want small go for the AISynthesis, if you want nice ergonomics go for the doepfer

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I bought both the Boolean and the Gate Delay after your recommendations, so I hoped you would leave a comment.
And so you did :-)
Thanks a lot for the tips about how to use them. I look forward for checking out the patch ideas.
I am not aware of the 88/89 ”debate”. But the rack in Modulargrid is exactly how my rack looks IRL.
When I mesaures the Rackbrute and the MB 2S I find that the width of both is 455 mm.
So there is actually room for 91 hp!

Hey Garfield,

after reading your last post I can't stress enough to have a look at the vector. It does bring the features you describe. You'll also have to shell out 1k to get it with its expander, but I think it's worth every cent! And as I already wrote: Jim does a real good job and cares about his sequencer!



I did a fair bit of research on the Voltage Lab and came to the conclusion that I didn't really want the entire VRL system with their touch controller - just the module.

I definitely am considering leaving the moogs out of rack. Then I could do a smaller rack which would be nice. I'm also considering one of the moog skiffs and bolting it all together with those moog side panels. But one 60hp with the Pittsburgh doesn't leave much room.

I could possibly add a second empty moog 60hp and go 4 tiers. But in my closet like space two or three rows of 84 or 90HP would fit better. That's what kept pushing me towards a box of some sort.

I like clouds too!!!
Even Rings into clouds from time to time
Emilie says there are 2 modules left for mutable - I'm more interested in the other module than clouds 2 (or whatever it will be called), especially if it is something new and not just a new (smaller) version of another module
-- JimHowell1970

sounds interesting,regarding matrix mixers,been watching some youtube videos,but abit unclear what brands to look into for those,my first thought is something not to expensive

Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

Garfield, have you checked into the Voltage Block? It might have some of the repeat step functionality you mentioned earlier in this thread. I use it with the Eloquencer, and really enjoy the combination.

I like clouds too!!!
Even Rings into clouds from time to time
Emilie says there are 2 modules left for mutable - I'm more interested in the other module than clouds 2 (or whatever it will be called), especially if it is something new and not just a new (smaller) version of another module

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I think the sound of clouds is obvious if you use it in obvious ways - particularly running rings through it!!
also lots of people use it as an end of chain reverb
more interestingly you could load something into the buffer and use it as a vco!!
-- JimHowell1970

im interested in seeing the replacement mutable will come out with.personally i like the sound of clouds,

Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

I know right... and a totally awesome case from EricaSynths too! I am tempted to build one on spec and hope t sell it, but it's a lot of cash!!

I have 2 VnIcursal built and ready to go, they are very nice, super dense builds. I actually like making these things, so satisfying. I would just recheck and calibrate again before sending :)

That 909 clone would be so sweet, but not sure if I can justify getting one. I'll keep you in mind for a Zlob Vnicursal though.

Thank you for the welcome back :)

Ideally I am looking for someone who wants one of the NAVA 909 clones building haha, I want to build one but don't actually want one :D

I have a 16n coming soon, SWT16+, some Zlob VnIcursal & Entropy, Shakmat Clock o'pawn & Time Wizard, probably some Monome stuff, and well, anything else anyone wants. Hundreds of builds - no complaints - reasonable rates - full guarantee :)

Veils!!!! 20db gain available on 4 channels - perfect for audio input

completely agree about the too small case and youtube being a bad influence on this and modular not necessarily being the right way to go, especially cost wise - drum racks and effects racks being some of the prime candidates for that

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Just bought a monome crow today and I can see it's going to be the centerpiece of any generative stuff I try to do. Not too hard to learn how to make it work either, but you've gotta know a little code.

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Is it any harder to learn to sequence than Elektron gear? Most of my experience has been with Elektron, Korg SQ-1 and other XoX step type sequencers.

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Fun jam I came up with today at lunch using my Korg SQ-1 to sequence drums from BIA and Varigate 4+ for bass line

Good comments above. I second the recommendation for Ornament & Crime--my most flexible and useful module. I love the ZeroScope and can't patch without it. It is critical for designing CV and for debugging patches when they don't work as I had planned.

Eloquencer is terrific for beats and melodies, and is very powerful, but difficult to learn.

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Hi all,

Right now using my Korg SQ-1 and Make Noise 0-ctrl sequencer and they are so-so but looking for better modular sequencer ideas. I have a Varigate 4+ but it has not been that great of a modular sequencer for precise beat making. Any ideas?

Do leave the Moogs out of the cab. Not only do you get more space, you get space for things which don't already come with a case and P/S. In this configuration, you're paying to house those Moogs twice. Don't do this, as it wastes necessary space AND winds up costing you even more to do this than it would to keep them where they are already.

Now, as for the Pitt should possibly look for the Lifeforms Touch Controller that it should be mated with. I know Noisebug has this in stock at present...but it's also worth noting that finding new Pittsburgh stuff via the usual sources is showing up a LOT of "out of stock" and "discontinued" flags. That doesn't bode well. Plus, you'll still wind up missing the auxiliary module that's part of the VRL setup. Talking with Pittsburgh Modular might be of help here; perhaps you can get the controller, auxiliary module AND the VRL cab from them directly, as that setup really is something of a "thing unto itself" and needs to be treated like a single instrument.

Ah, have a Boolean module. Try this: send two gates into an AND gate, but delay one of them. The result will be a gate that's only open when the two gate signals are present...otherwise, nothing happens. This gives you a THIRD gate signal that you can route where it's needed. Or use one gate in, but take the other gate input out of something faster...and then, you can use the gate delay to "slip" one of the gates back and forth over the other one, resulting in the ability to shift rhythmic patterns via delay adjustments. Lots of abuse potential...but keep in mind, the gate delay really does require the delayed gate to be sent on to something else that can interpret what the delayed signal does vs. an undelayed gate. In of itself, it's NOT interesting, no.

And one caveat: Arturia lists the Rackbrutes as holding 88 hp per row, and this should match up 1:1 with the size of the synth's control panel. It looks like you might've built this around this rumor that the Rackbrutes hold 89 hp. This just isn't true.

Won't work. You have no input modules that can step the signal level up to synth levels, so there's literally no way to input anything from the Drumbrute. And as a result, there's also no envelope followers, meaning that you won't be able to trigger that Befaco ADSR from your audio peaks (which you'll need to do to process percussives well).

farkas makes a very good point: go to a larger cab. I have no idea why people seem to think they need to jam ALL of their functionality into a tiny one-row case...except...STOP WATCHING YOUTUBE, DAMMIT!!!!! Just because someone on there with extensive experience can do a build in 104 x 1U does NOT mean that everyone could or SHOULD do this! In fact, save for very specific-mission builds, I never advocate using small, single-row cabs.

There's also a matter of cost. This runs about $2500 for the modules alone. farkas mentions stompboxes as a potential solution, and it's something you might want to entertain for simple processing tasks such as this. You could spend that same amount on some VERY screwy, trippy pedals and wind up with processing for the Drumbrute that makes it sound like nothing else on the planet. Or better, spending HALF of that, and still arriving at the same result. Or even BETTER, getting on eBay or Reverb and getting some super-cheap rack processing gear, which goes for dimes on the dollar these days since everyone's gone over to plug-ins. F'rinstance, back when the Lexicon LXP-15 came out, it went for about $1400...but now, minty ones go for about a TENTH of that used.

Modular isn't always the right option...and where solely processing is concerned, using proper effects processors (and combining new devices with older ones) is the correct way to go. Modular isn't a panacea, and this is one case that shows that.

Unbelievable, last Friday the - Ground Control suppose to become available at my local dealer, then it was indicated on their website it will become available by mid of October and now just recently this has been updated to end of October... I need to check if they mentioned a year, perhaps Oct. 2023? ;-)

"Anyways..." I have checked again most interesting sequencers with a lot of input from many of the members here, so thank you very much for that.

Actually my requirements are not that difficult: 8 (or more) triggers for the drums/percussion and 3 or more channels (CV+Gate, mod is a bonus) and a few running directions, at least: forward, backwards & random.

Well then there seems to be no sequencer that can do that, the combination with the running directions seems to be a killer... So letting go that running direction requirement, I see following sequencers as the most interesting candidates:

  • WMD - Metron with Axxent extension module and preferable with 2 Voltera extension modules (48 HP total), then one will have 16 triggers (not bad!) and 8 CVs for 8 tracks/channels but it's missing the running direction modes as far as I can see it from the manual; most expensive one from this list
  • Squarp Hermod, 26 HP, 8 CVs & 8 gates, not too bad but no triggers and no running direction modes; the cheapest in this list
  • Five12 - Vector + Jack Expander (54 HP), 8 triggers (4 available for drums) and 6 channels (6 CVs, 6 gates, 6 velocity & 2 mod-inputs); it does have running direction modes (forwards, backwards, alternate, random); 2nd expensive from this list
  • - Ground Control (not released yet), 42 HP, 8 triggers and 3 CVs & 3 gates, this would be my ideal sequencer, not sure if it has running direction modes though and if it will be released at all; 2nd cheapest from this list of 4

  • Perhaps to the above the Winter Modular - Eloquencer could be added with 38 HP, it has 8 CVs & 8 gates so that's not too bad but no triggers for the percussion (unless one uses that from the 8 gates but then less channels left for others). One could consider two pieces of Eloquencers but that would make it the most expensive one of the 5 mentioned here...

Conclusion? There is no perfect and ideal sequencer ;-)

To make the situation more ideal one could consider a combination of 2 or more of the above mentioned sequencers, that makes it however yet again more expensive and one needs tons of HP space...

Anyway, I am going to sleep a night over it and see if there is a more practical solution to this, cheers for now, Garfield.

- Updated/corrected the details on the above Five12 - Vector & Jack Expander combination
- Updated HP of Jack Expander of Five12, 12 HP by the way (source: ModularGrid, modules section)
- Updated the running direction modes for Five12 (Vector manual, page 4)
- Updated triggers for Jack Expander (Five12), 8 triggers but only 4 can be used for drums

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Hi Jingo,

Wow, thanks a lot for your extensive reply as well as the list with sequencers and your opinion regarding them.

He, he, same here, for my profession I am also busy in the IT stuff (not a programmer though), working 12 hours per day or more with a computer does also make me feel that I don't want a DAW. I don't want to exclude the DAW any more but at the moment I don't have time yet and my computer (Mac) has a too low OS version to be able to run Apple's Logic Pro X, bad luck because I just upgraded my OS and don't want to do that too often, so DAW has to wait ;-)

I had a good look again at the Keystep Pro, biggest issue I have with that one is that it has mini-keys, ridiculous in my opinion, either come with a decent keyboard or leave it. They could have used the normal sized synthesizer keys and add an extra output for the space that comes available because of taking "real" keys. So I am not so sure about it... What we actually need is a Eurorack version (without keyboard) of that Keystep Pro, that would be nice! With a few more options perhaps.

Yesterday and today I had more detailed looks into a few sequencers:
Yes, the WMD - Metron is very interesting but bloody expensive, because if you go for that one, I do think one should also take the Axxent extension module and at least 2 Voltera extension modules, then this sequencer would make sense but then you are far over 1000 bucks here in Europe and is it that worth it...?

The Squarp - Hermod or the Pyramid as well as the Metron are actually very interesting sequencers but somehow (especially the Hermod) can't really 100% convince me either. What I miss with both of them are the "run direction modes", like: forward, backward, up&down, random, etcetera. For me that's kind of unbelievable, kind of new or at least modern sequencers but they only run forwards... :-( Same for the Elektrons, also only forwards, pity!

I have a slightly bit more info on sequencers, will reply to my post on sequencers though since I have a mini-update on the availability of the - Ground Control (delayed again, sigh...).

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

I think the sound of clouds is obvious if you use it in obvious ways - particularly running rings through it!!
also lots of people use it as an end of chain reverb
more interestingly you could load something into the buffer and use it as a vco!!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Hi Kel,

Nice to hear from you again :-)

Welcome back, let's rock 'n roll (in a modular way then), kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

I'm primarily a drummer and already do a lot of electronic percussion stuff. I'm also a synth lover and have a small collection of quirky digital synths (a korg M3 rack, Blofeld, and an Organelle). I've been watching eurorack from the sidelines for awhile and thinking a lot about what I'd like to do.

I mainly interested in pulsey, winding, spacey, analog patches that have a rhythmic component but aren't about sounding like drums or even sample based in any way. Frippertronics would be a good frame of reference. And I'm mainly interested in happy accidents and live performance - I guess what they call west coast style.

I started with a Subharmonicon and love it. Eventually I found a used DFAM and dig the combo. I wanted a good normalish synth but wasn't bowled over by the mother 32 or behringers. Was strong for an 0-coast but fell in love with demos I saw of the Pittsburgh Modular Voltage Research Lab. It seemed to be the kind of quirky + learning platform that I'm after and I just snagged one. But now I need an actual case! And also a strategy for building around these things. Space wise, I can do at most 3 X 90. Smaller if I leave the moogs in their own skiffs.

I don't need effects or samples. I'm pretty handy with PiSound/Organelle effects and just run the two moogs through a pisound running modep and control it using the computer or an android app. I'm mainly interested in things that would expand the quirks of what I have in terms of evolving sequences and weirdness. I need to focus on small as I have limited space and blew a lot of it on 3 large modules.

I have a beatstep pro and a McMillan Qunexus for triggering though I don't much care for beatstep's way of programming sequences compared to the more fun/random ways the subharm and dfam work.

Anyway, thx in advance for any suggestions!

alt text

AISynthesis do a matrix mixer in 10hp - I would go for that rather than the latest, greatest - unless you've got a pin fetish!!
In a small case I would rather have logic and rectification and sample and hold in 4hp - instead of 3 sample and hold!!
again adsr? do you need it? if so go smaller!!
do you really need the output module? if for headphones I'd get the 2hp or alm busy circuits... otherwise I'd just use 1/8"->1/4" cables straight out of mixer

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

re clouds - if you don't already have it - don't buy a clone just now - wait for the mutable replacement - it will be soon!!!
-- JimHowell1970

must say,have heard to not get a clouds,as the sound is very obvioues

also have done some rearranging(the case im using is a tiptop audio Mantis actually thinking about getting another mantis,so i will have 4 rows

Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me